Mount Vernon Argus from White Plains, New York (2024)

THE DAILY ARGUS, MOUNT VERNON, N. TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1934 -ENGAGEMENTS- CLUB EVENTS- -PERSONALS WOMEN'S NEWS SOCIETY- anor Club's French Section Convenes For Initial Meeting niors Hold Card Party With Miss Natalie Drake In Charge Manor Club yesterday took distinctly Parisian atmoseveryone "Was talking ach. The occasion the Arst ting of the newly formed ach Section at which Miss Temince P. Reed, the chairman. aided.

in French. It was in the of an informal get-together. program, also presented enin French, was arranged by John H. Rice. One feature de program was a spelling bee, De by Mrs.

Hoppin Jacob. Miss 18th bara Towne sang three tury French songs and accompanted herself on the piano. Miss Carne is an accomplished, pianist has a much beauty. The three little daughters of Mr. and Mrs.

Ann LeSeur Smith, Clementine, Clothilde, played and a program of folk songs on Irish harps. Two other little girls, Catharine Haag and Winifred strong in a number entitled "Jardin des Enfants." gave three songs and dances! in rhythm. Several polos were presented by Paul Farand on a unichord. Tea was served after the program with Mrs. Jacob presiding.

The Manor Club Junior Section hold a social meeting last night at club. Miss Natalie Drake was charge of the evening's proram, which was devoted to bridge. Miss Evelyn Lahey presided at the coffee table after the bridge ames. The section will be represented the County Federation luncheon the Larchmont Shore Club by Mise Janette Rebele. Miss Louise Parsons and Miss Gertrude Dyer.

Chinese Play Is Selected is a Chinese play, will be the Spring offering of the Manor Club Drama Section at the club theater in Pelham Manor on the evenings of May 4 and 5. It le the first Oriental play to be undertaken by the group, which has confined its efforte in that field, heretofore to small afternoon performances, notably Dunsany's "Gods of the Mountain." The Spring play will have the largest cast hand the largest crew the section ever gathered together for one play. Rehearsals have been underway for the past week. Miss Clare Gerry, who had leading role in the last Drama Bection offering, is production manager. She is being assisted by large staff, which includes sevoral local artists.

Miss Isabel MacGregor, who appeared as "'Little Mary" in "Ten Nights in a Bar at the club last year, 1g cast in the role of Ming Toy, a Chinese maiden. Mrs. Bradley Randall is directing the play. prologue with music is being Erected by Mrs. J.

Donald Robb. Committees are headed by Mrs. E. A. Jinenis, publicity; Mrs.

Earl B. Thomas, Mrs. Herbert Elliott, costumes. Mrs. Frederick Alden is chairman of the secton.

Rev. Weist Honor Guest Women Plan Dinner To Celebrate His 15 Years At Church The Rev. Carl S. Weist, pastor of the Community Church at the Circle will be the guest of honor this Friday. April 13, at a "'Lucky Dinner," given by the of church.

The dinner women, to commemorate the fifteenth anniversary of Mr. Weist's becoming pastor The of dinner the will Community be churchine church and will be open to men and women of the community. The women of church, however, are managing the entire preparations, taking parts of cooks, waitresses, scene shifters and decorators. Mrs. Raymond S.

Jewett, is general chairman of the entertainment. Actual dimprepara. tion of the dinner will be in the hands of Mrs. Marshall Cornine and her committee. Mrs.

Louis Bernhart. M. Blenus, Mrs. Frank H. Chadwick, Mrs.

A. H. Chamberlain, Arthur A. Dixon, Mrs. George H.

Gutekunst, Mrs. T. H. Hawkins, Mrs. J.

W. Knibbs, Mrs. Wallace W. Lee. Mrs.

Martha T. Palmer. Mrs. Lloyd M. Perry, Mrs.

M. A. Schirmer and Mrs. A. L.

Whipple. Temple Group Hears Lecture Culinary hints for the modern housewife were given to the Women's Organization of Sinai Temple yesterday afternoon when Mrs. Nathan Blechman, wife of the I rabbi Vernon, of the a Jewish talk on Center. "Modern Mount gave Mrs. Blechman, who is a student at Teachers' College, New York City, told of the many different ways of making food attractive and discussed balanced meals.

