The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)

THE MOKNING POST, SATURDAY, JULY 6, lt bp faction. TO be SOLD, by AUCTION, by Messrs. TATTERS ALL, near Albert-gate. Hyde-park, on MONDAY, July 15, 1389, the following CHARGERS and HI NTERS, the Property of the Officers of the Royal Horse Artillery, proceeding to India this relief BLACKBIRD, a Black Gelding. 9 yrs old, lt hds by Lord 117.

A BAT GELDING quiet to ride, and quiet In single and double 118. CtTNUT GELDING: a good hunter, and hunted last sea son with the Duke of Rutland's and Cottesmore Hounds. The Property op Captain H. B. Jeffrcys, R.A.

119 PEAco*ck, a Brow" Pony nood polo pony, and fast, liu. COLLEEN, a Bay Ptviy go polo po.iy. Lots 119 and 10 have played up to the present time. 121. JET.

a Black Cob quiet to ride and drive, has been hunted, and driven by a lady. 122. URCHIN by Countryman good hunter and fencer, and quiet te nde' THE SEVEN-STALL STABLE. Trk Property of Ma.ior-Cknf.Rai. Godmav.

123. CIMON by Miltia les. dam by Knave of Hearts: quiet to ride and a ood lumper vj a cKl.hlMI bv Moorlnmls: nniet to ride and drive. Result of Auction. Trochoids for Investment, or as Sites for the Erection of Flats, Factories, lie.

being Nos. 1. 2. 3, 4, and 5, Poland-street. Oxford -street, with workshops in the rear, comprising an area of 7 150ft also Noa 41, 42.

43, and 45. Broad street. No. 52, Lexington-street, and No. 17.

Ingestre-place. Golden-square, with chapel and workshops in rear, giving an area of all let to yearly tenants of old standing at low rents, amounting in the aggregate to 1.090 per annum. MESSRS. SAMUEL B. CLARK and SON beg to notify that they SOLD the above FREEHOLD PROPERTIES at their Auction at the Mart on Wednesday, the 4th inst.

Offices, 8. New Cavendish-atieet, Portland-place, W. No. 31. Portman-squaie.

W. MESSRS. SAMUEL B. CLARK and SON (having disposed of the lease) will SELL, by AUCTION, on the Premises as above, on July 30 and 31. 18S).

at one o'clock each day, the whole of the Well-made FURNITURE and EFFECTS. Catalogues of the auctioneers, fe, New Cavendish-street, Portland- close to Tooting Bee and Btreatham Commons, within easy drive of City or West-end, eight minutes walk of Bal-ham Station, whence there a ffflS bridge and Victoria. A Choice RESIDENTIAL rKOrtETY, Wood Lea Bedford-bill, a modern mansion, designed by an eminent architect, and erected about 2U years since It stands in beautiful ground1: with grand elms and luxuriant shrubs: is approached by a carria-e ilrive with entrance lodge. It is replete with comfort and convenience, t'pper floor, five capital bed rooms, lineu-roora, bath room, 4c; on first floor, galleiy leading to five principal bedchambers and two dressing-rooms ground floor, fine portico, Spacious and lotty entrance hall having Scngliola martile columns, circular inner hall Hit, 6in. in diameter and 2fift.

high. Elegant drawing and dining rooms, library', morning room, study, butlers pantry serving buffet, handsome principal staircase, lavatory on the basem*nt (level with the ground at the back), billiard-room, kitchen, and offices secondary staircase the house is warmed by hot air drainage on the latest sanitary principles stabling for four horses, coaoh-houBe. harness and fodder rooms. Tbe delightful grounds include shrubberies, tennis lawns, flower garden, well-stocked kitchen garden, with glass-houses, tc, in all about 3i acres held for rt'i years, at a ground rent. MESSRS.

DEBENHAM. TEWSON, FARMER, and BRIDGE WATER will SELL the above, at the Mart, on THURSDAY, July at two. Particulars of Messrs Trollope and Winckworth, solicitors. 31, Abingdon-street. Westminster and of the auctioneers, 80.

Cheapside. IJiSPOSK OP a nrn-lv very lignt Circular fronte i' lu ii'V 1 1 light horses. All the k.test iti.i.r..,.,',,.'. 1 must be sold. Very great aJK na.tiru! and i.w I nlar.

.4 L.wr gj (Jne tne Exceedingly-attractive TOWN MANSION, No. 34, Prin0. 6.Kar:e-,s, containing nine lied-roouis. dressings om. bath-miirisingan twoele by i- th 14ft olIJ in lhe arrowei.

an excellent floor, inner hall, dining-room about 24ft by i. or hhlmrii-iooin MlilS-. a- eoo. l.lir. r.e.

nf li i. El I v'i i vr old h- irnod I Din liners, clever and last, un to l3t. aud has constantly carried a jdy to houT'ds. 4 2. RIFLEMAN.

Bay Gelding. in 1R81. by TapeJl. dan by King- maker, about L2; un in-rect manners, has frequently TATTERS ALL 8 MONDAY CATALOGUE.

TO be SOLD, by AUCTION, by Messrs. TATTERS ALL, Albert-te. Hyde-park! on MONDAY. Jtily 8. 1K9.

commencing at eleven clock precisely, in accordance with the conditions exhibited on the Premises. Notice. There will not be a Sale at Albert-gate on Thursday next. STAR-STALL STABLE. 1.

TOMMY, a Bay Pony by Stepping Stone quiet to nde and dnve, and has been driven by a lady. 2. PUNCH, a Bay Pony. J. annA S.

A BAY PONY quiet to ride and drive, with good action, a good park hack, and has carried a lady to hounds. 4. A BAY MARE; good hunter, and quiet in harness. 5. A ROAN COB quiet to ride and drive.

6. A BAY MARE ouiet to ride and drive. 7. A GREY MARE partly broken. 8.

A BAY COB tquiet in harness. 9. A BAY MARK quiet to ride and drive. A BLACK GELDING quiet to ride and drive. TINKER, a Black Gelding quiet to ride and drive, and carries a bidy.

SMUT, a Black Gelding quiet to ride and drive, and carries a lady. Lots 11 and 12 have been driven as a pair. PADDY, a Brown Gelding; quiet to ride. 14. A BROWN GELDING.

COUNTESS, a Brown Mare quiet in harness, has been ridden, aud a good fencer. TH1RTEEN-STALL STABLE. 19. A CHESTNUT COB. up to weight has been ridden by an elderly gentleman, quiet to ride, suitable for a park hack.

20. A BLACK GELDING quiet to ride and drive, a good hunter. 2L OAK LEAF, a Ray Pony by Heart of Oak; winner of first prize for thoroughbred stallions in 1887, has been ridden by a lady, and fast. The Property of T. W.

Harvey, Esq. 22. HAYMAKER, a Grey Gelding good hunter, fencer, and fast, and quiet to ride and drive. 23. HARD TIMES, a Hrown Gelding by Ireland Yet.

dam by Lord Ronald too i hunter, fencer, and fast, quiet in harness. 24. Df)N, a Bay Gelding quiet to ride and drive, aud fast. 25. RUBY, a Bay Gelding; quiet in harness.

2C LI ON, a Bay Gelding, up to weight quiet to ride and drive, a good nunter. The Property of Mr. W. J. WniTEHOUSE.

27. A BAY GELDING by HerculeB. dam by Uucas; winner of several jumping prizes, ouiet to ride, a Eood hunter. 28. A CHESTNUT ELDING up to weight, quiet to ride and drive, with good action.

29. MAGICIAN, a Bay Gelding by dam by Speculation quiet to ride, and quiet in singlo aud double harness, a good hunter, carries a lady, and was hunted in Ireland last season. 30. MAR1TANA, a Bay Mare by Yorkshire Fashion out of Miss Matley by Mat ley quiet to ride and drive in single and double harness, and carries a lauv. 3L MARGERY, a Bay Mare, dam by Matley quiet to ride, quiet in single aud double harness, a good walker, and a promising hunter.

NINE-STALL STABLE. The Property of Mr. W. A Williams. John's Cross Farm, Moi'ntfielu, Sussex.

32. THE GNAT good hunter, quiet to ride, fa3t, and quiet in single and double harness 33. PEGGY gooa hunter, quiet to ride, quiet in single and double harness und tandem, and has been driven by a lady. 34. A BAY GELDING; good huuter.

fencer, and fast, and well known with the Oueeu Hounds. 35. PUNCH, a Bay Cob; quiet to ride, and quiet in single and double harness. 36. TOMM V.

a Bay Gelding; quiot to ride, and quiet in single and double harness. 37. THE DUKE, a Bay Cob; quiet to ride and drive, with good act on, and fast. 38. KILMORNA by The Rover (Irish): good hack and hunter, regularly himted with 'he Cleveland Hounds last season, has carried a lady, and been ridden park hnck.

39. PRINCE, a Pluck Gelding; quiet to ride, and quiet in single and double harness. 40. PRINCE, a Bay Gelding: quiet in single and double harness, and has been ridden buck TEN-STALL STABLE. The PaoPiti.Ai o- a 41.

PATTIE, a Bay Mare to ride and drive, and a good hunter. 42. MOLLY, a Black Cob (Irish); quiet to ride and drive, a good hunter and fencer, and well known with the Tipperary Pox-hounds. 43. KITTY, a Bav Mare quiet in harness.

44. A BAY GELDING. 45. LEATHER APRON, a Say Gelding by Florian. dam by Sir Bertram gocd huuter, and a winner over a country.

The Property of a Gewtlemas wno in ordered abroad. 46. A BAY CELDING; quiet in single and double harness, aud has been ridden. 47. A CHE UT GELDING quiet in single and double harness.

and has 'men ridden. Lots 46 and 47 have been driven together as a pair. 48. A BAY GELDING good hunter, fencer, and fast, hunted last season with the Duke Heautort's Houuds, and has been hunted with the Bicester and Grafton Hounils. A CHESTNUT MARE good hack and hunter, and has been iinilarly hunted by Messrs.

Pouutaiue. 50. A CHESTNUT GELDING, up to list cood hunter, and quiet in harness. ELEVEN-STALL STAHLE. THE ot A ua.sli.KM AN.

5L SUREPOOT by Chilblain cood hunter, hack, or steeplechaser, quiet to ride and drive, and a gocd fencer. 52 DON a Bay Cob park hack, has been ridden by a lady, fast, and a good 53. DIANA, a i.a'k Mare: good hunter and hack, fast, and a good fencer, has been ridden by a lady. 54. srLVIO by Silvester good hunter, and has been driven in single anil double 55.

FA1RPLA a Chest n-: Gelding, dam by Grout's Fashion quiet to ride and dri ve, w.i of two Brst ad one second prizes at Stitfolk Show at Ipswi, 18S3. 56. A RAY quiet to ride ai.d drive, and regularly driven in a brougham. amet 'n harness 61. BOB, a Roan Pony quiet to ride and drive.

FOURTEEN-STALL STABLE. The following Housk-, soluto wake koo.u for yotjuj oitm, the Pp.oi'ERrv of a Gentleman. 62. STRATHERN'E, a Black Gelding; quiet to ride and drive, and fast, with uood action. 63.

GLADINE, a Black Mare quiet to ride and drive, and fast, with good action, and carri; a lady. Lot? iVJ aud Ci hae been recu'arly driven as a pair and tandem. 64. ETON, a (Jelding: tjod hunter and fencer, quiet to ride, and quiet in single and double harness, with good action. 65.

QUEEN, a Chestnut Mare by Knave of Hearts, dam by Ben Battle; good hunter and hack, good fencer, fast, and hunted in a bank country last season, has been ridden and driven by a lady. The Property of a Gentleman. 66. BLACKBIRD, a Black Gelding good hunter, carries a lady, and quiet in harness. 67.

BFATRiCE, a Ray Mare good hack and hunter, and carries a lady. 68. A GREY GELDING; quiet in single and dcuble harness, with good action. 69. GINGER, a Chestnut Gelding fast trotter, has trotted 00 miles in hours x'min.

70. A CHESTJi GELDING; quiet in harness. 71. a Bay Pony: winner of quiet to ride and unve, vrith good action, and has been ridden and driven by a lady. The Property of a Gestlfmax.

72. BALLOT, a Chestnut Pony (a twin) by Candidate, dam by Orest (Candidat by Cladiateur out of Filie de I AirJ like'y to make a racin-' or imlo pony. 73. BURLESQUE, ISay Pony by Moulsey (by Teddington) fast, div the Ladies Bracelets at Chesterfotd Park this year, the only meeting at which she has run. Lots 72 and 73 are a cood tandem, and quiet In harness.

74. HAREBELL, a Ray Mare up to lost quiet to ride and drive, a good hunter and fencer. 75. LESTELL, a Brown Mare by Uucas out of Little Maud very fast, ran second twice this year at Chesterford Park, untrained, and has never run elsewhere. THE BOXES.

TnE Property of Mr. Tahsbh. vf Rook ley, Marlborough. 7tJ. A BAY UELDING up to lt'st.

good hunter, and well-known with the Craven Hounds and Savemake Forest Staghounds, quiet in single and double haruess, and would make a good wheeler 77. A CHESTNUT GELDING good hunter, and well known with the Craven Hounds and Saveruake Forest Staghounds, quiet in single and double harness, and would make a good tandem leader. 78. A BROWN PONY. 79.

TOMBOY good hunter and hack, has carried a lady, and broken to single and double harness. 80. RUFUS; quiet to ride and drive. 81. PRIDE OF THANET.

a Chestnut Mare by Verdant (winner of many racesl out of Polly Peckham wiuuer of gold medal and silver cup for being best mare in three hunting classes at Royal Agricultural Show. Islington. 1888 (only time shown), a good fencer, well known with the Thanet Harriers, and fast. 82. EILLALOE well bred, good hunter, quiet to ride, with good action, 83.

