Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)

2B The Rocky Mounr, N. C. Telegram, Moy 17, 1961 Shot Another Birds At Loop Title Earn Years mm RMHS Beats Raleigh" In Basketball The Evening Tei cram Ace Rowland, 6 To 5 Muehlbauer To Identify Contact Man Fix Case District Attorney Frank Uoam basketball fix the scandals. John Boyd anj E. B.

Pcarce, State Bureau of Investigation agcnK were expected to go toi Now York, possibly today, to join Chalmers. Meamvhilo, President William C. Friday of the Consolidated L'ni vcrsity of North Carolina planned, churged a being the contact man. Chalmers announced Monday he had ksued warrant charging Jo- seph Green of New York with two N.C. State players to fix the State games at Duke and North Carolina.

Friday met for two hours Tucs- day with Caldwell and Ayco*ck, hut said "we did not reach any final conclusions." BY BOB WILLIAMS Telogrom Sports Editor If Rocky Mount High School's Blackbirds have been reading the press clippings of pitcher Jim Rowland, thev must not believe what they read. Touted as the finest hign school pitching prospect in the state and hopeful of a major league bonus in the vicinity of $75,000, the Raleigh High ace took his lumps here yesterday os the Birds climbed on him with slashing bats, boosting themselves to the brink of a first-place finish in the Eastern 4-A Conference race. The Birds cracked down on Rowland and Raleigh for a 6-5 win, offer having swept a 10-5 victory in the completion of on earlier game protested by Raleigh. And now Rocky Mount has a chance to finish otop the conference 3 v. Eddie Booth and Bill Camplx'l beat out infield hits in the second, and Dunn singled hom*o Booth to tor the first time in 15 years.

While the Birds were taking two from Raleigh and Just about ending the Caps title hoped. Wilson whipped Fayetleville by 11-3 to take over the league lead Mount Is only a shade behind the Cyclone with a 7-3 mark. Ituleiyti and Wilmington are 7-4. Wilson winds up its season run the RM lead to 4-2. Rowland After Win Oyer Deacs Tor Heels Can Wrap Up ACC Title Today BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS i North Carolina con wrap up the Atlantic Coast Conference Baseball title by beating Virginia twice to day.

The defending champion Tar Heels, who eliminat- ed Wake Forest from contention for the title Tuesday, face the Cavaliers in a doubleheader at Charlottesville. The Tar Heels now have a 10-2 conference record. I A split of. today's twin bill would give Duke (10-3) a I chance or a tie "for first place. Duke and Virginia will i make up a game rained out earlier in the season only if the Blue Devils have a chance at "the title.

Should North Carolina lose both games today, i Duke could take the title by beating the Cavaliers. 1 North Carolina's Nicky Warren notched his sev-' enth victory of the season as the Tar Heels beat Wake i Forest 5-1 Tuesday. Warren hasn't lost a game in two years. He had three victories last year. The Tar Heels got nine hits, six of them off starter and loser Bob Plemmons.

Plemmons finished the season with an 8-2 record. Warren, meanwhile, allowed just six hits. Wake Forest's ony run came on a solo homer by Jay Franklin. Plemmons gave up eight hits and five runs in the 6 1-3 innings he worked. He was relieved by Bob Muller in the seventh.

Carolina cenrerfielder Jim Mooring, the ACC's leading hitter, continued his torrid drive to set a new conference batting average record. The slugging sophom*ore from Rocky Mount cracked out a double and a single in five trips, keeping his average well above the ACC record of .429, Mooring has now hit safely in 31 of 68 trips to the plate for a .456 average. against Wtoington Friday, and then with two out and runners ft-uue th Birds have agame aton second and third catcher Friday anda make-j broke a four-game contest with Fayetteville left, less streak with a two-run snot' If Wiisoa and Rocky Mount both into rightfield, the hit that was to win Friday, the Birds can earn mean victory. first-place tie with the Cyc After Raleigh took advantage of by topping FayeUevilie in tlie three errors to pull to within 6 makeup game. Should Wilmington in the seven.