Mrs. Blechman said she intends to attempt to teach the wife and mother to appreciate the profession of home-maker. "It is up to the Jewish woman," Mrs. Blechman said. "to raise the sanitary standards of the merchants." The women's choral group of the temple gave a group of songs accompanied by Miss Amy Brainard and led by Cantor Roman Stern.

Rudolf Friml's, "Gianina Mia," "Allah's Holiday," and "'Roeckel's "Bird in the Hand," were selections sung. A slate was submitted by Mrs. Benjamin Friedman, chairman of the nominating committee, for the annual elections which will be held next month. The election and installation will be held at the annual luncheon in May. A playlet by the women, "For Better or Verse." will be given then.

On May 12, Sisterhood Sabbath, members of the Women's Organization will conduct the Saturday morning services. Sorority News Events Tonight Members of Alpha Beta Phi Sorority of Pelham Memorial High School will honor members of the Sorority, who have graduated from the school at a bridge party tonight. Miss Dorothy Gutenstein will be hostess to the guests at her home, 15 Mitchell Place, Pelham Manor. The honored guests are the Misses Ruth Zimmerman, Alice Penny, Rita Walsh, JacqueAne Deeves, Harriett Clemenson, Ruth Legner, Eleanor Myer, Dorothy Marvin and Molly Smith. Other guests will include the Misses Virginia Karl, Doroth; Lavery, Gertrude Bosse, Marjorie Pearsall, Mary Louise Gutman, Edna Ostheimer, Elsie Thompson, Barbara Peters, Elsie Bolding, Jean Crozier.

Betty Donnett, Lillian Bolding and Shirley Crozier. Iota Phi Sorority will meet tonight at the home of Miss Leba Fierst, 162 Sheridan Avenue, at 6:30 o'clock. Eta Alpha Zeta Sorority will meet tonight at 8:15 o'clock at the home of Miss Anne Urso, 4457 Mundy Lane. Phi Pl Pal Sorority members will meet tonight at the home of Miss Eileen Markey, 445 Gramatan Avequo. Miss Caroline Wallach was a quest last night of Beta Tau Gamma Sorority at a meeting in Miss Dorothy O'Neill's home, 226 North Terrace Avenue.

Bridge was playduring the evening and prizes went to Miss Wallach and Miss Marion Keller. Alpha Iota Sorority will hold a meeting this evening at the home of Miss Edith Jones, 17 North Seventh Avenue. The meeting will begin promptly at 8:15 o'clock. Zeta Phi will meet this evening the home of Miss Ruth Chidgey, North Eighth Avenue. baby party entertained memof Delta Phi Nu Sorority at home of Mias Frances Gody, North Eighth Avenue, Saturday Among those at the party Misses Lillian Courtney, Acoccella, Ethel Raymond, Mulready, Beatrice Shier, James Court- Mrs.

McCall Mrs. Canino, This City, Elected To Fill Office Of Treasurer NEW ROCHELLE. April Mrs. Ambrose V. McCall of Yonkers, was re-elected president of the Westchester County Women's Democratic League, without opposition, at a meeting held yesterday afternoon at Democratic Headquarters in New Rochelle.

Other officers elected, also without opposition, were Mrs. Louis Strucke, Ossining, re-elected Arst vice-president; Mrs. Thomas McLoughlin, New Rochelle, second vice-president; Mrs. Harry Potter, of Mount Kisco, third vice-president; Mrs. Thomas Turley, of Tuckahoe, re-elected recording secretary; Mrs.

Aranya acted Fetchko Smart, of Yonkers, financial secretary: Mrs. Frank Canino, Mount Vernon, treasurer, Mrs. Patrick Murphy of White Plains, sergeant at arms. Mrs. McCall announced the formation of three new committees.

Mrs. Neville O'Neill. of Chappaqua, clerk in the office of Supervisor Harry Potter, was named chairman of the new civics committee. Members will watch the actions of the Board of Supervisors and will make reports at each meeting of the League on legislative matters in the county, the state and the nation. Mrs.