CAR1B. Brown Gelding by The Mallard out of Cuba (dam of Hidulgo, Curiosity, tc, and herself a winner) by Porto Rico; untried, a good hack, quiet to ride, fast, and hunted with tbe Cheshire Hounds, broken to harness. The followijiu Steeplechasers, the Pkopertt or Me. H. R.

S4. ILEX, a Chestnut Gelding by Rostrevor out of Rostrum's dam by Master Baxot. crandiiam by Dr. OToole: beaten a head for third place in the International Steeplechase at Leopardstown in April last by Lord Chatham, beating, amongst others, The Fawn, Hettic, Johnny Longtail, and Battle Royal. 85.

THE CARDINAL, a Chestnut Colt by Theologian (by Uncas out of Miss Theo) out of Lowland Maid by Lowlander, 3 yrs untried. 86. A BAY GELDING quiet to ride, good hack, and has been driven in single and double harness. 87. A BLACK MARE by Sir Bevya Tbe Property of a Gentleman ocma abboah.

88. ROBIN HOOD, a Bay Gelding. 89 FRIAR TUCK, a Bay Gelding. Lots 88 and 89 are quiet in single and double harness, and go well together. 90.

PETER, a Roan Pony; quiet to ride and drive, a good hack and polo pony. 91. IOLANTHE, a Bay Mare: quiet to ride, hunted last season by owner, and broken to harness. The following Raciso Ponies and Galloways, nr Training AND FIT TO RUN, THE PROPERTY OF BOYDW. ALEXANLiER, Esq.

92. VINEGAR (late Relief), a Brown Mare by Lancastrian out of Arrau Don, 4 yrs. 93. RASPBERRY (late Caterham), a Bay Gelding by Mardenout of Framtoise, 4 yrs. 91 MAY a Chestnut Mare by Edward the Confessor out of Sister Louise.

3 yrs. 95. SONGSTRESS, a Bay Mare by Torophilite. The undermentioned have won the following races Raspberry (9401. Tradesmen's Plate.

Hereford Manton Selling, Marlborough Selling Race, Ranelagh Club Consolation. Northampton. Engaged in Ashford Selling Handicap, Staines, July 13, also Eccentric Selling Handicap, Staines, July 13 Vinegar (941), Chesterfield Stakes, Hereford. Engaged ic Eclipse Stakes, value sovs, Hereford. August 5.

Songstress (3951, Oak Grove Plate, Chepstow Ladies' Plate, Monmouth City Handicap, Hereford Pony Plate, Northampton (second to Ladv Marcia). Engaged in July Members' Cup, Staines, July 18 also Datchet Handicap, July 13. May II. (1.1191. Pavilion Cup.

Hurlinsrham Club Members' Race, Hurhngbam Club Savemake Forest Stakes, Marlborough. Engaged in Datchet Handicap, Staines. July 13. The following Lots, to be seen at Mr. Wards Livery Stables, the Property of apt ain Hauut.

16. A GREY ARAB HORSE (entire). 17. A GREY ARAB HORSE (entire). Lots 16 and 17 are quiet in single and double harness Imported last year.

ELEVEN (A) STALL STABLE, Thk Property of a Gentleman. 98. WOODBRIDGE, a Brown Gelding quiet in single and double harness. 97. CRIC RLE WOOD, a Bay Gelding quiet in single and double harness.

Lots 9fi and 97 have been regularlv driven together. 98. CONFIDENCE, a Chestnut Gelding, up to weight; good hack and hunter, regularly carried a little girl last winter. 99. A GREY GELDING: quiet to ride and drive, and has been hunted with the Hertfordshire and Berkbampstead Staghounds for two seasons.

100. A BAY GELDING by Victor quiet to ride, quiet in single and double harness, a good hunter, and likely to make a charger. The following Horses, the Property of a Gentleman, and Sold in consequence of owner leaving Hertfordshire. 101. LORN A.

a Black Mare good lady's hack and hunter, quiet to ride and drive, good fencer, and fast 102. NIOBE, a Grey good lady's hunter, quiet to ride and unve, witn good action, and fait. 103. ROYAL GEORGE, a Chestnut Gelding by Phosphorus by Young Phosphorus; quiet to ride and drive, winner of several prizes. 104.

PRUDENCE, a Brown Mare: quiet to ride, quiet in single and double harness, with good action, and fast, regularly driven by a lady. The Property of Joseph Gailky, Si'tton, Surrey. 103. BEN, a Chestnut Gelding (Irish) quiet to ride and drive, and carries a lady, a good tandem leader, with good action. 106.

K1LDARE, a Chestnut Gelding Ilrish) by Young Tom King, dam by Cruisk quiet to ride and drive, with good action, and carries a lady. Lots 105 and 106 are a good match, and have been regularly driven together as a pair and tandem. THE SIXTEEN STALL STABLE. The following Horses, iue Property or Earl Spsnckr, K.G. 107.

THE GIANT by Rowsham (bred by owner). 108. GOLDEN FLEECE by Gideon. 109. LOVING CUP by Revenue hunted from Dublin, winner of the Subalterns' Cup, 5th Dragoon Guards.

110. FLATTERER bv Svcoohant. 111. THE DUKE. I 112.

FORESAIL 1 H3. POOTRULE II. by Pedometer promises to make a good hunter, i ll6. MISCHANCE, Z. Lots 114 to 116 have heen iliiven ic harness.

Leu 107, 103, 110. Ill, and Ui have been busted by owner la MMvMfMtoasfciM. 01. A da i nas oeen cui vi, carries a laay to nounas, a i good charter, ami bus been driven in harness I 58. A BAV COB: quiet to ride aud drive, and has been constantly i A i ir.ijii.ij uy r.acenus, uam oy oeum quiet iZvwSvM ifi I- y- -v" iiiii.ji.i, i ESSRS.

THORN' XTJ. VICTORIAS which have come in a i soiled; the latest deferred payments "a sr ESSRS. W. and F. TKlRN iH that BROUi.H -W Mi, three sizes ot every description l'V weeks, and over new and cnd alal uiiv delivery.

Weights from r-rw a-d hi f-gat 1 2 and Tllnuv No. 19. GREAT r'RTLAXD'fPvT -RANEUGH Hi n. "hree Years' System, for Sale, cr Hire uired. Leii'jj Three req VEARLY New Single BROVOHAM for faaluon and improveineniK.

i Blrh isatuon anil ri U'n basket: very litht. and w. and E. Thorn, KaneUb Loweri.r 1 i Victoria Station, V. r'FlSVfl()' G'l i v-t'it-i.

I Vvt-- 1 SW KAHAKH' V' 'V'T i V- or set witn SL.uies. ell cts nit wateh, fin indi late, distis-l ial Veth. dred ob'ecrs can he sent. per trre.1 Mis MILLARD. Mi i wall ji vaiue tier return in uji an.

Hon. Commissioners of Inland Ueveuue Vr ensil rvara in: ami ENDS everv it. l.ace Jewel Plate. Paiw Prints. Miniature.

Nicnaca i tki PURCHASED hy Miss cash, ny return of post. InnuiiirTanle 1 i dealing from the most distii.g usbed mem r- te'. ---fiiitj la; JIJULIERIK ot me (void, Knriehe.1 Stones and Pearl-. i. Chains.

Plock. tc. For PUBLIC SAL tvi WEDNESDAY, and THUIISHAY JUly bV rttK. ami ureat Mart. I HOte.

Mtocks or smaller tuns, cpming catalogues. tnttntabt i'an bifL laciJUevi OLITAIRE DI AMOND EARRIN. r- gam SALK. two rucsked mounted as a pair of earrings Eg, Streiitharii-c-oniciiin. 4 REAL RRUSSE1.S BL.VCK l.A- i-f 3 a five vnrds narrow for b-ly 1 nnarh it ti ki and DUCHKSH t-.

OLJ. a 1 which can Iw seen or enr on '1. Hickman ar.d Rudolf, Estate Agents and Vaf en 11 ''s' Maida-vale. r' lur I ADY SILK. DRESS, new, UpI 1 sLj soileil, rich, pure Lyons luack be in- Ik T.i'.

half price, ouly j4s vnt on 11,. Rainsbury House, St Albans, Hert. A ah LADY" ha soph 'ovely Real li 1 i- RFS I'll IkM ci Pli 1 at about one half their real value TOYAL kii KH 'L'LTU RAL Si I KTV Mli STKIKING made seeciallv for SALK. a busui Ar.1,1 makers, Thames street, VV minor vj 4 ERICA ORGAN r.y Kelly. lTTT XrX.

voi hnmana. two cjuplers. and uh bass only owner wants rum Add res Leiglmin coiirt-road. Streatha rpo ne SOLD, a i RAN 1'lANo KrwThoj m. condition price can lie le-n an i i Dell's and Co Bond-street.

-A. Messrs. Chaupeli sad street. HARPS. TWO nearly new Gothic Htrrw.

perfect condition. he SOLD a hargain at 16. Mortimer-street. Cavindish-sqnare. hv Kr AL ANISED CORRUGATED IRnV piuictvii SHEETS Larze uuantitv of Is.

rid. each: Is. 'Mi. each eai Iftl. and STILL, ntractor lor 1, ,1 Buildings.

Norfolk-street, oi. rniM I a lovjiiiiK, pel rJ. 9d 3 by 1. -iid. per foot ran flil 4 Mouldings.

Paints, Glass, Ironmongery, tc at very p. GRAIN, Sc. 3 Hooriti. w. lie.

wraci Ptwt Chei Woqj Company. Ki Binhopsate-str-et Within, EC ARD ROBES and CAST-OFF CLoIim Mr. and Mrs. A. NO CONNECTION Mar lo rrom B'Utr STANLEY, WITH OTHERS M.

fT'r ''ht. Si GEOBOE-St, USING SIMILAR NAMES. Cas'-ofr Clothes. Uniforms ArtineiaJ Jewellery. (te.

Linen, than vr.y POaiMAN'i, and remit, (till value day for parcels ir boxes w- 1 Mr. and Mrs. STANLEY attend ladies m.I nenti free hirjadf tance no object. All bu-iness striclv prn 1 We buy for cash only. Bankers.

City Bank i lishej Oytn. WARD ROBES. I July R. md Fr. Is fears has I of h-r -lisiis.

-n. UmU 9 Precious Stones, Old Id Teeth PI te3. fh-y per ounce. They keeii apDolnkmeuts .10 i 1 auk j.hi, i-1 give tne tun value in money. Iiie.r M'r.

rut Bankers and Press referenc es. Boies or pur--, isfroui ti.ivn -or "iOW should contain name and address nt sender as money is reninad same day. Price -lubject to approval. Their nly Mr isl Mrs. PHILLIPS, ild C-iu isity rthon, l'hier itrcet.Moctiw square, London, Estabhshe-l years.

NEW NOVEL r.Y THE AT'TIIf (iF 'ATERLVA" ORERT LEE.MAN DM OUTERS. By J. FOGERI V. Author of Lauterd ue, "Countess Irene. 4c In 3 vo crown Richanl Bentley md Son, BurHngtoa-Stwelj Now

all Lafirane: aud BY 1 HE AUT1H.HI OF PAST FORGIVENESS. By Lady MARC VP.F.T A IENDIS, Author of Msteri iw, sc. In 2 vols 11 Si Richard Bentley and Son. New Bii-lingtOD-stroet. Now ready, at all Libraries, iu crowu UJe secooii Editi ones' 4 RDATH.

(M By MARIE co*kELU. Author of A Romance oi "Yeadrtt Richard Bectiey und Son. New Btiriiastoo atgifc BY THE AUTHOR OF WEE WIFIE UEENTE'S WHIM. By ROSA N. CAREY.

Author of "itily ti "Htntm In 1 crwn 5v, Richard gggtley WI Iftitlingtoa-rtwsa. Now ready, pi ice Sixpeuce. SUMMER NUMBEi: of the FflwE Containio The Brilliant Ki-m. HTnry Wood. Author of Ka-- Lynne t.iL.-.i Stratacem: A Night Etcursiou.

by i.arles W. Vi vuiwiw other Fapers and Illustrations. An excellent summer number "1 CWtserseft Richard Beutley and Sou. New buriiiigton-stiwt, W. Also feady, THE ARGOSY for JULY.

Containing The Village Blacksmith." initiated if The Results of a Hunt Week Ri 1 Wood. lUustratc-d Divided, i.y K.itu- nne Carr. SC. Sixpence Montr ly Richanl Rentlev and Son. i New B.irlin,n-tr!t, W.

H1 I LAKY ST. JtHN. By Mm. A. PRli'E.

fcf. Mrs. Price' new story ispU-asantWi ladllik Hurst and Blackett 1 Lnoit-l 13, MarlbSlvW-W" THE LAND of the DRAGON My ai ing ut I SnonB Excursions to the 1 Uirges the FppT YansW By WILLIAM SPENCER PEIU'IV AL 11 iistrare iien.v Alwavn onltortainitiir. and uteri in'r'i'tl- Hurst and Blacsett lo. tlreat Maritwruiw This iv is ready at all Jj'jan MRS.

RlDUKl.l.S NEW NuVEL, PRINCESS SUNSHINR. By Mm. J. II KIIdF.LL. Author uf "The Null v.

IF. BE Ward and Downey. 12. 1 rktrec'? Oven: -arita. Londoo.

This Day is re. I- C. L. E1KKLSS SEW th MOMENT nf VICTORY. By the Author of Lady Lovelace.

SC. 3 vol. Ward and Downey. 12. 1- 1 TTtTET.

f-'ORllES W- uiuv.i Priee 2 pictur- noares. wow RIVEN BEFORE THE STOKM. By the Author In 'he Hd London Spencer Blackett and Ha.) rts Second EuHiou, wuh Prefave. at ad LiU-ine. BABE IN BOHKMIA.