Talbott clampe take Wilson, Rocky Mount would1 dou-n the hatches. Ho i to conler again todjy with Slate College Chancellor John Cald.veU and I 'C Chancellor William l. Ayco*ck about the basketball scan which has hit both schpoi.s. In addition to Muehlliuuer, State team Stan Niewifrowkl. al- of Brooklyn, and Terry Litch- field of Iduisvillo, were charged with bribe-taking, of New York Louis was1 Barshak his first complete game and sec ond victory In six starts, the Los Angeles Dodgers skidded from second to fourth with a 5-3 defeat by Milwaukee.

Pittsburgh jumped into second by beating st. Louis 2-1. and Cincinnati moved into third with a 4-2 victory at Phila delphia. In the American League Detroit took a four-game lead by beating Baltimore 10-4 while the Washington Senators defeated sec ond place New York 3-2. Chicago's White Sox stopped Minnesota 5-4, Boston beat Cleveland 8-7 and Kansas City defeated the Los An geles Angels 64.

was a duel between Midgette and; involving several Wolfpack son and "All a tremendous (UN Telephoto) State games and three players. Mr. Litchfield says his the boys in this mess have readjustment to make." A FATHER EXPLAINS Alfred Litchfield explains how it feels when a man's son becomes involved in the current basketball fix scandal. Litchfield is the father of N. C.

State eager Terry field who is under arrest in the fix cose McCormick, Wilhelm Top Major League Race struck out the side in the third. but the Birds climbed on him again in the fourth, scoring Jackson led the fourth frame la double. Dunn beat out a reached base on him in the Lvt two innings, both times with t'o away, and Raleizh wa in the completion of the protiKt game the action started in ti bottom of the eutth wift tie Birds leading by 10-5, and th. the way it ended. Bobby ill' puctHM two inmnzs for itoe-v Mount, blanking the Caps.

put two men tne 0n base with a single and an erro'. sis pulled off a n. double pLp- to ki'J any Ralca hopes. ockt mocni ro Jacksua. I 1 4 1 4 I Donn.

2b-3b T. Newell, ct Talbott, Daniels, Batchelor, rf D. NeweD, lb Booth. 3n 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cnatea, 2b cmptxx T(itate i.h(.h r- Stephenson, ct Hmand. JJ 19 37 14 as ro a I 9 0 3 2 1 1 9 3 0 1 1 1 4 1 UwwyruU.

lb Kwty. Valentine, rf Fletcoer, tY 1 13 2 9 Total i aftl 009 209-S I 1 HixKV MOCVT-310 wo OUx-4 10 RBI Talbott 2. Daniela 2, Duns. Ro-larl. HiCeycuiL ZUll-Jackaon.

SB Durni, D. Newell. Batchelor, Camptxll 3. StepheSJOB. LOH-Rocky Mount 10.

Raleigh 12. SAC-Parham. SK-Honey-catt. Ramwur-Partiam-Hooeycutt, PR-Kelly. UBP-Walkcr by Talbott.

SO-Tilbott 1. Roland 11. 3i Roland 5. R-EK Talbott 3-2. Kolind 6-S.

District Berth TALLAHASSE, Fla. (AP) boasts a 2f5 record. Other teams in the Gastonia playoff will be the champions of have a chance to take aU the marbles. Ui last time the Bird, finish- ed in first place was 1W6, when; they tied with Wilson aad WiUu- iiigtun for tae bop load. In yesterday's came big Rowland suffered his worst treat ment of the year as the Birds got to the classy lefthander for eignt' hits and wt runs ui uw iour umints, aud Uieu bung on as sophom*ore Talbott pitch ed the Birds to the crucial vie lory.