James Howard of Yonkers, was named chairman of a new membership committee. Mrs. Helen Moyer. Yonkers, was appointed chairman of the house committee which will have charge of meetings and programs. Mrs.

Anthony Senno of Mount Vernon was appointed chairman of a publicity committee. When the names of officers were placed in nomination the name of Mrs. John Brodbeck of Mount Vernon was announced for I treasurer. This nomination was changed, at the request of the Mount Vernon delegation, to Mrs. Frank Canino, president of the Mount Vernon Democratic Women's Club.

Mrs. Gertrude Devine, a member of the Mount Vernon group, rose to explain, when the name, of Mrs. Brodbeck was read, Mount Vernon group wanted to protest her nomination. It was explained that member Mrs. of the Brodbeck, nominating who wagm? mittee, had been instructed by the Mount Vernon Democratic women to place the name of their leader, Mrs.

Frank Canino, in nomination for treasurer. The nomination of Mrs. Brodbeck was counter to the wishes and the instructions given Mrs. Brodbeck of the Mount Vernon group explained. Mrs.

Brodbeck thereupon withher candidacy in favor of drew Mrs. Canino who received the unanimous vote of the league. Mrs. Louise Sturcke announced 23 as the date of the annual May Spring luncheon of the Democratic Women's League, to be held this year at the Gramatan Hotel, in Bronxville. Mrs.

Anna a Roosevelt Dall, daughter of the President, Mrs. Daniel O'Day of Rye and Mrs. Herbert Lehman, the Governor's wife, will be among the guests of honor, Mrs. Sturcke announced. Miss Parkman Hostess At Ship Supper Dance Miss Regina Parkman, 465 South Second Avenue, this city, entertained a party of friends last night at the supper dance, given by the Catholic Young Women's Club of New York City.

The affair was held aboard the S. S. Washington, docked in New York harbor. Guests from Mount Vernon in Miss Parkman's party included Miss Gussenhoven, Miss Doll Angevine, Mrs. Frederick Reese.

Mrs. Edward Irving and Gardner Reese. Miss Parkman was on the ticket committee of the affair, Associate Of Gandhi To Talk At Y. W. C.

A. Hari das Mozumdar will be the speaker at the sixth in a series of International Forum meetings too'clock, at the Young Women's Christian Association, 149 South Second Avenue, under the auspices of the education committee of the Mr. Mozumdar, who is a close associate of Gandhi and author of Great March for India's Libwill speak on the topic "Changing India." WILL AID MISS GRACE KRYSKE Miss Kryske is one of the members of the Junior League of the Mount Vernon League of the Hebrew National Orphan Home at Tuckahoe, who will sell flowers at the midnight show Saturday. The proceeds will beneft the home. Juniors Plan Flower Sale Junior League members of the Mount Vernon League of the Hebrew National Orphan Home at Tuckahoe will sell flowers at the midnight show which will take place Saturday at the Embassy Theater.

The affair is a benefit of the home. Juniors selling include the Misses Helene Smolian, Grace Kryske, Helen Schwartenberg, Muriel Yavelow, Muriel Ruberfeld, Janet Heidecorn and Alice Klein. The sale of flowers was the suggestion of Mrs. Eugen Popper. Mrs.

M. S. Eichenberg and Mrs. Edward Klein will be in the box office to sell tickets for the performance. Mrs.

Otto Pashkes is general chairman of the affair. "Waltz English moving picture will be the production short on the pershown with an additional, movie formance will take place at 11:30 o'clock after the regular shows of the evening have been played. Personal News Mr. and Mrs. William A.

Neill returned this morning to their home, 1 Greendale Avenue, from Atlantic. City. They spent four days at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall. Dr. and Mrs.

Julius Essrig and their daughter, Miss Anna Essrig, 144 Urban Street, have returned after a ten-day motor trip to Virginia Beach, Washington and Atlantic City. Miss Dorothy Snyder, 102 Vista Place, celebrated her sixteenth birthday, April 4, with a party for of her friends. Julius Tuckhardt and Miss Alma Becker were winners of prizes for games played during the evening. Mr. and Mrs.

A. H. Elliot, their children, Miss Sydney Elliot and Farnsworth Elliot, returned Sunday to their home, 33 Clinton Place, after having spent a week at Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, D. C. Mrs.