By FKANE DNHY- Author of "tir v. London: Spencer Blackett sod RE ILLUSTRATED No. 622. lMiWishe.lJulyVh'"ir.,wEr,Ll5Cft IGN FUR IMl'K-'VKD AKTVAJw? 1 jrt The Great -Show at Windsor DESIGN few Origin of Pai rutin of Pai erluwigingf vBl HOUSEHOLD AltTji 1 L' Notes on the M.i House. cisnv Filial v'e I Putting in Sh 'J SVVER ART uUESrhN- SU Putting mSI.

sf SCIENCE AND ART UI r. tnir luvetitorn Coiutim nn.i Av 1. 4j uisiwL" rrovinrial Labour Notes, alio of Notes and O'ierie- nriLDEK The ILLUSTRATED CARPENTER an.1 tM 4. weekly, can be transniitte.1 through rre- for specimen copy Quarterly subrfnptiou, 1 yearly, 3s. Yearly.

Cs t'd. John Dicks. 3U Strand. A1 a h. UMMER NUMRER, DKAM Theatre at Elom.

-Ltfe-ils pnor v. theatrical companies and coloured or costume, large presentation puts I ur .4. rp MATRIMONIAL Fur l' is tne original ami only re i 1 JCi Tl()NS. The largest IM the wor d. Price in euveiupe.

4d. rPl vrPIMON. 52 rl1H.b. MAI Saturday, price 3d pst free 3 M. saturuay.

price uu i rrT, candidates everv we. 2.i.nv it Puhlml ed at '-Vi. Stiai.ii. I- blishe.1 at 27.1. Strain.

a ly reliable paper. I A ERE an-' ould Read a Book a Ir and onl; cs sh ZJZT Pait to I. stiffenus near Sherwood. lane. Lroii House.

Hall re. SORPTION. Fully up to the ri7 nirL.nimiK a 1 London Gibus. mi'n. and la.

Fii'feen'h iiti -hi. 1- rriHE A. Put JSE Impure Breath, r-w Nose, sad 1 j' I' By 1.1 rn. ,7, Senior Surgeon 1 the Eye anil Henry Reiihaw. 3SR TISEASES of the Kl tFaflS1 their MedicalTreatment.

Bv J. l'HMPT fhn J. Epps and UU. Picca.ii.Iy. -n- Venositr.

varicocele. Printed and Published at the laSs I street. Strand, in tbe county rSJwAAD. fstuna. Jul lnve SPvpdi, BROUGHAMS, and Jf Ne.

ft. season hire, built s.rT Great barainaT tut MESSRS. THORN'S I 'nmtZTr- are very light, and 2 KR0'TrUSiS country ntfele cany hnisr.e.1, and ready tl B'fWM un r'- built im hree iuev-l. Kauehigh Lowr Gr. s.e,,.

I i Weight Sicwt. Two i. bv I. the mmm tiw. ititro.iui';;;.

JS252fc LIGHT OX ETT with shafts, patent brake, lune rx.U Ier. and remarkably in, Jt suitable for hilly country ha llrtinss ir hi.h: I. excellent order: owner r'' ft i i Apply to builders. Messrs. W.

ana Oxford-circus. VV. r' Urea, lun fKSSKS. THORN rin XTH ILLUSTRATED HAM'w JtH Price UL. in cloth Thi DaT.

tUs beautifnUy iUustrated. and with Urge map. of Zee. Friesland. The Ainivrdam.

boatimt routes. By PERCY LI.NDLEt.-ol. hW 'Oil tan 1 7 re' -ee rt it HUMAN HAIR: it rd tne Kemeuv ilis'nrd by A. -v shoulit reiiu 1 ASES of the wi 1 Fvv r.

iitiivJ tTinterboume Stoke. five miles from Wishford and Wylye Stations on the Great Western Railway and 10 nules from Salisbury Notice of Sale, by Auction, of the Important FREEHOLD ESTATE, known as Scotland Farm, comprising an areaVf alvut utlla- Or. ISjp. of sound arable, pasture, and down land, of known lush repute ana corn and sheep farm, with capital residence most pleasantly situate on on rniiuence overlooking the valley, and which has recently been enlarged and rearranged in a verv substantial manner; walled-in kitchen garden, fruit garden, ami spacious tennis court commodious and well-erected buildings, the whole being intersected by good roads leading direct to the above-named stations and Salisbury. The sporting includes partridges and hares, with the very best coursing, and the large stretch of maiden down affords excellent galloping ground for training pur-posi-s The Tedworth, Lord Pembroke's, and the South and West ilts Foxhounds hunt the district, and the otter hounds often bunt the vale.

The property is in tbe occupation of the owner, who has spared no expense in bringing the farm lands to tbe highest state of cultivation, and in laying down a considerable area to permanent I jiasture, thus rendering it well worthy of attention either for agricul- tural or sound landed investment and which ESSRS. WATERS and LAWRENCE are instructed by Mr. Selway to S.RLL, by AUCTB N. at their Sale Rooms, Salisbury, on It f.b"A, July it, lu, at three clock. fruited particulars, with plans ana conditions of sale, may be ob-taiued of the suctioned.

Canal, Salisbury; or of Messrs. Cobb and Buiith, solicitors, Salisbury 8ir Robert Loder. deceased. Wiltshire. In the picturesque Wood-ton I Valley -The HE ALE HOUSE ESTATE, in the parish of Woodford, within four mtles of Amesbury and Stonehenze.

and 3j miles from balis Tbe compact and oential Estate, ei arable, corn, and fence, at present car -w toirethei Heale House, charmingly situated in a finely-timbered park of 'Si acres, ar.d approached from the Woodford road through a grand urmv elms, wilt', a seconu entrance ai res- u.e river ing and eight labourers cottages 1 ne esta'e anoms excellent trout tishinc over aiioiu two niilcs of the river Avon, is noted foi its jnartridT wild fowl shooting. whilst the young plantations, which are a rreat acquisition to the estate, pive every fa. ility for the rearing of pheaeant It lirt within eaj-y distance of many favourite meets of Lord Pembroke the South and West Wiltr. and Ted-worth Foxhounds, auu the Saveruake Forest Staghouuds and which ESSRS. WATERS and RAW LENLE are instructed SELL, by AUCTION, at their Rooms, Canal, halistmry.

on Fl'ESDAY. July 'Si. liei'. thret- clock. 'i lilted particulars, with juans ar.u conuiiiunr in saie, may Obtained of Uie auctioneers,

Salisbury: or of Messrs. Ingram, Harrison, and Ingram. Solicitors, 07. Lincoln s-inu-tields. Loudon.

W.C. it Roliert Loder. deceased Wilford House Estate, eituate in the delightful Valley of the Avon, 2j miles of Amesbury, close to St mehenge and the adjoining well-known hawking gj-oui ds, and sever miles fnm Salisbury The Important and Fin FREEHOLD El SIDEXT1AL 1'Rt iPEl'TY (practically Utile lr) tbt ramilj Mansion, known as Wilslord Horse, sitmvte at a pleasant remove the road, the church, very substantially built in stone and of exceid.riL'ly tasteful design, for many years the resideuet of the late Giics Loder, Esq wi'h ornamental pleasure Ground, productive kittbett garden, Well ai ranged and s'auliu and coach-houses, together with the highly reputed ami health orn and sheep farm, now in the occupation of Mr F. Sidlord, consisting of soundarable. meadow nnd Sown pasture Ir.nd.

with unti' ua'ly comfortable modem lanu occupMiii an extretuel; healthy position at a hurt distance from the road, near to which are the expensive and ret en" ly -erected fbum buildings, lso the conveniently fjeid buUditi.s. and 12 cottage tenements, the whole embracing an ares, of about 822a Sr. 3ip- The mai.sion is approached by a carriage drive through an ornamental i hruhbery. is well and overlooks the wide and attractive Valley of the and possesses very sinnlir sport ing advantages to enjoyed by the Heale House Estate, particularised abive immediately idjoiusthe wc-ll-Known Amesbury Abbey Estate, the seat of Kir Edmund Antrobus, Fart, and from Its proximity Stonebengr and the far famed Salisbury Plain pre-Bents opportunities ior (btaiuiitg a ret o.ri i istd Ksidcntial and snort- int; property in one of the healthiest tl tngiauu ana wrncn ESSKS. KA1KKS ami KAWLENCL aic instructed 'ELL, I AU TliN, at Ilooms.

Canal, Salisbtiry, on KSDAY. Julv'. at three clock. 'riuted particiuars, plans condi'iors of sale may oe Obtained Of the auctioneers. Canal Salisbury oi Messrs.

Ingiam. Bamson. and Digram, solicitors. t7. lipcolu's inn-fields.

London.W Wiltshire. In the parish of Corsiey. within four miles of the mark towns and stations of Wanmu vr and Frome, and about one hour rail from Hath. Rristol, and Salisbury, and three hour from London -The owe? Hoiise Estate, with a nominal titbe retit-diarge of a few shillings only. Imimrtatit notice of sale of a highly valuabie Freehold Residential and Sporting Property, ccmprising the fll-appoiiited and attractiye uiannup known as nrj.

House, atanding in a lieantifully-timbered pari; and oi latuental pleasure grounds; a compact bijou sidenee kuo as Satidhuys. very Seasantly situate tn-ar Corsiey I'oust. and surrounded by about eight acres of rich pastun land together with the f-rtde and dairy farm known as Ciey Hiil. with substantial and com-ruodious residence and ample modem; also Several pl .18 of aceomuiodati'in land on Corslev Heath and near Jie village of C'haputanhtde, the whole etui racing an area of about 4S7a 3r 13p. This charmiug Re-identia! Estate is known as having been for many years in the s.m the Rarton It includes a portion of the f.T-faiueil eminenoe known as Cloy HilL.

and oierlooks the i-elehra'i-d Long it at coniaiu aud woodlands, the eatowtied historical -ut of the Marquis of a portion of whose estates surround and intersect the property. The neighbourhood affords excellent ci ty. and the residence is within asy leath of tlie South and West Wilts (whose kennels ate about four miles ditaiitl. the of Beatifort's, and oti ei packs of hounds. "EriSES.

WATI.KS and RAW J.ENCE hate epived instnictiops Ir nu N. F. P.i'rton. to SELL the Above I riii.F.HOLD ESTATE, hy AT -'Tl'iN. at CieRatb Arms Btin ier, on SATl ltliA Augtist L.

i o- lo precisely. l'rinh iiarticulars. ith jilans ami conditions of sale, may 1 ob-iained of Messrs Rawlrnce and -anil ag-nts. Salisbury, and SC. Orcat ile- rge-stri-et.

Wi.Ktmiuster fii the a-rlvonct Canal, Salis- fcury aud of Pinniger, solicitor. Westbuxy. liv. 3j, yueen gaie. S.W yuite rinse to tl and withii easy distance of end, Hou-ea of Parliament, and ail parts of fashionable resort A Freebold Mansion, with south aspect, sp' riallj built lor the lau- owiter by the eminent firm of Aldin aud So is.

The mansion is a spicialite. Iiavu.g 3:1 elegant square entrance hall, and artistic and imposing stairca tun domed light. There are suite of tluee beautiful drawing-rooms, terminating with a nohle conservatory 2irft by du ing 100111E. library and liiorning-oonl, billiaid room, ltl beii and dres rooms, back stairs, aud ready splendid domestic eftjees, tabling tor live hordes in mews ad joining there is a luggage htt from basem*nt to ttif it house. The sanit ary arrangements have just been perfected at a heavy cost, under the supervision of the London Sanitary Association, whose certificate and plan may be seen at the h.

use MESSRS. and A. WILSON will SET hv AUCTION, at the Mart. Ti. henhouse yard.

EC. on EDNES-. July 10. lSoVh at twelve oclock precisely luiilcss previously Aispt.tced of '1 above Noble MANSION nnd STABLING. iculars aim conditions of sale can lie had of Messrs Gttrnett, Tart 1 1, and a4, Castle-s'reet, l.iverpou! and.

with ards to view, ef the auctioneers, 13a, Etlrave-square (corner of I iio. ti. Eaton square. 15v order of Hie Trustees of the Hon. the Mar jius Camden This superior Mansion, huilt by Cut itt.

and south, being sit utile in the very oest part of this favtiui itr and aristocratic square. s. the Parks, and easy waiki- distance of tbe Houses of 1'ariiaujeiii and Clubs, with access to the I Charming gardens fr 1 Tl ESSRS. and R. A.

WILSON v. ill SELL, hv iv AUCTION. Lhe Mart, Tokenhouse-yard, on WEDNE5- I)AY. j'J. at twelve oclock precisely (unless previously I disposed 01 I13 I'nvete 1 The Spacious iffS A.VSION and Stablir.g built by the late Mr, Tlioma -i uhiit.

held or I'-rect mMii the ireelioJder 31 r4i yea is from Septrmlier, at the very moderate ground lent of per annum. Tf.e mansion cou ta ins 6t spaci.HiS I lid lofty reception-rooms, 12 bed and ilrts. iug roouis. fitted liath- rocm. priiicinal and secondary and commodious domestic th is staohiig at tfie rear tor lour horses, coach-houses, mens Bows, Particulars and conditions of sale be had of Messrs.

Caprons, Daltons, Hue ii c-. and Ural int. itors, Savile pl.ue, Conduit-treet. and. wMi cards to of the auctioneers.

Ha, (corner if Haitim-placei S.W. jfotice of 1. iaf S.W. (ov rlooi. ing Hyde-part: and Ki nsii gtun i.i i 1 1 -A 1 rre-hi I i Al.iusi- u.

bunt by Cubitt, seven si i ms it'. I'll hi ami te d-ro mis, vc. KSSltS. JNt). uti'l A.

V.JjtX big to sive notice that this I'nviite Treaty. AUCUtllt (.11 cef UA, le iwta lUUle. h.V. ai-e of "lit it, lio ten i Town Mansion and tabling i Jit hu I i on direct from the Crown. MESSRS.