Uter the fourth inning Rowland blanked tie Birds, aiwwmg oulyi two more bits, but lialeih couldnt caich up as Talbott pitched well in clutch situations. Tbe Birds led by 6-3 after, four inning's, and Rakifih pulled to within 6-5 with two unearned runs in the seventh on three errors and a tit batter. Rocky Mount went alter Ro' land from the beginning like he was anything but a prlie pro specL They got to him for hits and nuree runs in w-sti innina. three niui and another run in the second and three bits and two more tallies in the fourth. 1CMJLS infieider Wayne Dunn, a lfifxhanded hitler, has spectacular success against Rowiaad's southpaw Dunn pundi-ed out four nits in Lve tins at bat, booming his fine batting average to .439.

Rowland, who fanned 1 Wilson batters Saturday, got Strikeouts yesterday and walked five. Talbott pitched ball to run his record to 2-0. The Blackbird soph should have won easier than he did. Two 1 I i Jack Stanford Finally Comes Through, Hikes Giants' Lead By ED W1LKS Associated Press Sports Writer It was a long time coming, but Jack Sanford finally has shown the kind of pitching he was expected to produce as one of the accepted aces of the San Francisco Giants' staff. The Giants have been getting along right well without much help from Sanford, but with the right handed veteran coming through for a six-bit, 2-1 victory over the Chicago Cubs Tuesday night, they now have a three-game lead in the National League race.

While Sanford was putting away! UALKIGll (AP)-A Una Slate basketball North Caw player was standing by today to go to NVw York with two SB I agents tf needed In connection with a probe of the basketball fix scandal. Anton (Dutch Muehibuucr ot Brooklyn, N.Y., one of three N.C. State players charged with brib ery In the fixing of games, volun teered to make the trip with the authorities. His presence presumably would be for the purpose of identifying the contact man in the conspiracy here. District Solicitor Lew V.

Chal men flew to New York Tuesday night to confer with New York Wednesday Baseball By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS American League W. L. Pet. G.B, Detroit 22 9 .710 New York 16 11 .593 4 Minnesota 16 13 .552 5 Cleveland 15 14 .517 6 Baltimore 15 15 .500 64 Kansas City 12 13 .480 7 Washington 14 17 .452 8 Chicago 12 16 .492 Boston 11 16 .407 9 Los Angeles 9 18 .333 11 Tuesday Result Washington 3. New York 2 (N Detroit 10, Baltimore 4 (N) Boston 8, Cleveland 7 Chicago 5.

Minnesota 4 (N) Kansas City 6, Los Angeles 4 (N) Wednesday Games Washington at New York Cleveland at Boston Detroit at Baltimore Only games scheduled Thursday Games Detroit at Boston (N) Washington at Baltimore N) Kansas City at Minnesota N) Chicago at Los Angeles Only games scheduled National League W. 19 15 16 13 13 11 10 8 L. 9 11 12 14 12 14 13 10 Pet. .679 .577 .571 .563 .520 .440 .357 .236 G.B. San Francisco Pittsburgh Cincinnati Los Angeles Milwaukee St.

Louis Chicago Philadelphia 3 3 3 4i 6-4 9, 11 Tuesday Resclts Cincinnati 4, Philadelphia 2(N) Pittsburgh i. St. Louis (N) Milwaukee 5, Los Angeles 3(N) San Francisco 2. Chicago 1 N) Wednesday Games Chicago at San Francisco Cincinnati at Philadelphia (N) St. Louis at Pittsburgh (N) Milwaukee at Los Angeles (N) Thursday Games No games scheduled.

Minor League Results By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS International League Toronto 12-4, Buffalo 5 5 Richmond 4, San Juan i Rochester 8, Syrcause 0 Columbus at Jersey City, poned Pacific Coast Leagu Portland 3, Hawaii 2 Vancouver 4, Tacoma 2 Seattle 11, Salt Lake 5 post- San Diego at Spokane, post- poned American Association Louisville 8, Denver 4 Houston 8, Indianapolis 6 Omaha 7, Dallas-Fort worth 0 South Atlantic League Greenville 2-9, Charlotte 1-0 Charleston 4, Knoxville 3 (10 innings) Jacksonville 8, Asheville 2 Carolina League Columbia at Portsmouth, rain Raleigh 4-9, Greensboro 0-3 Durham 1, Winston-Salem 0 Wilson 4, Burlington 3 Western Carolina League Statesville 3, Lexington 2 Newton-Conover 4, Shelby 3 Salisbury 21, Belmont, li Hqd Good Excuse ROCK ISLAND. HI. (AP) R. Lj McKeighan, a farmer called for jury duty in U.S. District Court, has sent his regrets to Judge Frederick O.