E. Bitner. 131 Esplanade, has been spending several days at the Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City. Mrs. Abraham Kroll and her daughter, Miss Joan Kroll, returned Sunday night to their home, 303 Sheridan Boulevard, after having spent several days at Hotel Ludy, Atlantic City.

Mrs. Edward F. Hallahan and her sons, Eugene and Ned, 400 Collins Avenue, returned to Mount Vernon yesterday from Syracuse, N. where they spent the past week with Mrs. Hallahan's father, Dr.

Eugene Dooling. Mr. and Mrs. Luke J. Murphy, and their son, Walter, 278 Summit Avenue, this city, returned last night from the Mayflower Hotel at Washington, D.

where they were staying for the Cherry Blogsom festival. A cast of seven Davis High School girls presented religious drama, "The Cross," Sunday night in Bedford Presbyterian Church. of The play had been given originally at First Presbyterian Church in this city. March 16, and later, March 25, at the Crescent Place Wedding Date Is Announced Josephine A. Herrmann To Be Married To Mr.

Robischon Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey Herrmann, 156 North Fulton Avenue, have announced the coming marriage of their daughter, Miss Josephine A. Herrmann, to Robert E. Robischon, son of Mrs.

Ernest W. Robischon, 445 Gramatan The wedding will take place June 9 at the Community Church of the Circle, of which Miss Herrmann is secretary. then Rev. Carl S. Weist, pastor of church, will perform the ceremony.

The bride-to-be attended local schools and was graduated from the A. B. Davis High School. was member of the class of 1927 at the University of Michigan, where she majored in literature. She is a member of Chi Delta Phi, national honorary literary sorority, and a former member of the Junior Section of the Westchester Woman's Club.

Mr. Robischon also attended local schools and is a graduate of A. B. Davis High School. He toes a Columbia member of University.

the class He of is 1926 a member of Phi Kappa Sigma Fraternity, He was formerly on the staffs of the Morning Tribune, New Orleans, the New York Evening Journal, the Daily Press, White Plains, N. and was former staff correspondent for the Daily Argus. He is now connected with the Equitable Life Assurance Society, and is manager of the life insurance department of Tucker'. and Turnbull, of White Plains. Mrs.

Esch Entertains Mrs. Howard Esch, 311 Collins Avenue, and Mrs. John W. Grant, 257 Devonia Avenue, are entertaining this afternoon at the home of Mrs. Esch for one of the four groups of the Ladies' Aid of the Chester Hill Methodist Episcopal Church.

Luncheon will be served, at 1 o'clock and the guests spend the afternoon sewing on fancy work articles which will be sold for the benefit of the Ladies' Aid. Members of the group who are invited guests this afternoon include Mrs. O. K. Linabury, Mrs.

C. W. Grunwalt, Mrs. C. A.

Bramley, Mrs. V. V. Beard, Mrs. William Cunningham, Mrs.

Thomas W. Davis, Mrs. George H. Taylor, Mrs. John Walber, Mrs.

Harry E. Prindle, Mrs. R. L. Dean, Mrs.

L. P. Lovell, Mrs. T. P.

Anderson and Mrs. J. W. Le Page. Also the Misses Helen Sprague, Jessie Thomas and Florence Bond.

MRS. KIPP HAS BRIDGE GUESTS Mrs. Burdett Kipp was hostess yesterday afternoon at another of the Visiting Nurses' Association bridge parties at her home, 175 Crary Avenue. Proceeds will be added to the Nurses' Welfare fund. Playing bridge were Mrs.

John Gardiner, Mrs. James Kilsheimer, Mrs. Percy Desnoes, Mrs. Henry Kearney, Mrs. J.

K. Woods, Mrs. Leo Schwab, Mrs. Rudolph Deterts and Mrs. Broadus King.

Mrs. Carl Muenzen gave similar party Friday afternoon at her home, 176 Archer Avenue. Her guests included Mrs. Edwin N. Rich, Mrs.