R. A. WILSON Iwg to notify tliat have SUiJ Spacious MANSION by Private y. Aucti'iti nli5f. I3S.

Belsra snr.are, W. I ft IJo i. i -The c.i tlyi of ti Munsioa. ESSK; uinJ R. A.

WILSON will SELL, by AC the eaiiy in August. CONTESTS. WHOLE Particulars cy a Auction Bbf WRlTE ii'd Che residence. i- tor ir. -f-'iure, W.

mlrik'nent. a quaint and artistic ins, but numerous very spacious 1 MESSRS. ALTON an-1 1MB beg to announce that the fr jty t. ,7 li.D the recent Auction, and now in: TKEvrno ihr privately. A lie i v-: 'Si Gi'i-svetior-sqiiare, W.

5Tr -ere. A nut lie" UhM I.M. i.M 1-1 .11:: House, close to tli 01 ll-lt i-iie. a t'at i.alce. ly W- It nil! pi i see rhiii- 1 laid carter a trcm tne sumou of the market to.ui vi stiui'ial built r.

Ic-nce of moderate ir. tim-ughout, und enclosed i.y Well r.ei.i. of stabling, and small or attic rear, highly produces, ami thf-e meadow encio- tbJ LEE wfu' OFFER te above i.i-st us a whole, and. if not sold in fiirmy. id i.n i tive frui- ai i-di: able Sli.

Tin- Wil e.l, 1 WALTON for -SALE, by At'i'TI ti Lots, at the Mart, Tokenl'tiusi' yard. Lon- don. E.C..0.1 Tl ieo-ai. li till.1 DAY July IV. ut two pi ecisely he previi n-iy by Private Treati I.

Panic i-ms ul Sids max lie had of Messrs II SELL, by At N. at their Rnoins, 73, New Bond- at oi-e -clock precisely, W.D l-LAi. including tea and cups, candlesticks. salt cellars, bracelets, brooches, lets. it)i eineiaids, diamonds, rubies, ntre.

TUESDAY. Jmv 1.I.KJ.J it COf! ee pots criii 1 i.111.1. waifer. Vi.ltl:,! aanii-ys, pi-udants. and Bapphues.

peitils, anu 1 stones. r- On Re J. Matthews, cc-ascii. Bv order of the Receiver. 5 KSRS.

PJI1I.LIPS, N. aM NEALE arc instructed jTjI i iuc-'iide in their SALE. r.s nb-jve, a Mardfieetit iR A XI LI A BRILLIANT COLLET NECKLACE and PENDANT, suite tour langie bracelets, sit with brilliants, ild inbieft. sapphires, a very nne ail necklace svn-i t-avr of rai a am it 11 1 hi ill. ant spray -ral fine rings arid bracelets, let with diamonds, pearlr-, em.

lalds. and inhies. May be new und 1 i.tai.. ii-s had of Me Isitt, EUlrid, and Chartered ai couicanis. -Ill, Holoci u-viauuct ai.d of the auciioueeis, Jfo 7o.

New hi.nil Valuable Leasehold Town Reeidetices, for oecupa'ion or Investment. (vOULbSMITH, SUN. ajui CO. wul SELL, by AU "OTP IN. at 'le Mart.

Tol.eiihoii-e yard, near the Bant of on TUEs-DAY. J11U at v.o piecisely, Tl tolh-winc PItOl'ERTiES. l'ON I' STREET, i io 11 ne By of the Executrix of the late Charles Du K.C M.G.. the spacious and aell-urrangetl Family Residence, No tl Pout stt t. huili in the most siibstan.ini Biai, with every 1.

iiard tn the comfort and requirements of a lare establishment, top. ther with stabling at the rear for five b' rs. h. ld lor ail unevj term of about 84 years, at a ground rent of lUs. per annum liuinediate liossessiou.

Vendor 6 solicitor, Bindou Blood, Withoni, Esrex. IA lhe valuable Resider.ce. No 24. I seuar-, at the comer of in ton-street, with a liitiier aci nmmodation if desired: stabling at the 1 four horse li a-e years to at th.e nominal grouncl rent 1 annum -Vendors' ohciinis. Messrs.

Eutvoye, Eieid, aud .1 L.tliord-niw. W.C. GEORGES Sol' ARE. South The comnaCt and rei't 111.. vveil ariii.ii.- With poyse-sioii.

situate No. 47, St. George s-sviuan. drainage arrangements, carried out under the adviee of Rogers -1-1. unexpired terui i2 years gn und lm I Vendor- iter M.s.

is. vvalUrs, DeVerell. and Co Ne -1 1 a re, Li'. ll n. W.C.

MuNTPELIER-SOUARE. Leasehold -ice. with po i-siyjon. close to HvJe-park and Belcravia. and tiv- iiiinntes v.

frocii the Bromptoii Oratory term 5j years ground nt Vendors solicitor, G. H. F'inch, 64, Cannon-atie-c. C. Vii'-tiou 1 strite ofScea, 2.

Pon-s'reet. grave square, W. J. of the i 'vetiiti-i-s. 'adogau-plaue.

c'hoice Residence, ovet-11 irina the oruameutd gardens, with right of entry thereto, tor tit inn, with immediate possession. Tt MESSRS. HJTE, BERRY, and TAYLOR are 11 fi iustantcted 1 1 SELL, by AUCTION, at the Mart. Tokenlmusc- 011 1 m. locv.

ax one ocuca precisely ir-viousl-. .1 Private Treaty 1. BENEPl' IAL 1NTEBEST in the Long LEASE of No. 09. "A 11, AN PLA churiiiingly situate, lacing ou to the ornamental laid li-ing OprtS at ti back, having a private garden and e.ri.ti.ii- to'le' place The resilience, which is in a perfect i i contains 10 Led-rooius.

housemaid's room. With and watei i.iid on two drawing in one, opening on to i.vtg- haleimy, roof, library' comuiimi-mt iur by folding doors with large diniiifc-room. having two doors, one on i.aoeinent stairs for scrvins the usual offices in basem*nt hehl by is years from Michaelmas next at the very low rent of 1 i-r annum. Paruculara and condition? of sale of Messrs. Currie, Williams, and Williams solicitors, 22.

Lincoln s-inn-tields, W.C; at the Mart aud, i ii ar to view, of the auctioneers, 1, Halkin-street, and 50, Sloane- SV. Ir -itunt Sale To Printers Others Complete Printing-office, li premises. Opportunity tor Provincial Firm to establish don Branch. ESSRSi j. M.

POWELL and SOX iiave received in-ISm. unctiuns to UPPER for SALE, by AUCTION, at the Crown 1. Hi; Works, Crown-court, Milton street, EC, on TUESDAY, at one o'clock jirompt, The Whole of the MODERN PRINTING PIJxNT. in One Lot. comprising three perfecting tivo large litbo machines, 11 letterpress machines, en'.

ting, paging, perforating machines. nbaut 10 tons of wOl-selected type, and about 20 tons of litbographic tones. Full psrticulars of terms of lease, ic, may be had on application to ltr John B. Purchase, solicitor. 11, Oueen ictoria-street, and at the auctioneers offices, yi.

LudaaM-hilL U.C. oury, from winch London is reached in two hours. unusually attractive I re. hold Sporting and Resi- I area of about 3r 26p. of excellent sh.

ep land, luxuriant water meadow and good pas- rymg. in audition to trie Weeding noes, a aairy fc with the substantia residence, theDitrnford road on tne opposite siae oi tne alley, weii Known sis formerly the residence of the Hyde family, and for 14 days the hiding-place of Charles II after the Entile of Worcester, the traditional cupboard in whicn he was secreted being still shown. Near the residence is a detached building forming dou Me coach-house, with ample i.i.iine- are also suitable home and iiewlv-erected held build svnd C. ui. R.a'1-i.;; andof the auctioneers, at their B.o-K -ij n-os, j.

'-nin. On " 1 silver, pla ted anu 1- "tehionable jewel- I. n-. We--, in ejects, part by orCer of the Eiecutors of mlm, env 1'1 SON. nn.l NRAT.E Avii 23tt The and him 192, Me on on of Hasting, uam oy ictor weignt-carryini; Hunter, up to lbst, winner of first prize for four-year-old hunters at the yal Show at Limerick iu lifH, and second prize at Cork the same year, has been i ulden regularly ar.

Horse Artillery charger at Aldershot for the last four years, is a good sctiool burse, has perlcct manners, and curries a lady. 2. PETER, a Blown Ueluing, 16.1: up to last, has been ridden as R.ll.A. coarser for last 18 months at Aldershot, good school horse, and has been driven in double harness. PETWi RTH, a Brown Gelding, aged.

bv Enca passed first R.H.A. charger, good hunter, regularly ridden for last two years. 4. BEAUTY, a Black or Brown Irish Mare, 7 yrs old. 15.3; passed brat charger R.H.A..

good school mare, been driven in single aud double harms-, good timber juniper. Tne Proierty oi Captain Maberly. 3. BRAEMAR, a Chestnut Gelding 6 yrs old, by Blair Drummood by Blair dam by Tom Steele un to List Tib. is-ed lirst uliarger, and regularly ridden as such for last two 1 hy Umu Kosa Bonheur by a verv hamiaranui perfectly trained charger both in the school and in the tield.

has been mliii. as a Horse Artillery charter for over tour years, a good huuter mid brilliant fencer. The Prop-rty of Lieutenant P. A Bligh. 8.

METEOR, a Chest nut Gelding, about i5.3. by Mortimer out Fills du Ciel; a passed first charter, regularly ridden on 9. BEN. a Chtstnut Gelding, auuut lohatuis a passed first charger, but makes a uoise quiet in shiyle and double harness. The Prupertv of Lieutenant J.

L. Smith. 10. BEE HIVE. aChesmut Gelding, aged, 16 hands, by Roman Bee passed rirsi charge.

has been riddv.ii on parade, good hunter, up tolist, winner 01 Military Pkue at Sevenuaks, isi6. iue ruperty oi via)or 1L co*ckATOO, a Bay Browu Gelding. 7 yrs old. 3. by Lord Conyngham: up to ttst, a perfectly broken uir.t charger and ridden as such for three years Aldersiiot, very temperate, with gu'd ai ti'iii.

would make a goo-1 lady i ark hack. 12. ETIE. a Bay Mare yrs up to 13t 71b a guod iuinter, temperate, quiet in harness, and fast I he Property ot Cafilain Sir G. Thomas Kurt 13.

A DARK BROWN MARK, 15.3; a thoroughly-broken R.H.A. charter, with fine action, a jjoimI hunter, and arriesa lady. The Property of Lieutenant 11. Jenktttsun. 14.

REBECCA, a Brown Mare, jyrsoid. 16 inds, te ligiee unknown I bought from Mr. Parker, of Winchester, December, IjSSI hunters' certificate lodged, very fast, likely to win a military up to I4st, quiet with troops. Tne Property of Lieutenant '1 G. Best.

15. PRINCE, a Bay Gelding, aged, pedigree unknown; has been ly ridden as brat charger at Aldershot for the last three years, perfect manners with troops and in the school. 16. LASSIE, a Bay Mare ilrish), 6 yrs old, up to Ust a good hunter, very tine fencer iu any country, has been regularly naden by a lady witn hounds the two years. 17.

BL MULE BEE, a Chestnut Gelding, a yrs old, 15.2 a good hack and hunter, up to List (bought last season from Captain Beatty, Rugby regularly hunted with the Warwicsshne aud North Warwicksiure, tine fencer, carries a lady, and quiet in harness. The Property of Lieutunant Meekan. 13. PEELER, a Ray Gelding, aed, 1.1, by Hobby: up to 14st, perfect first cl arger, very good manners, regularly riduen on parade at Aldershot and elsewhere, a good hunter. Tne Property of Captain F.

CunlitTe. 19. A BROWN MARE, aged; perfect in school -nd in the field. 20. DUTCHMAN, a Brown Gelding, ugi-d.

by Kentucky winner of a and Point-to-point Race. lhe Property of Lieutenant G. M'Mickine. 21. A BROWN GELDING; a nrrt charger.

g2. A BAY li ELDING good hunter, and tine fencer. The Propeny of Lieutenant A. D. Young.

23. SULTAN, a Bay Gelding: a perfect charter, trained in 10th Hussars' School, and ridden fur two years as firs: charger R.H.A. 24. SPEEOWLLL, a yrs old, by Make Haste; passed first charger. Very hue fencer.

The Property of Lieutenant W. A Robinson. 25. A BAY GELUING irst charger, regularly riiideu in London. S.

A BAY MARK 4. leader in a tandeui, broken charger, with good action, and regularly ridden iu London. Also, the following, the Property of Lieutenant-Co ion el Burnett, R.H.A., ordered to Ireland. 27. NELLY, a Bay Mare a gocd hunter, brokeu iu school, and ridden on parade with troi p- uy Owner.

l'he Property of Captain tsiane. leaving Aldershot. 28. A BAY GELDING 7 is o.d, by Keitn. dam by Cruisk a broken Charter, quiet in single harness, very with very nne action.

The Property, of Cap ain Bond, ieavini; Aldershot 29. EMERALD, a Bay Geidii.g. 6 yrs old, 15.3J, by Brilliant, dam hy Coroner: up to perfect manners, regularly ridden as first charger at duriug past year. pqU hunter, and fast THURSDAY'S SALE. ESSRS.

TATTERSALL will SELL, by AUCTION, near Albert -gate. nyue-parK, on ML KSUAY. July IS, the 11 I tKS, the iTope. tj or LLECriON, Bay Mare, 15.2: weil iired and goivl-looking, teuiperate.

a splendid fencer, vei-y clever over any description of country, and quiet in single and double harness. STELLA. Lvht Chestnut Mare, -5 yrs. 15 hands a perfect lady's back and hunter, wuh very good manners carried Mrs. Wilfred Marshall to hounds last seasen: winner of second prize for jumping Plymouth, 18So: quiet in single and double harness.