L. Earl Miller, Mrs. Jesse Wentz, Mrs. Arthur Gallagher, Mrs. John Sobek, Mrs.

George Boyle and Mrs. Joseph K. Wood. LAS AMIGAS Miss Thelma Fine will be pledged to Las Amigas Club tonight when members meet at the home of Miss Gertrude Hoffman, 44 North Ninth Avenue. Plans for theater party will be made.

Reformed Church In Sherwood Park. In the cast are the Misses Miriam Brous, Elsie Maier, Monica Benedel, Elaine Hodges, Lenore Thompson, Leora Lentz and Margaret Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F.

Shiel, 60 Vernon Place, this city, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary, Saturday their home. They entertained at 'Open for number of friends from this vicinity. Mrs. Shiel was formerly Miss Catherine Schnoor and was married to Mr. Shiel in Winfield, L.

I. MISS JOSEPHINE HERRMANN Mr. and Mrs. William Godfrey Herrmann, 156 North Fulton Avenue, have announced the approachmarriage of their daughter to ing Robert E. Robischon, son of Mrs.

Ernest W. Robischon, 445 Gramatan Avenue, and the late Mr. Robischon. The wedding will take place June 9. -TO MARRY Mrs.

Kraus Is Chairman Mrs. Charlotte M. Kraus, president of the Parish Guild of the Church of the Redeemer, and her committee have completed plans for a Spring bridge tomorrow afternoon at the Parish House, Fifth Avenue, Pelham. Reservations, have been made by 240 guests, point to one of the largest social gatherings of the Spring. Several door prizes will be awarded and there will be a prize for high score at each table.

Tea will be served after the games. The party is being held for the benefit of the guild. Assisting Mrs. Kraus with arrangements are Mrs. Walter E.

Bunnell, Mrs. Frederick B. Davies, Mrs. Arthur Pearsall, Mrs. John W.

Fiske, Mrs. B. Stromenger, Mrs. S. H.

Stackpole, Mrs. George L. Donnett, Mrs. Hubert S. Playle, Mrs.

James Brierly and Mrs. Russell K. Bryer, MR. SHIRK TALKS TO ETHICAL GROUP "The Testament of Youth" by Vera Britten was discussed last night by Eliott Shirk of the New York Ethical Society, who spoke at Thomas Paine Memorial House in New Rochelle to members of the Westchester Society for Ethical Culture. In reviewing the book and discussing its merits Mr.

Shirk declared that there is an imperative need of aggression in the cause of peace, Quoting from the book, the cry of the youth of today "'We desire to live and to live in peace," Mr. Shirk said, "'Let us be ready to risk all for peace rather than risk everything war." Mr. Shirk described Miss Britten's book as a protest against the sham of war and the afrmation of her purpose to see that her children and the new generation do not repeat the mistakes of her generation. Rocco Giglio, violinist, played Handel's 'Adagio" and the "Andante of He the First Sonata" by Bach. was accompanied by George Elbert, pianist.

LUTHERAN SEWING GROUP The sewing group of the Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd will meet tomorrow at an all sewing session at the home of Mrs. Frances Wuestonhoeffer, 720 South Sixth Avenue. Articles will be prepared for the Good Shepherd booth at the Wartburg Home Spring festival. The hostess will be assisted by Mrs. Walter O'Connor and Mrs.

Sarah Johnson in serving the luncheon. SON BORN son was born Saturday to Lieut. and Mrs. Joseph C. Denniston, at Manila, the Philippine Islands.

Mrs. Denniston was formerly Miss Kathyrn Ryan, daughter of James Ryan and 'the late Mrs. Ryan, 7 Jefferson Place, this city. DAUGHTER BORN A daughter was born to Dr. and Mrs.

J. Edward Tressel, 46 South Ninth Avenue, this city, Sunday morning at St. Joseph's Hospital, Yonkers. The baby is to be named Evelyn Ann. Former New Rochelle Girl Returns From Istanbul, Turkey By KAY ROSS AND returned MRS.

Howard yesterday Elting with Jr. their 18-month-old daughter, Claire, from Istanbul. Turkey, to visit for several weeks with Mrs. Elting's parents, Mr. and Mrs, J.

L. of New Rochelle. Mr. Elting is a member of the American Consular Staff in Istanbul. While home the Eltings will also visit Mr.