The above are sold as sood hunters, and have beeu regularly ridden with the Taunton Vale Hounds. THE ROYAL DRAGOONS POLO CLUB. THIRD ANNUAL SALE. MESSRS. TATTERSALL will SELL, by AUCTION, near Albert-tate.

Hyde-park, on MONDAY, July 22, SIXTEEN POLO PONIES the Property of the Regiment. For particulars apply to the Secretary, Polo Club, Royal Dragoons, Aldershot. ARNESS ami SADDLERY. CLEARANCE SALE of Surolus ck of 5uu sets harness of every description and sue. new aud second-hand ladies and gents saddles, bridles, whips, horse clothing.

Also dog carts, buggies, waggonettes, Ac, cheap, at Piece IS. St. Andrew street, and 6. St. Martin s-lane.

iMrtoT-CLASS Loiulou-maue HARNESS at half price 1 full size silver plated or brass mounted harness, lined throughout. entirely hand stitched, best bark tanned leather, wdl wear tor it) years price 0 cob ai.e. 1 pony, Xa cheaper harness, unliued. in stock. Catalogues gratis.

S. GOFP, 17, King-street, Covent-garden. STABLE FITTINGS. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of over 1U0 paces sent FREE on application, with full descrip tion and prices of important improvements iu safe and wholesome fittings tor the stable, harness-room, cowhouse, kci patent paving, drainage, ventilation, ic The St. Paucras Ironworks Company Bt.

Paucras-road Loitdon. N.W. Long-acre, and Old 31 ORGAN and Limited, Bond-street mHE MINIATURE PATENT LANDAU. Unequalled for grace, lightness, and durability. 1 v- T- 1 t- and Limited, have received mstruc- tions to DISPOSE CNE of the above CARRIAGES.

On I. at their manufactories and siicw rooms, Nos. 1UU. 1U1. 1U2, loo, 104, 12S, 12y, li, and Ea, Long-acre, Vf-C.

A ST SUCCESS Of the SEASON. This FashiorahU Two-wheeled Carriace is PATENT CEE SPRING "OSBORNE" BASKET CAR specially buUt Reirtd. No. 57.6o6. For Ladies Driving: OBTAINABLE only of the Inventors and Patentees, MORGAN and Limited, 100, 101, 102.

1U3, 104, 15, lax, L8, 129, and 116, ONG-ACRE, and 10. OLD BOND-STREET. rflHE NEW PATENT CEE-SPRING RUSTIC. This I Cart is built in ail sizes, to suit ponies, cobs, or horses for a hilly country, and is unequalled for style and duiability Obtainable only oi tbe patentees, Morgan and Limited, Long-acre, and -i Bond-street. THE NOTED BATTLESDEN CAR.

This unique little two-wheeled Carriage can be obtained in all sizes and colours at the builders', and Limited, Lnn-acre, and IU, Old Bond- I street. ot prices auu testimonials post tree. ORGAN and CO. are instructed 'o SELL, by Order of Kiecntors. an elesant LuUm lamAL monaui Patent).

BROUGHAM WAGGONETTE. TANDEM IMIG-CART. Patent Special OPENING BROUGHAM, and VICTORIA; also Patent Cee-spriug una i'ouoie ana single narness. is De seen at tne uuuuers Long-acre. MORGAN and Limited, 10, Old Bond-street, W.

Specialite Handsome, full-size, patent Cee-spring LANDAUS. The most distinguished-looking carriages in towu. i MORGAN and Limited. 10, Old Bond-street, have instructions from Sir Chan Isham. and "he Trustees of Count to SELL a handsome Patent Cee-spring BROUGHAM.

LANDAU. VICTORIA, and WAGGONETTE. To be seen at their Old Bond-street Show-rooms. ORGAN and Limited, 10, Old Bond-street, W. 1 The success of the season.

Morgan's Cee-sprinic PRINCESS Vlt iKlAS, oaroucfie shapeu anil marvellously light. MORGAN and Limited, have a most Elegant LANDAU for SALE only used once by an American lady 1 for Drawing Room, who will guarantee same. To be seen at 10. Old 1 Bond-street, W. "OURLINGTON CARRIAGE COMPANY.

MM Not a Limited Liability Company, but under personal supervision. Established 1840. 315-317, OXFORD-STREET. W. A Specific Three Y'ears' Guarantee with every Carriage.

CASH, or PAYMENTS to SUBPURCHASER, SUPERB LITTLE BROUGHAM the perfection of ease and comfort: hung on long easy springs: with indiambber fittings, plainly but most luxuriously upholstered, and painted iu quiet colours it is new and of perfect outline. The manager has instructions to refuse no reasonable oner, ana snout halt original price will be accepted Burlington Carriage Company la to Jl, Oilorq-street. w. TTiXTRA small LANDAU for country work, nearly new, jpj a bargain, fitted with patent brake, small Cee springs, folding patent Jrurchasere would uo well to inspect before I ueciuing elsewnere, ai sn opportunity rarely met with presents 1 Apply Burlington Carriage Company, 315 and Oiford street.

W. HEMUV ABLE HEADED AUU ON El IE. A very tempting opportunity presents itself to an intending purchaser. This carriage has not been used and was built for price to an immediate purchaser 95gs, or the manager can make arrangements for deferredpayment Burlington Carriage Company, 315-317, Oxford-street, W. This waggonette is fitted with breaa and all necessary appurtenances.

CAS' CARRIAGES are the BEST for Lightness, Durability, and Excellence of Work. OXFORD-STREET, and 21, NORTH AUDLEY-STREET. W. 451, -y LUCAS will LET OUT any of his New CAR 1 u' 1 RIAGES to Intending Purchasers for a term not less than three months, which will enable them to prove the excelienoe of the work Oetore deeming on any carnage they may select. 451.

Oxford-street. W. I AS VICTORIAS VICTORIAS in all the newest designs, to LET OUT for the Season, with Option of 21, NORTH AUDLEY-STREET, VICTORIA CARRIAGE WORKS. Three Yearn' System. 25.

Long-acre. W.C. THE THREE YEARS' SYSTEM. CARRIAGES of every description SOLD on this system for an eitra charge of 5 per at the Victoria Carriage Works, 26, Long-acre, W.C. Builders to the Royal Family.

"VTICTORXA. This Carriage, one of our own most stylish build, is as good as new, and is only being offered SIXTY at this eitraoniinarily low price as the owner must realise. Well worth Siks. YictoriaCarnageWorks, GUINEAS. 24 and 25.

Loin; acre. W.C. BROUGHAM, very light, the Property of a Gentleman, to whom its immediate sale is imperative, and it is consequently 1 being offered for the low price of to a purchaser well worth half an onnortunitv that should not be missed. Victoria Carriage Works, 24 and 25. Long-acre, W.C.

EXTREMELY light Double VICTORIA, this season's design, and most completely fitted with every requisite this fashionable carriage, although never used, must be SOLD imme- nients could be made for its purebase on our three years systehl ytgtggg Carriage Works. 24 and 25. Long-acre. W.C. I Lily has for DISPOSAL a Victoria," in thorough good condition, by Hall and Sons, of Lonc-acrW: uiateiy, anu at a price tnar scarcely covers corn.

01 uuiiumg arrane- suitable for a 15-hand cob: colour blue; complete, with lever brake; Mga. 10 oe seen at hj, lxing-acre. MCTORIAS. Second-hand Victrria, by Win7'vei with movable seats, forming a lady's driving phaeton, in capital I order, with lamps complete price 40gs. Also nearly new Cee-spring I Victoria, painted and lined blue: a great bargain st and a 1 Double Victoria, easily changing to a driving phaeton, and Two nooted victorias, as good as new, jugs, ana cogs eacn.

and 113, acre, vv tion in the catalogue. c. 1. u.avi.n, CJMALL LANDAU barsain, souare. verv liaht.

natpi.r. kv spring head and lever brake, lined blue morocco, painted blue. picneu out lemon, uy ursi mic outiuei. ursieraie conaniou attiuns rr one or pair horses: suitable for hilly country must lie sold to first reasonable offer Apply Parker sr. ddlers.

Upper St. Martin s-lane (opposite Aldridge's Ho-se Repository). "7ICTORIA, by Peters also One with sh*tting seats to form driving phaeton also a LANDAU with Cee-springs on hind part, with patent head. All the carriages are equal to new and to be SOLD at very low prices. Litchneld, carriage factory, 76, Market-street.

Ediiwiire-road, W. ENTI.EMAN, having no further use for his CAR-I AC ES. requires cash offers for the followinc doors. Circular-fronted Pr-mgham. Single seated lirougham Stanhope Phaeton.

Pony Phaeton. Shooting Cart, and varnished Cart on view Fairhridge and Sons. 43, Crawford-street. W. t.

-SINGLE BROUGHAM, by Peters, in capital onuition an exceptional opportunity of obtaining a genuine i Cturriage at less rhun a thud of brst cost. Apply SJ, George- JC couui rtrst-v lins Sur street. Portman-sqiiare, where it may be seeu A7ICTORIA.i.tiilt for a lailyof title, who can be referred to. in excent order, light, iegant carriage jt43; nodsalam. (sV QlautesUr-raad.

SouLb taiinatsa ytaisat SWAMPY, a Chestnut Gelding. 6 yrs old. 15.3. by See Saw out of Gorgon; op to lost, passed hist charger, good hack and hunter winner of See 'al-iidar. TtiE WANDERER, a Chestnut Gehliiiff'i v.

niH ir haB.i Merv out ot'S, aoull by The General, k. TSlSSiSi. lANOE LANDAU, almost new, with patent head and I all latest improvements painted and lined green will be SOLD to a cash buyer at the very low price of worth l.Wgs JV. Lcirnr acre THE NEXT yERIODICAL-SALE-o. CARRIAGES by I J.

AUCTION, at the BaUer street Carnage Bazaar, will Uke placi on TUESDAY. July 16. at twelve o'clock Carriages for tiiiaalc i 1 1 I or I in 125. A GRLY ((ELDING by Miruiillo; quiet harness and a good hack. Lots 123 to 125 bred by owner.

126. LINDA, a Grey Mare; well known with the Hambledon Hounds, curries a lady, and quiet in harness. 127. THE MILLt.R by Lord Cough been hunted in Limerick and Cork aud with the Crawley and Horsham Hounds. 128.

RIPON, a Bay Gelding! 129. STANLEY', a Bay Gelding. Lots 128 aud 129 have been driven as a pair. THE EIGHTEEN STALL STABLE. The followini.

Houses, unt il uy Owsek, ano all sold as cood Hunters, pboi euty Admiral Pakkf.r, and sold in ok his havtno resign. ed the masterSHIP OF THE DAl.TYjdOtt HofNDS. 130. HILDA, a Chestnut Marc by Cavendish Snuare, up to 12st fast. and has const mtly carried a holy to hounds.

131. RIFLEMAN, a Bay Gelding by Tassell. dam by Kingmaker, up to good fencer, carries a lady, and has been ridden by the huntsman. 132. SNOWDRIBT by Snowstorm dam by Make Hate granddam by Kingmaker, up to weight carries a lady, fast, and a promising fencer.

133. SOPHY, a Chestrnt Mare hy Make Haste, dam by Kingmaker, vp to lwSt good fencer, fast, has carried a lady, and been ridden by the hunt servants. The Property of Lieutenant-Colon Tf.mpler. 134. AGNES, a Bay Mare good hunter, quL-t to ride, fast, and a good fencer.

133. Pl'OSERPINE, a Chestnut Mare quiet to ride and drive, a good hunter, and fat. 136. MAY. a Cheat nut Mare; quiet to ride and drive, and a good hunter.

137. Si. LOME EE. a Chestnut Oelding: quiet to ride and drive, and a Rood hunter. Lots VS6 and 137 are a good match, regularly driven together and in a team.

138. Bay Gelding has been driven in harness. The follow i no Weioiit-l'a uryinii Hinteiis, well known with the Bicester and Warwickshire Hol'nds, the Property of a Gentleman. 134. JACK.


I 142. A BROWN GELDING; quiet to ride and drive, and carries a lady. 143. MAJESTY, a Brown fielding: and quiet to ride. 144.

GALWAV, a Chestnut Gelding, up to lCst: good hunter, well known with Mr. Cory ton's and Dartmoor Hounds, and quiet in harness. The Propektv Liei'Tknast-Colonel Albert Li.ovd. 145. DAISY, a Bay Pony, weight canying polo pony, a good hack and hunter quiet iu harness, and carries a lady, fast enough to race 14d.

Mi LADY, a Polo Pony: quiet in harness, carries a hiily. nd played polo up to present time. 147. KITTY, a Brown Pmy euiet to rice and drive. 1.

A Mail Phaeton, by und Son. 2. A Perth Curt, hy Thorn on. nearly new. 3.

A Ce --p ing Huntingdon Buggy, by Fuller, in good condition. A A Turiil. ru Cu by AUleiiert, nearly new. 5. A RalliCar, by WmdoVer.

6. A Ling Cart Phaeton, hy Bligh, fittings for one or a pair. 7. A Single Harness, 'nuts. OTICE.

Messrs. Tattersall leserva to themselves the right to sell without reserve unless orders to the rontrarj are sent before the sale, and the vendors reserve to themselves the right to bid through the auctioneer as their agent as often as tney please. P.S Horses not aiisweriuii the description must be returned before five o'clock on Wednesday evening next otherwise the purchaser shall be obliged to keep the I.O' w.tii all faults. Messrs. Tattersall beg tu give notice that all lots at their yearling and other sales are evp.

cteu to he paid for before delivery, and that if ordeis are given to tlu-ir customers after a sale, it must be upon the under jtaiuling that tney are to be paid ior on the following Monday at Albeit Gate. jr.ii returned fi.r net answering description shall be tried by the firm of Messrs. Tattersall, cr of one nl or some one appointed by them, in such manner and for such length of time as they or he shall think dt, add their or his decision shall be final or binding on both vendor and purchaser, and the los-r of the trial shall pay the expenses; or Messrs. Ta'ter ill. or ore of them, or some one -t-pniutcd by them, may, instead of making an act al trial of.

or in addition to an actual trial of such a horse, make their or his decision upon evidence of such nature, and taken in such manner as they ur he shaJ think fit. Reasonable notice of any such trial shall he given or sent to both vendor and purchaser. If after such notice either party or b-th patties shall be absent at the time fixed, Messrs Tattersall, or oae of them, or the said person appointed may proceed to try aud make a cec.sion iu his or their seiice. No action shall he brought azainsc Tattersali, or cne of theiu the said ptrAon appointed in consequence ot any decision ruaue with the above rules. Thediiysof payment to persons selling horses are Wednesdays fer horses without any description, and Friday for horses described as hunters, or quiet to ride, or quiet in harness, or with any kind of warranty, between the hours oi eleven and four.

No money paid a vrita order. No horses delivered after six o'clock in the evening. NOTICE, Iff ESSRS. TATTERSALL hg to GIVE NOTICE that. in consequence of Large I.LOOD STOCK SALES to be held bv them at Newmarket each dav during the July Wees, they will NOT HOLD a SALE at Albert gate on THURSDAY next.

July 11. by AUCTION. carried a lady, very clever and fast, ridden hy the huntsman. 1 SNOWDRIFT. 6 vrs old, 1 hands: up lo weight, by Snowstorm, dam by Make Haste, granddam by Kingmaker, very fast, promising fencer, good luaunsrs, and cairies a lady.

1 SOPHY, hestnut Mure, foaled in lisiS about 15.3. up to 1.1st. by Make Haste, dam by Kingmaker: perfect manners, fast aud Sever, carries a lady, has enlarged fetiock from blow 12 months, hut has stood sj.ui. and the hunt servants ahove are bell, ve I to lie pructieahy onnd, and all were bred by aud were regu.ariy hunt .1 up to 4tl. May.

The owner, mo be SOLD, l.y AUCTION, by Messrs. TATTERSALL, near Albert-cate. Hvde-iark. on MONDAY'. Julv 8.

1589. the following HORSEfi. the Property of the Earl Spencer, E.G.: 1. THE ill ANT hy Rowsham. 2.

GOLDEN FLEECE by Gideon. 3. LOVING CUP hy Revenge: hunted from Dublin, and winner of the 5-h Dragcou Guards Subaltern Cup. 4. FLATTERER by Sycophant.

5. THE DUKE. C. FO EES AIL 7. FouT RULE IX, 4 yrs old, by Pedometer.

9 cllfoIT have been constanly driven in MISCHANCE by Pedometer) harness. 1, 2, 4. and 6 have been hunted by owner in Northamptonshire. 7 wn 01 ed Oy owner, and promises to make a hi liter. PROPERTY of Oeueial tiodnian, at ATI EliS ALL'S, JULY 6, to be SOLD.

THE MILLER by Lord Cough: hxs been hunted in Limerick. Cork, and Crawley ind Horsham country. GREY GELDING by Mouriunds: ouiet to ride and quiet in harness, bred by owner. GREY GELDING, by Mirmillo; quiet in harness, good back, bred by owner. CIMON ny Miltiades.

dam by Knave of Hearts; quiet to ride, good hack, aud jumps we'd, bred oy owner. LINDA, Grey Mare well known in the Hambledon country, carries a lady, and goes in single haruess, bred by owner. MESSRS. TATTERSALL wiU SELL, by AUCTION, near Albert-gate, Hyde-park, on MONDAY, July 8, the Property of a Ger.tleiuun who is breaking up his staule on leaving England in August for a ioug while SURE FOOT, Uai Bay by Chilblain, 6 yrs old, 1G hands: perfect hunter, hack, or steeplechaser, quiet to ride or drive, believed perfectly sound, very inst, and splendid fencer. DON, very handsome Bright Bay Cob, 7 yrs to yrs.

14.2 fine park hack, jumps well, fast, will drive, has beeu ridden by a young: lady, believed perfectly sound DIANA. Black Mar-. old. 15.2: perfect hunter or hack, fast, fine fencer, has been ridden by a lady, believed to be perfectly sound. ESSRS.

TATTERSALL will SELL, bv AUCTION, a MONDAY. July tne A. Williams, of John following HORSES, the Property of W. Cross tarm. Mount neki.

uss THE GNAT, a Black Cob. 14.2, 6 yrs old quiet to ride, quiet to drive in single ur doutle, last, would make a guod polo pony, a tine fencer. PEGGY, a Bay Mare, 15.1,5 yrs eld: quiet to ride, quiet to single, double, or tandem, has been driven hy a lady, a tine fencer. MAUD. Dark Brown Mare, 15.21, 5 yrs old; quiet to ride and drive single or double, fast with action.

These horses are all believed to be souqd. ESSRS. TATTERSALL will SELL, by AUCTION, near Albert irate. Hyde-nark, on MoNDAV. July 8.

the Pro- gsrty ot Mr. armer, or Kociu- AY GELDING, 6 yrs old, 16.1. up to 16st a good hunter, well-known with the Craven Hounds and Saiernake Fi rest Staiihounds. quiet in single and double harness, and would make a good CHEST.N L'T GELDING, 6 yrs old. 15.1-1 a good hunter.

krown heeler. known Staghounds; with the Craven Hounds and lorest quiet in single and double harness, aud would niaae a good tandem leador. TATTERSALL'S, 8th WILL be SOLD at JULY SUREFOOT. by Chilblain 6 yrs old. 16 hands Dark Bay perfect hunter and hack, or steeplechaser, goes in harness quiet, absolutely sound.

DON, very handsome Bright Bay Coh, 7 to 8 yrs old, 14.2 hands fine park hack, fast, jumps well, wiU drive, has been ridden by a youns; lady absolutely sound. BLACK MARE, 8 rs old, 15. 'J hands perfect hunter or hack, fast. has been ridden by a lady perfectly sound. The above Horses are the Property of a Gentleman who is breaking up Ids stable on leaving England for a long whilc.

M1 VviopfS TATTV.KSA.TT. will SELL hv AUPTTfW nea. niucieuiv-. win a vuy uwfiir perly of a Geutieiuan i no is oruerca aiironu A BAY GELDING; quiet in single and double harness, and has been ridden. A CHESTNUT GELDING quiet in single and douhl harness, and has been ridden.

The above have been driven together as a pair. ridden and driven by a girl, hunted in bank country hist season fencer and very fast, siiatHe mouth, regularly sold on account ot not he up to own, weight MESSRS. TATTERSALL will SELL by AUCTION, near Albert-gate, Hyde park, on MONDAY, July 8, the property of Lieutenant-Colonel Albert Lloyd DAISE Y. weight-carrying Polo Pony, 14 hanila, fast enough to win races; a good hack, clever hunter, quiet in harness; carries a lady, autlbelieved perfectly sound. MESSRS.

TATTERSALL will SELL, by near Albert-gate. Hyde-park, on MONDAY, July 8, the rTopcrty of Captain Ualpin A PAIR of GREY ARAB HORSES (Entire). 5 and 6 yrs old; quiet in single and double harness. Imported last year. lOslsiisTfATTE XvsL near Ainert-gate.

nyae-pars. on July 15, the rroperty ot Captain Owen, lhe Carabuuers DTJNION (brother to Sherbrooke). 4 yrs old. Entire by Dutch Skater out of Verdure by King Tom, bred dam May Bloom by New-minster out of Lady Hawthorne, sister to Thorman'oy a passed rirst charger. MALTON, a Bay Gelding, 7 yrs; regularly hunted last season, a xencer, carues a iiuiy, a iiasevi seconu cnarger.

iasomaitood season, a good Irivenin single BWiAAisi oy 1 roiessor, 1 yrs; reguiany nunteu last fencer. RARI TY, a Brown Mr.r? quiet to ride, and regularly driven anu Uuutile Harness. The Pronertv of Cantain Cradock. The Carabiniers. TREASURE TROVE.

Bay Gelding. 6 yrs. by Claremont out of cl*tden Jewel by Lord Clifden believed perfectly sound, very defer fencer aiul fust, with perfect manners, carried a lady to hounds all end of list season, sold solely on account of being too small for present owner, a good hunter. The Property r.f T. W.

Blakeway, The Carabiniers. 1. BLACK MARE. 6 yrs, 14,2: goo.1 hunter and fencer, perfect hack and harness nonv. carries a lady.

2. GREY MARE, 7 yrs, 14 hands; carries a lady, quiet in harness. nuiicer auu leucer. 3. GREY MARE.

7 yrs, 14 hands: quiet in harness, a good hunter. The above are believed perfectly sound in every respect. Noa 2 and 3 would make a good pair, and both are good polo ponies. Tne Property of Captain Hamilton, The Carabiniers. BLITZ.

Chestnut Mate by Thunder, liyrs; good hunter, hunted with York anil Amsty ami huiiicl*tle Jrag. passed second charger. on paraue, uiveiy iu win a race, soiu as nut up to owner Weight. MESSRS. TATTERSALL will SELL, by AUCTION, near Albert gate, Hyde-park, on MONDAY.

July 15, by order of the Executors ot the Lite James C. Harter, of Leamington. Without Reserve. FIVE BAY GELDINGS, which have been regularly driven in a team 1. HARLEQtTN wheeIer- 2.

HOPEFUL ivrneeiers. 3. HARMONY 1 4. HONESTY Headers. 5.

HARVESTER I Nos. 2, 3. ai.d 5 have been driven in single harness. THURSDAY'S SALE. ESSRS.

TATTERSALL will SELL, bv AUCTION. near Albert-irate. Hyde-Lark, on THURSDAY. Julv 13. the riopt-rty ot A.

tiillett. r.q 01 rairoaK L.o.ige. nishonstoke CONFIDENCE. Buy Mine by Llewellyn, Gyrs old: has been regularly hunted with the New Forest Deerhounds last season, can lump any country, and is very clever. FOREST MAID, a Bay Pony very fast in harness, and has been regularly driven iu a shuoting cart.

Is also quiet to ride, aud jumps well. Aho. the Property of Captain Douelas, A Handsome BROWN CARRIAGE GELDING, about 16.1. 7 yr old with good action, quiet in double aud single hatnassi wish trains, a. aad to ruia- ESSRS.

TATTERSALL will SELL, 1VJL near Albvi t-gate. Uyd- j-ark. on MONOAi. July S. the JlV.IL'AI OAiJ MESSRS.

1A1 IU. rts ACE will SC.LL, by AUC'TlUN, MONDAY. JulyS. the Property of C. Lucas.

Esq. KLHJ1N. a Dark Chestnut Mare (Irish). 15.1, 6 yrs oldby Knave of Hearts, dam by Ben Battle a good huuter and hack and broken lu nauuvSsVL uirv place, vv sin Windmill street. Tottenhani-court-road.

W. A compact Conv- hold Residence, with Workshop, in a good position, let on repairiug lease tor seven, 14, or 21 years, to a desirable tenant, at the moderate rent of 67 10s. per annum. The property is subject only to a nominal uoe. payable on the death of tbe owner, and would form a safe and profitable investment.

MESSRS. SAMUEL B. CLARK and SON are instructed by the Owner to SELL the above COPYHOLD PRO-rV. by AUCTION, at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. E.C., on THURSDAY, the 1st August, 1889, at two o'clock precisely.

May be viewed by orders from the auctioneers, and particular? and conditions of sale had of Messrs. Clarke, Woodco*ck, and Byland, solicitors, No. 11, Liucoln's-iiiu-uelds, W.C.; at the Mart, E.G. and at the auction and survey offices. No.

t. New Cavendish -street, Pol tland-place, W. order of the Trustees Mottingham Lodge. Eltham, Kent, nine miles from London. A valuable Freehold Property, in a beautiful position, standing on high ground, close to the Royal Naval College, under a mile from Eltham, Lee, aud Oiove-paik (main linel Stations respectively.

The residence is approached by carriage drive from lodge entrance, is of modern construction, aud contains li bed and dressing rooms, fitted bat h-rooui, tour reception-rooms, biiliard-room, spacious eutrance hall, principal and secondary staircases, servants hall, and complete domestic offices. Stabling for seven horses, and all necessary outbuildings. The in minds are well-sluided large tennis lawn, extensive and prolific kitchen gardens, range of glasshouses, and there are extensive park-like meaUows, tne wno.e property lueaHunng auoui 1 acres, a portion of which, commanding extensive frontages, is ripe for build-iiiz. aud could be cut off without in any way injuring the residential character of the remainder. For investment or occupation.

Ml ESSRS. SAM I EL R. I LiAKK and SON are tavoured dth instructions from the Trustees to Or! hit the above FREEHOLD PROPERTY by AUCTION, mTwo Lots, at the Mart, E.C., oti THURSDAY. August at two o'clock. Particulars are now in course of preparation, and will be obtainable application at the auction and survey offices.

No. 8, New Cavendish-street, Portland-place, W. Great Marlow, Rucks. Freehold Park Land. MESSRS.

SAMUEL B. CLARK and SON are favoured with instructions from the owner to OFFER for SALE, by AL tTlua, at the loneunouse yaru, tu uu, aui.ii... igga at two clock, A SMALL FREEHOLD PARK, of nearly 80 acres, in a magniheeut position, adjacent fo the tavouiite and picturesque town ot tiieot Marlow. overlooking the River Thames, and forming a site for the erection of a mansion of the first class, si arcely to he surpassed for beauty of position ai extent, diversity of prospects. Full particulars will be published in due course hy tiie auctioneers, and may be obtained at their olhces, Caveudish-street, Port-I laud-place, W.

Freehold Buiiding Land at Petershaai. one mile from EyCect Station and two from Wey bridge. MM ESSRS. SAMUEL B. CLARK and SON are in- lTA structdlto SELL, by AUCTION, at the Mart.