Elting's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elting, of Chicago, at their Summer place at New Paltz. on the Hudson. The Howard Elting's wedding in August.

1932, was one of the most important social events of the season in New Rochelle. Immediately after the wedding ceremony Mr. Mrs. Elting sailed for Istanbul and this is their first visit home. AND MRS.

Ralph D. V. MaDR. goMn, of Yonkers, and their son, Manning, have returned from Columbia, S. C.

Dr. Magoffin is head of the Archeology Institute of America, at New York University. While in South Carolina he spoke the University of South Care- Irma Goebel Labastille Plays At Music Section's Meeting Women's Unit Of 'Y' Meets Sponsors Annual Spring Bridge With Mrs. Howe Chairman The Women's Auxiliary of the Y. M.

C. A. held its annual Spring bridge in the social rooms at the 'Y' yesterday afternoon. Twentyfive tables were in play. The proceeds of the bridge will be used to buy physicial department equipment.

table prizes were packages of decorated score cards. Mrs. Kenneth Howe, the chairman, was assisted by Mrs. W. E.

Hartung, Mrs. Hattie Osborne, Mrs. C. M. Chalmers, Mrs.

Harry Westcott, and Mrs. Arthur Lambert. The prize winners were Mrs. Fairfax A. Reilly, Mrs.

Rho L. Bush, Mrs. G. E. Fowler, Mrs.

WilHoagland, Mrs. R. N. Brown, Mrs. Henry Jung, Mrs.

Archie J. Stearns, Mrs. Harry E. Bramley, Mrs. Harold W.

LaFetra, Mrs. C. M. Chalmers, Mrs. Addison B.

Scoville, Mrs. Charles F. Southard, Mrs. Richard E. Stinson, Mrs.

Frank E. Dewey, Miss Florence R. Burton, and Mrs. Robert E. Rogers.

Voters Hear Miss Fisher meeting. IONA AUXILIARY Efforts made by the Westchester County Child Welfare Organization to keep children of one together and to keep the family intact, if possible, when the father or breadwinner becomes disabled or out of employment, were described yesterday by Miss Gladys Fisher at a meeting of the Pelham Branch of the League of Women Voters. Miss Fisher is assistant to Ruth Taylor, County Welfare Commissioner. Mrs. Annie Harris, chairman of the Pelham League's Child Welfare Study Group, was hostess to the group at the home of her daughter, Mrs.

Francis H. Ludington, 2 Hillcrest Drive, Pelham Manor. Miss Fisher explained that since 1916 it has been possible to give mothers, whose husbands are dead or disabled, and who have small children, an allowance for the support of themselves and the children in their own home. Where there is found to be impracticable, the speaker said, the children are maintained in boarding homes. Children are placed in institutions only when it is found that the other two methods of caring for them is impossible, she said.

Mrs. Lawrence Gerry, social worker, spoke briefly of the work being done by the Town of Pelham. She outlined a work bureau which has been organized and told members garden space is being alloted to needy families so they will be able to raise vegetables during the coming Summer. Mrs. Harris outlined a Federal Child Labor Amendment, which the League is sponsoring.

Miss Eleanor Seed, chairman of the local branch of the League, presided. Mrs. William L. Bradley and Mrs. Christopher Chenery poured tea after the A bridge party which will be held late in May was decided upon yesterday at the meeting of the Mother's Auxiliary of the Iona Boys' School in New Rochelle.

Mothers of Mount Vernon on and Pelham students attended. The bridge is to be given at the school, the date to be set the May 7 meeting of the auxiliary. Mrs. William Byrne of Scarsdale and Mrs. Joseph F.

Finley of this city poured at the social hour after yesterday's meeting. PLAN FUTURE EVENTS Members of Miss Anne Hammett's and Mrs. Herbert F. Smith's Circle of the Women's Society of Huguenot Memorial Church met yesterday at the Church House in Pelham Manor for a box luncheon. About 25 guests were present.

Tentative for activities before the vunplans and for Fall activities were discussed. MR. MIELE ELECTED Nicholas Miele was elected president of the "'Young Bachelors' club last night at they home of Thomas Sansone, South Seventh Avenue. Ralph Corrado was elected vice-president; Thomas Sansone, secretary; Joseph Patrella, treasurer and Frank Patrella, committee head. J.