Tokeuhouse-i yard, E.C, on THURSDAY, August 1859. at two clock. Very Valuable ENCLOSURES of IREEHOLD BUILDING i LAND, with extensive frontages to main roads, and iormi ig part of the Petersham-place Estate. Plans and full particulars oi tne auctioneers, sew caveoaisa stieet, Fortlaud-place, W. w.


HORDES FOR THE LONDON SEASON. WJ. SMITH begs to inform his numerous customers aud the nobility iu general that, wuh a view ot being able to supply them with first class animals Lor season, he Iris I per-souaiiy attending all the mo recent and important horse fair; iu Great Britain, where hv has secured the pick of the animals, lie will, therefore, be in a tuition, when recjiiired, to show tbe best Harness auu Saddle HORSES to be had in London, all with, action, appearance, aud manners. 1AIR of CHESTNUTS, 1G hands. 5 yrs old quiet in JL all sorts of harness, well mannered, and very handy, they are well bred, aud fuii of uuality aud Trial and veterinary ex- animation.

W. J. 8MITH, 53, Little Cadoifan uave, PAIR of BAYS, 13.3, 5 and Gyrs old rer.tisctively quiet in single and double handy, Well mannered, and a per-tevt match, very fine goers, ami show plenty of breeding and substance. Trial and veterinary examination. W.

J. SMITH, 53. Little Cadogau-pUce, BelgTave-square T1AIR cTceUent ma Kiihitan of BLACKS, 16 hands, 5 vrs old quiet and in single ad double harness, with perfect manners, an tch. aud very reliable pair, shonimr lots of Quality aud Trial and veterinary examinati" n. VV.

J. te.ullll. 3, Little Cadogan-place, iiclg rave-square. PAIR of Rich-coloured CHESTNUTS, 16.1. 5 yrs old met anu handy in ail sorts of harness, a wonderf ul pair of goers, of grand appearanc-, and lull of substance aud breeuiug.

1'ria. and vcteriuary exauiiuation. W. J. MITH.

53, Little Cadogau-pice, boigrave-square. MAGNIFICENT DARK BROWN RLOOO OELDINO, 10 hands. 5 ears old q.ilet in harness und to ride, guer, anu likely to make giand charger, a very hauusouie aiumai and vetermary exaniinatiou. W. J.

SMITH, S3, Little Cadogau-jilace, i.clgrave-square. Horses. job horses. "VT SMITH begs to inform liis inmerous Patrons TT i and the Public that, havmg n.aue job't. it, a branch of his business, he hopes to merit a share of the support iu line which has hith rto received from them in dealing.

A nuniber oi I airs aud Simile Harness Horses, with appearance, action, and maimers, sce- cialij seasoned tor this business. N.B. Superior Lauies and Gentlemen HACKS LETov the cur cranv period. 5o, Little cadoG an -place. BELoRaV E-oyL ARE, AWiOJ, a.W.

SALE TcESDAY next. July 9. LONDON HORSE REPOSITORY (Linx.ted), (late Cox's). Stamtra-street, S.E. To be SOLD, by Ai OlTON.

TUt.SDAY, Juiy9, SIXTY'-ITVi, Genuine Ustiui including Fairs of Carriage Horses, Hunters, Cobs, Hacks, Ride and l'rive Horses, Ponies, and also an assortment of Carriages, tbe diticrent Property of Gentlemei. who can he referred to. lOi-iLIT, Manager. LONDON HORSE REPOSITORY (Limited), Stamford-sti-eet. S.E.

To be SOLD, by AUCTION TUESDAY next, the Property of a Gentleman THE DUKE. Dark Bay Gelding, ti yrs, hands high, quiet to ride and drive in double ami single harness. BLACK duch*eSS, Black Mare, yrs, and 15.1. quiet to ride and drive. tlPC r-nt, I 141 hsndnhi imiiillin.Uinililrin IRL, Buy Cab Mare Above have been regularly driven together as a pair.

ONDON HORSE REPOSITORY (Limited), I Stamford-street. S.E. Tone SOLD, by AUCTION', TUESDAY ueit, the Property of J. Williams. Esq.

PAIR of BROWN GELDINiJS. 18 hands high, quiet in single and dowole harness, good movers CARRIAGE HORSES AND MARES. LONDON HORSE REPOSITORY (Limited), Stamford-street. S.E. To be SOLD, by A LCTIoN.

TUESDAY next. 8LX. Valuable Short legged CARRIAGE HoRSES in Bays and Browns ailquiet in harness, double and single, audhigh steppers, new and fresh, and bt for immediate use. Ou view. COMPLETE TURN OUT.

LONDON HORSE REPOSITORY (Limited), Stamford -street, S.E. To be SOLD, by AUCTION, lT'ESDAY next, the Property of an Officer. BROWN COB GELDING. 14 hands high quiet to ride and drive. VILLAGE CART, almost new.

SET of PLATED HARNESS. BAY COB UELDING. 14 hands high quiet to ride and drive. SALE, the following HORSES, the Property of Ss an Otticer leaving Euylaud PAIR of BAY GELDINGS, lo.3, age 6 and 7, on short legs, suitable for a hilly country', quiet in ad harness, aud rids welL Price liligs. LUCKY BOY by Victor, dark brown, age 6, 15.24 quiet in single and double harness, and good hunter.

INFANTRY CHARTER, Rutus, Chestnut Gelding; ae very quiet with all troops, hunted in Essex, and has been broken to harness. FANNY, Brown Pony; perfect child's pony, 13 hands, and quiet in harness. The above Horses are all open to examination and trial. Apply to Manager, Royal January liming achooi, Oioucester-ciesceut, 11 lyde- vv N.B.- Owing to close of season, several well-trained Hacks and Cobs for Sale at moderate prices HORSES with Unrivalled High Action. Messrs.

Bland W. MILTON, of 6, Park-lane. Piccadilly, Dealers in High-nats HORSES ouly, beg to inform the Nobility aud Gentry that j-n moderate. Hoi sc-s Let on ob. Bee our full advertisem*nts in tney nave sevlkal I'AIKS.

Also, Ssuigle liOKSHIS aim UUJiS. tne giem every saturaay. J' OB HORSES-JOB HORSES JOB HORSES. Messrs. M.

and W. MILTON. 6. Park-lane. Pkeadillv.

hi. I byti hL'PPLY superior Hith-stei iiine Pairs and Sincle Horses ol uuaiity. by the month or jtear. Terms moderate. H' ORE and C'OU- The Property of a gentleman, at first reasonable offer.

The Horse is a verv handsome Black Brown Gelding, ti yrs old, 10 hands 24 quiet in auy harness, quiet to nae; goou nunter: up to fsi. jne coo is a remarkably nauasome jjii uiiestnut c.etauig; 0 yrj. old, 14 hands quiet in narness quiet to ride up to list. invaluable for timid persons. To be SOLD with warranty, sublet to one week's triaL W.

Bad, Lanark-place, Clifton-road, Maida-vale, W. a handsome Grey Gelding, 15.3, good mover; also a number of other horses, on SALE trial and vet. exam. Cousins and hire, 23a George-street, Purtman-square. LOMER and HIGH STEPPERS.

An extraordinary assortment of Stylish HORSES, suitable for the season, consisting of teams and pairs. Also Single Harness Horses of all colours and fashions moderate prices all sound and warranted. To be seen at 3, Eaton-mews West, Eaton-square. ORSES. V.

GREENWAY and SON continue to RECEIVE a Recular SUPPLY of HORSES from the northern other counties. Thev have on sale several well-matched pairs with cood action. Horses of every description, suitable for towu and general country purposes. Superior job hcrses and hacks supplied for anv period Portland Stables Bolsover-atreet, London, W. Established 1827.

BANKS'S COMMISSION STABLES. For SALE, the Property of a Gentleman who has no further use for them, a PAIR of High step ping HORSES, 15.3; quiet in double and single harness. Als: the CARRIAGES, by Peters.consisting of aSociableand Stanhope Phaeton. Can be seen and tried at Banks's Commission Stables. Theobald's-road.

W.C. BLACK-BROWN MARE for SALE lowest price 65gi heizht 14.2.1 ace 7 sound, strong, fast, cood-lookinit. excelle lent Iruiiimr oiiipt in anil dmiht hAmusH' ensv TL-o-f-d for i specially suited for Raiii car or low dog-cart sold because too small for brougham: trial and examination invited; no dealers. Apply 4, Hyde-park -square-mews, W. HANDSOME BLOOD MARE (Brown), with pedigree, 6 yrs old, 16 hands, for SALE quiet to ride, excellent huntress, good hack, and fast hunted with the Oueen Staghounds last season needs only to be seen by those in want of a handsome park hack price lOOgs.

letters only. 48, Chester-terrace, S.W. EIGHT-CARRYING COB (Bay Gelding), 6 yrs, 14.3 verv fast, emnd mover, very ouiet to ride or drive civ. titicate of soundness from Royal Veterinary College invaluable for old or nervous rider price Uigs Owner, Camden-roau. N.W.

A VERY FINE PAIR of BAY NORFOLK COBS, 14.3. 6 yrs. the Property of a Gentleman, for SALE extra ordinary movers and prize winners in daily work as pair or tandem-Coachman, 207, Pavilion-road. Sloane-street. TOYNBEE.

HORSES. HARNESS and RIDING HORSES for SALE Address Belgrave-yard, Eaton row, Uobart-piace, London, S. close to Victoria Station (towards Eaton- I -a 1-C Jf 1 doub AY GELDING for SALE, not being required 15 hands nice lookinc. with very good action, quiet in single and ouble haruesc and to ride: price oOgs. Apply Si, Three Eiugs'- yard, Uuvier street.

WANTED, PAIR of sound iouug COBS, about 15 hands: no fancy price Write, giving full particulars of each. tn A Mav advenisimr otHceR. 1G2. Piccadilly. to a.

Tinp A QTtTT a P.av Mar, hv Rravubv lil sH UK hi ELLA, a Iay -iare DYtSravado, 10.1, age 5 a good hacn and hunter, quiet to ride, carries a lady. I-en to vetennary examination. Address 8. Ennismore-garden- 1 mews South, S.W. T71QR SALE PAIR of BAY CARRIAGE HORSES.

both young, with good action and plenty of quality. Can be seen at W. Hamilton's, 3, Cornwall-gardens Stables. South Kensington. NE HUNDRED high-class Harness and Riding HORSES, with uuality and action.

On view at J. S. Brown's, WANTED, a Good-looking COB PONY, about 13.2 thoroughly kind, and safe for children to ride drive. Also CART and HARNESS. Address Felling Place.

Old jiiusor. JAPANESE DOU. Any one desirous of Purchasing one of these charming Pets will please communicate, in first instance, by letter, to "Jap." 1U2. Piccadilly. FOB SALE, a Splendid LITTER of IRISH PUPPIES.

A wdy CoMhaaa, tu. EinaUr-ros4, aVW. 10. 11. 12.

13. 15. I I I I trial I 1 Hyde-park nenr to Albert Hall, Prince of Wales's and Alexandra Uates. and within a few minutes' walk of South Kensington Station). No.

3. Iiinee's-gardens. and A3. Prince s-mews. ESSRS.

DEBENHAM, TEWSON, ana BRIDGE WATER will SELL at the Mart, on TtlusUJtx, 6i'l by 17ft front and back staircases anu omces, inciuuing housekeeper's mom, butler ld room, and strong room. The caiital subline. No 63. Prince's-mews. is within a short distance; contains three stalls, coach-house, two rooms for coachman, and loft.

property was very substantially built by Sir Charles J. Freake, unished in his well-known st vie. It is held by lease direct from iroul March. ISH. at 65 The stabling is held under a separate lease tor a similar term, a' With possession Particulars of Messrs.

Tathamsand Pym. solicitors, 3, Frederick s-place. I dd Jewry and of the auctioneers, 80, Cheapsid. Ebuiy-street. A valuable aou sate net aunual income of '23ti pr an num.

ESSRS. HERRING, SON. and DAW will SELL, by AUCTION. at the Mart. 1 okenhouse-yard.

E.C.oti MONDAY, Julv li, at two "clock precisely, The valuable am, Extensive LEASEHOLD PREMISES, known as VM. ISC, bury street, in the occupation of the lielgrave Steam Laundry Also No. 18, (Jraham-street. comprising a total area of over y.Oui superficial feet. The premises are held under three separate leases, nominal ground rents, and are most securely underlet.

Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Mart of Aleandr J. Murray, 1. Cleiueut's-iun, Strand. W.C; of C. Freeman Mi rrav.

9H. tiom ester-road. Kensington, S.W.; or of Herring. Sou. and I aw.

auct ioneers aud land agents. C2. Cole- i an street. and Brixtou-hill, S.W Brirton-road, close to Brixton Railway S'ation. while the omnibuses and tram way servi' es pass the door.

An attractive Family well built, and standmg back from the road the accommodation comprises seven d-rooms. dres3ing-room, three reteptiou-roum3, aed usual small gaioeu. greeunnuse. Ml ESSRS. HERRING, SON.

and DAW will OFFER for ALE. by AUCTIO at the aiart, Tokenhouse-yara, E.C., MONDAY, loth duly. 1883, at two o'clock precisely iuules3 Jjre- vio lv disp'Seil of by Private Ireatyi, The above Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY. ituate in Angel-terrace, and known as No. 34-k P.rixton-road held for a long term at a moderate group I rent.

Particulars and conditions of sa'e can be obtained from Messrs. Parson, Lee, and Holuirs. sohcitors, Abchurch House, Sherborne- I lane, E.C. with orders to view, from the auctioneers, 62, Cole- man-s' reet, I Streathsm-hill. Situate o-i the main road, an! within five minutes of Streatham-hill Station.

A first-class Residential Pro- perty, enclosed in its own grounds, and containing ciht bed-rooms, i dresiagjroom, batn-rooui, boudoir, four reception-rooms, buliard-rtKjm, fcc, and usual offices: stabling of two suills, loose box, coach-l ouse, two living rooms, ic; beautiful grounds of nearly one acre, with consetvatoty. greenhouse, vinery. Hie. MESSRS. HERRING.

SON, and DAW will OFFER for SALE, by AUCTION, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, E.C, MONDAY, July 29, The above Long LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL PPOPERTY. krown us The Cedars, Streatham-hill. held for a long term at a moderate ground ivnt. Particulars and conditions of sale may he of Messis.

Hunter and Haynes solicitors, 9, New-scjuare. Lincoln s-inn. W.C or tbe auctioneers. 62. Coleman-street.

EC; and Erixtou-hili, S.W. Fri'h Surrey Distinctly one of the most beautiful residential i states of its sire and charactci within an equal distance of town, situate in the parishes of alton on-the-Hill aud Hea.ll-.y, and about a mile from Wslto-i village, two from and Epsom Downs S'-tions. five from Ran and a little more from Epson) Town. A verv Choice FREEHOLD (Portion COPVHoLD! REdl-L'FNTIAE ESTATE oi about 324 situate on the far-ramed Uplands of this lovely district, one tf the healthiest in England, clos r.djac- nt to the Hea lley and Walton Downs, arid but a short d.stance from those of Loatherhead. Epsom, and Ban-stead.

The tiioderate-sixed Mansion, which la in erfect condition, stands l.nh. hut yet completely sheltered, is approached by carriage drives with two lodge entrances from two separate rosds, and its prineipa! out has a south-west asueet, looking over terraced pirvb-ns the beautiful iiark lands in the distante. It has five handsome entertaining-rooms, full sized and spack'us hall on the entrance floor The fau.ily bed-rooms and dressing- he fau.ily b'-d rooin and dressing- hove servants bed rooms in offices. The gardens and grounds mroved some years under the oms -e'ghti al oi one floor ab' ami ampie and complete domestic ir- vrv "Ut.t;f am' v. ere mi and lirection of Milner.

Their trreat charm is in he p-rftot lua'urify to which tf 'y have st. aim and tne suj erbly grown shrul s. er.Tjif. rn', and tut ber trees by which they are adorned ai shaded. The kite! gardens are verv iuige and must choicely Sto i ed Thi coi'servator)', vineries, ar.d tfter glasf-hptises in ex-cehrnt order and not sutieral.ttndant.

First-rate stahiirg for seven horses, rooms ior married c.iat'hman an I helpers, complete model and co'tanrs for jardeners and labourers. Th- whole estate is very oeautifuUy timbered aud essentially park-like in its ent-'e appearance. Few of ltr siz. will aCord bettei sporting, becanse its evtensive woods and numerotib spiiinies, wherein the lat- i wner reared end ki'lesl a very coitsideraUe head of nheaiants. ry large sun were expended In the Iste owner on bringing this lovely estate to its pres.

state of perfection, and it is r.o exaggerative to say tuat the hypercritical lie sorely tried to find occa- Tfef HAMNETT anil CO. a ifl ofFLR the ahove, by PUBLIC AUC: tor O'ner man aitnnrring its inanv anu manliest if-auties. are instructed to JON. at the Mart. Tfkenhonst-yard.

Rank of England. E.C., on FRIDAY, July 19, at two preen -ly (unless an acceptable oder be previously Dade by Private Treaty). Wi.e;: ready, rarttculars. plnns, and conditions of sale may be had nf the vendor solicitors. Messrs.

Cunliffes and Jt'venport. 43, Chancery-lan, W.C.; and of the auctioneers, Si. Pall-mall (opposite Marlborough House'. S.W. Sussex.

A choice Residen'ial atid Sport'tig Estate grass land and cover' s'. affordir- grand views and near to four nilwirv stations Horsham, Simfold. Scutbwa tr. ami Excee linglv desirable treehold Estate (land tax redeemed), charmingly situated on high -round, commanding magnificent views extending to the far-fameu South Downs, tbe heather-clad Surrey lulls, and St. Leonard forest, and aiso embracine unsurpassed panoramic views of the richly-wooded Wei' Id of Sussex, known as Fuifords and liashurst.

lying in a ring fence, lounded by good high roads, with extensive frontages thereto, comprising about 27i acres of beautifully tttnhered. tir.ely undulating, park-like grass land ar.d thriving wo'KlKnd. affording some of the best shooting in the county, and running an exceedingly picturesque park, admirably adapted for the en ctiou of a country house, earlv the whole of the I Tk lands being enclosed with continuous iron fencing there is an extensive modem farmstead, twu farm-hoises. and in the Horsham and Crawley Hunt and within a short distance of the meets of Lord 'Coiiiieli; Hounds are well known as favourite fox covers. li tixiiires, hi park fencing, water tanks, engine Pumps, and tenant-rivht "iluation will be include 1 in the sale, and the i nly item that pun i wili have to pay for.

in addition to iwvm v.i.,1, 1 1 .1 iuvi 7 ai' estatb has betn we.l farmed and is in good heart, acd the build- liifc aie 111 au e.veenem. hiuw ui icpair, lue wuow property Deing ri-ady for immediate occupation. MESSRS. KING ami CFTASEMORE have received instructions from the Directors of the Aylesbury Dairy company (Limited) to SELL, by A UcTJoK (unless previously Sold by P. ivate Treaty i.

the above outlying portion of their ESTATE, at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard, London, on TUESDAY, the ICth day of July. at two o'ciock in the afternoon, in One Lot. Particulars, plans, and conditions of sale may be obtained at the Murt, Tokeiih' use yard. Bank.

London, E.C.; of Messrs. Frere, Porster, aud solicitors, IS, Lincoln s-inn-fields, Loudon. W.C; of Messrs. Giddy a-id Giddy, estate agents. 121, Pall-mail, London and of Messrs.

King and Chasemore, land agents and timber surveyors, Horsham, Sussex. By order of the Executors uf Elliot Macnngbten, deceased. Slssex. The ''viagdean Estate, two miles east of Brighton With possession The vulual.le and couijiiict Freehold Residential Estate cf abou' Z'jO acres of ti-sr -cla. ambit ar.d down land, in a hich state of cultivation, with modern and most complete farm buildings, fcc, together with the substantially-YmLt Mansion known as Ovingdean House, which is situate in a sbel'ered valley of the South Downs, ltfift.

above the sea level, surrounded by a remarkably we'lwoodid home park of about It; acres, and aj.pioachtd by a carnage iih l'Klge entrance half a miie from the sea. It contains 13 principal and four servants' bed-rooms, dining-room, di awing room. Iiondoir. library, and billiard-room, full offices, with bakehouse, dairy. Sc.

Constant supply of water from the Brighton Cortxiratiein Works. Extensive stabling, coach-house, living rooms, tc wi -tocked ornamer-tal and lawn tennis grounds, good huuti.ig 10 the neighbourhood: tine land and sea "1 VeSSRS. ROBT. W. MANN and SON (in conjunction if 1 with Mr.

ATI REE) are instructed tn SELL, by AUCTION, at the Mart. Tokeuhc tse-yard, E.C. un THURSDAY, July 18. 1889, at wo precisely. The iU Valuable RESIDENTIAL ESTATE.

h-' view l. Particulars and conditions of sale may be obtained at tne Mart of Messrs Frethfields and illiams. solicitors, 5. Bank-huildmgs. Lothl.

iry. of Mr. Attree, 13C, North-street, Brighton: ar.d of the auctioneers, 12, Lower Grosvenor-place, and 32, Lowndes-street S.W. Valuable collection of Dresden. Sevres, and other China By order of the Executrix of the lnt- Mr.

H. R. Saxhy, the isiuess being about to be discontinued. Important Five Days' Sale of the and very valuable Stock of China of the well-known business ot Messrs. Rittener and Sanhy.

Dresden and other china importers, of 41. Albcniiirle-rtreet. Piccaddly, removed for convenience oisiileiasaleby auctiou on the premises being prohibited) to 183, lieu. Wedgwood, and other manufactures. The collection uiciudes dinner, uejenner, tea, and dessert services, a large selection til and decorative china, including vases, candelabra, plates for mural decorations, and articles de hue for decoration of recej tiou looirs.

cloriis, boxes, figures, pedestals; also a large quantity of old Eiench white candelabra, dessert and tea services, the whole beinc of the best quality, with many valuable examples of old chinn suitable lor aeddin presents, birthday gifts, 4c. The portions of the stock previous to the different sale days will he on Tim- from July 4. Catalogues of each separate day's sale may be had three days previous to each sale of Mr John CoHings, 41, Albe-marle-stre. at the piace of sale. 1S6.

Piccadilly; and of the auctioneers. 20, Regent-street, London, and Eastbourne. N.B. The important premises, 186, Piccadilly, 100ft. deep, are to be let By order of the Executor; of the late Mr-.

Ridgway. Chiswick. Thoroughly sound freehold investment Tv-o semi-detached Residences, with laife gardens, orchard and stabling, let on repairing leases to no tenants, st rentals amounting to 180 per annum. MESSRS. WALLIS, R1DDETT, and DOWN have received instructions from the Executors to SELL, by AUC-1 N.

at the Mart. Tokenhouse-yard. City, on TUESDAY, July 30, IS it. at thrve oclock punctually, 1 1 One Lot, TWO FREEHOLD RESIDENCES, known as Heathfield Cottage and Burlington Cottage, admirably situated in the favourite residential neighbourhood of Chiswick. facing the common, and having a frontage to Heathtield-teriace of about with a depth of about and containing an area of about an acre and three-quarters.

Let to the representatives of the late Henry FearkB, 00 two leases in EiOl and 1909 respectively) at rentals amounting to per annum, the tenants doing all repairs. The property, which vas formerly part of the estate of the Duke of Devonshire, is well placed wi.iiin a few minutes' walk of Turn ham-green, Chiswick, and other railway stations, with excellent train services to the City; it is also near totbe parisli church of Turnham-green. the river, and the Horticultural Gardens, and about a mile from Kew-bridge. May be viewed by permission of the tenants. Printed particulars, with plan and conditions of ale.

may be had at the Mart, Tokenhouse-yard. coudon of Messrs. Fardells. Dash wood, aud Canning, solicitors, Mitre-court, Temple, E.C, and Ryde. I.W.; aud of the auctioneers, Ryde, Isle of Wight Wednesday next, July 10 Bv order of Mortgagees.

Castle-hill. Ealiui' High-class Residence, with possession. MR. EDMUND W. RICHARDSON will SELL, by AUCTION, at the Mart, on WEDNESDAY next, July 10,1 at tWi The Detached FREEHOLD RESIDENCE.

Beechfield. 9. Cleveland- road, Castle-hill, Ealing. It stands well back in its own well-matured grounds, is approached by carriage drive, and contains eight bed and dressinif rooms, two bath-rooms, drawing, dining, aud morning rooms, conservatory, and tojd offices. Also Two Set3 of Freehold Stabling, Nos 7 and tj.

Castle-bar-mews, Ealing one let at 26 per annum, the other with possession. May be viewed, and ljarticulant bad at tbe Mart off Masses. Tnirlp. Cooper, and Holmes, soli. -non, 20.

Threadneedle-street and at the City Auetion offices, 50, Fiusbury-square. w. ouuiii fv.eusinirion, auioininvr x-onr-streec auu Lennox-gardens, and on'y two minutes' walk from the Museum and oo uii-y iwu minutes wain ironi me museum ana Oratory, also most accessible for all parts of the West-end and itv, there being two Metropolitan stations within live minutes' walk. MR- ELLIS will SELL, at the Auction Mart. Tokenhouse-yard.

on FRIDAY, July 12, at one clock precisely (unless nreviousiv of l.v 1 he above very Conveniently-nlanned LEASEHOLD RF.STTVF.'VCF. containing eight bed anil dressing ruonis. double drawing-room, con- servatory. dining-room, library, and third room, and complete base- metit gr rent only 12 per annum. Particulars and conditions of sale of Messrs.

Walters Deverell and y. New-square, Lincoln s-inn andof the auctioneer. 176, Bromp The prettiest Building Estate in the neighbourhood of London. The Grove. Wanstead, seven miles from the Bank, five minutes from Suaresbrook Station, and 20 from Liverpool street and Fenchnrch-street.

10 minutes' walk from the beautiful Wanstead Park, and five minutes from pretty parts of Epping Forest, in a notably healthy district, gravel subsoil, first-class drainage, beautifully timbered, and charmingly picturesque, and certain for ever to maintain its natural privacy and seclusion. MESSRS. PROTHEROE and MORRIS will OFFER, by PUBLIC AUCTION, as above, on THURSDAY, July IE im. The FIRST PORTION (40 Plots) of this ESTATE. For further particulars seethe Morning Post for next Monday.

Particulars, plans, and views may be had of the auctioneers, (7 and (A, -Tiilv "3 Rt tWO. L'oouc lieu env rut 1 dtuco By on I I 1 I ll 1 ny A I. 1. TION. almost wit, unit renrve.

at 1-. Piccadilly, on THURSDAY, July 11; WEDNESDAY. Julv 17: TUESDAY. July a. THURSDAY, July 25; and FRIDAY, July 36, at three o'clock precisely eaeh day i The very vahuihie and Costly STOCK of CHINA, comprising choice Dr.s-U-n.

Sevres. Vienna. Cano di Moi.ti. Hochst. Maio- I Purchase.

Apply PW. Lucas. 4ol. Oxford-street. TJCAS" C4.RRIAGE A I A v.hllrted half a ft SfSjt inTy' rut' KL 1 tt aiaii 1 terestiil will receive til-- BP T'i 1 i X5B5gfe tY, v( l' i KK A IMKN I 1 I 1 'sVs ENiLrTiS.

The Morning Post from London, Greater London, England (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6433

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.