ZIMMERMAN 50 Gramatan Ave. Oak. 9710 STORKLINE JUVENILE FURNITURE F. A. WHITNEY COACHES BR BROMLY 26 FOURTH AVENUE FOR SPRING WEAR! New Spring Blouses for Suits $2.98 Swagger Suits $16.50 up -PIANO Recita Miriam Conley April 13th at 8:30 Westchester Woman's Club Tickets $1.00 00 Sale at Cromelin'e and Mildred Bauman Wilson, Alfredo Squeo Also Heard On Program A program of Latin-American music yesterday afternoon at the Westchester Woman's Club brought to a close the season of the club's Music Section.

The recital was a particularly enjoyable one in that it differed what from the usual. Irma Goebel Labastille, well known pianist, of the Ossining Woman's Club, presented a lecture and piano recital, in an exchange program, being sponsored this year throughout the county, by various women's clubs. Two local artists, Alfredo Squeo, violinist, and Mildred Bauman Wilson, soprano, appeared on the program also. Particularly enjoyable was Mr. Squeo's playing of his own compositions, including "Allegro Apassionato, one of the finest; "Angelus," and "Little Marching Soldiers.

Mr. Squeo played also "Meditation," (Glazounow) and "Zingaresca," by Pinto with whom Mr. Squeo studied. Mrs. Wilson sang "Southern Song," from "In Sunshine and Shadow, (Landon Ronald); "Estrellita," (Le Forge); and "Marcheta," (Schertzinger).

Mrs. cl*tford Rusch accompanied both artists. Mrs. Labastille, who spent Ave years in the Latin-American countries and gathered material during her travels, spoke interestingly on the music of the various countries, illustrating her information with piano selections arranged by herself. She played a Cuban habanera, two Haitian melodies, identified by their sadness and rhythm, a Venezuelan tune and a Brazilian comio song.

She played music of Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico also. Mrs. Wolfango Cribari, section chairman, presided. Mrs. Rusch was program chairman and introduced the artists.

Following the program, tea was served. Mrs. A. F. Stoeger tea hostess.

Mrs. F. M. Tichenor and Mrs. Rose Powers presided at the tea table.

ZONTA SPONSORS COOKING CLASS A cooking demonstration was held last night at the church hall of First Presbyterian Church by members of the Zonta Club of this city. The proceeds of the affair will be used by Zonta to further educational work for needy students. Special prizes and the prepared dishes of the demonstration were awarded to a number of the guests. Cakes were won by Miss Leonice Garfield, Bronxville: Miss Edith Porter, Miss Margaret Kingsley and Mrs. I.

L. Walter of this city. A scraper was won by Mrs. Charles Schaefer; Mary Ann cups by Miss Amy Miller; a lamp by Mrs. H.

L. Bowman; chicken pie, M. E. Gobert; grandmother's hash, Miss Dorothy Zerfass; ice cream, Mrs. C.

V. Robbing and Mrs. M. R. Wilbur, all of this city.

Preparation of various dishes was under the supervision of Miss Adelaide Taylor, assisted by Miss Julia Coles, of the Westchester Lighting Company. Mrs. Clinton T. Taylor To Open Home For Music Haridas Muzumdar, speaker, International Forum, Y.M.C.A. Card party, Ladies' Auxiliary to Post 596, V.F.W., post rooms.

Men's Club, St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Officers and teachers. Bible School, First Reformed Church. Marinons, 190 Hillside Avenue.

Supper and annual meeting, Church School, First Presbyterian Church. Anniversary dinner in honor of Rev. Carl S. Weist. Community Church.

Church School board, First Baptist Church. Berkemeier Unit 121, Steuben Society of America, card party, Foresters' Hall. Men's Bible Class, Trinity Church. Aque-A-Nonck Council 120. D.

of Knights of Columbus Hall. Young Women's gym group, First Baptist Church. Cadet Corps, Trinity, Church. Choral Club. E.

Church. Omicron Alpha Kappa. Einheit Lodge 461, I. 0. 0.

210 South Second Avenue. Mount Vernon Lodge 842, B. P. 0. Elks' clubhouse.

Chapter 227, O. E. Masonic Temple. Mount Vernon Council 148, Junior O. U.

A. Junior Order Hall. United Association of Plumbers. Phi Pi Psi. Zeta Phi.

Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paperhangers, Local 52. Butchers' Union. Proctor's Theater. Loew's Theater. Embassy Theater.

Recreation Commission Events Girls' group. James M. Grimes School. Square dance, Nathan Hale School. Girls' group, DeWitt Clinton School.

Metal Crafters, Arts and Craft Shop, 36 First Avenue. Handicraft, Arts and Craft Shop. Girls' Community Center, 209 South Seventh Avenue. Golf instruction, Lincoln School. Giremen's group, Edison School.

and. James Also Aldona Norwell and New Mrs. Clinton T. Taylor, 160 Sidney Avenue, will open her home Monday for an afternoon of music, which will be sponsored by the Young Women's Christian Association. Mrs.

John Lowry, will act as co-hostess with Mrs. Taylor. Nina Cooper, soprano, will sing group of folk songs of Europe, accompanied by J. Van Cleft Cooper at the piano. Mr.

Cooper will also lecture on the selections. MAY QUEEN CHOSEN Miss Enes Pierdiluca, of the Children of Mary Sodality has been elected Queen of the May for the May 10 celebration of the sodality. At that time, new members will be taken into the sodality. The Misses Mary Mellis and Dorothy Paranzino have been elected as the maids of honor for the Queen. THE ST.

CECELIA Club of New York will give its second members concert of the season tonight at Town Hall. Members of the chorus include tour Yonkers singers, Mrs. Forbes Fancher, Mr. and Mrs. James D.

Ewing and Miss Margaret Arent. JAMES Speyer of York Ossining will open his New MR. at 1058 Fifth Avenue, on the afternoon of April 24, for a song recital for the benefit of the Ellin Prince Speyer Hospital for Animals. The hospital was founded by Mr. Speyer as a memorial to his wife.

Mrs. Lewis Gouverneur Morris, of Yonkers, A director of the New York Women's League for Animals, under whose auspices the recital will be given, is chairman for the event. Mme. Grete Stuckbold and Gustav Schutzendorf, both of the Metropolitan Opera Company, will give the program, THE FIRST Spring formal dance of the season at the Apawamis Club in Rye will be given Saturday night, April 14. W.

Murray Lee AND MRS. Elbert C. Purdy MR. Croton Falls, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Ruth Wallace Purdy, to Hamilton C. Hoyt, son of the Rev.

and Mrs. Osmon P. Hoyt of Pleasantville. No date has been set for the wedding. SON was born Friday to Ellis Briggs, second secretary of the A American Embassy In Havana, and Mrs.

Briggs, the former Miss Ella Barnard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Everett Barnard, of New Rochelle. The child has been named Everett Ellis. GRIDLEY, one of the best DAN known concert and oratorio tenors, and Mrs.

Gridley have moved to New Rochelle to make their home. They formerly lived in Flushing, L. Mr. Gridley's son, Harland Gridley, has long been resident of New Rochelle. exhibition of pen and ink AN drawings, penell sketches, etchand book plates, Whitewell Wilson of 14 Ellsworth Avenue, Yonkers, is now in play at the Yonkers Museum of Science and The Arts.

Many of the items have been published as 11- lustrations for books or magazines. The most interesting etchings in the show are those in color -but they are not colored etchings, as colored etchings usually go. These are made on Kodsuki paper and backed by colored papers, which contribute delicate shades creating a beautiful effect. The process, which Mr. Wilson has originated, and with which he continues to experiment, is unique, since the result achieved is a clearly defined etching that loses none of the exquisite emphasis of fine black line but that gains the additional loveliness of subtly graded colors.

Mr. Wilson, who is widely known as an architect and a writer on architectural subjects, is the son of P. W. Wilson, writer of special features and book reviews for The New York Times and regular contributor to Review of Reviews, Current History, The Literary Direst and other Consider YOURSELF always. Others do.

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.