Mercer. He said he didn have the prop er attire for a courtroom and in fact had very little attire at all. Court aides investigated and found McKeighan had told the truth. A tornado Sunday had carried away most of his farmhouse. including his clothing.

McKeighan was excused Judge Mercer observed that in a longl career of listening to. reasons why people should not serve on juries, this was a new one. Practice Runs CHARLOTTE (AP) Practice runs started today at Charlotte Motor Speedway as a two-week stock car racing festival got nn-der way. Time trials are scheduled Satur day for Sunday two 100 mile noes. In addition, a manufacturer' race of the two fastest cars of each make is scheduled Sanford 2-3 walked none and struck out five.

Orlando Cepcda. with three of the Giants' hits off loser dick urou lo-u and re liever Don Elston, tied it with a single in the fourth. He singled and scored the winning run on Hobie Landrith's single in the sixth. The Braves beat Dodder south- Haw Miaiy Rouiax (3-2 on a three-run homer by Frank Boiling that made it 5-0 In the fourth inning. Don Nottebart '2-2) and reliever Moe held the Dodgers to four hits.

A sixth-inning home run by Dick Stuart broke a 1-1 tie for the Pirates against Cardinal leftv Curt Simmons Vern Law. out since April 29 because of shoulder trouble, gave way to a pinch-hitter after shutting out the Cards on four hits for five innings. Elroy Face (2-1) then came on and won it. Gene Freese, who. error helped the.

Phils get a 2-0 lead in the second inning, brought the Reds from behind with a three run homer in the fourth at Phil- Joey Jay (3-3) won his thi: third in a row. By BEX OLAX Associated Press Sports Writer NEW YORK (AP) Mike McCormick of San Francisco and Iloyt Wilhelm of Baltimore, each a major league earned run champion, have taken the leads in this year's competition. Through Monday's games, McCormick, toe young southpaw, tnooed the National League with 1.32 average while Wilhelm, vet ran riffht hander. paced the American with 1.54, Mnfinrmick. last season's NL titleholder, has given up only six paired runs in 41 "innings, figures rmrailed bv The Associated Press showed.

He has won his last four games after dropping his first ana S. C. Coach Raps De emphasis la Ik COLUMBIA (AP) University nf South Carolina Basketball: Coach Bob Stevens says he doesn't thing out-of-state recruiting should be stopped because of the current game-fixjng scandals. "Limited recruiting definitely would hurt the quality of the 1 game," Stevens said. "I don't think basketball should be de-emphasized because of a few gam- biers and the immaturity of a few I flayers." I I Stevens was commenting Tuesday on a suggestion North Carolina State Basketball Coach Everett Case that Southern colleges should end irighowered recruiting of out-of-state players "A bov who is willing to accept bits and tvro walks produced ij f5 niversny oie- two earned runs for Raleigh team has accepted a bid to the first innina and everything Pla? as 80 ntry ia he toe erst ana everyining juistrict 3 NCAA ff the Caps got was unearned Gas.onia xc as RJL committed six errors.

flftn "XCAA Five of the sierras off Row-. tournament appearance in six land were earned years for Florida State. Greenvi He Sweeps Tie For Sally Leag ue Lead By ROSS M. HAGEN I Greenville batsmen backed up Associated Press Sporta Writer Kaknes' sparkling pitehing with a The Greenville Spinners have steady stream of hits off three spun upward into a tie for first Charlotte pitchers. The first game ia we ooiwm tne iirst inning: a leaaoa waix to Honme Jackson, a sharp single by Dunn, a two-run single, by Talbo'i and Atlantic Coast Conference anl Charlotte ace Bob Saban.

It wasiadelphia off Frank Sullivan M-4 has yielded only one earned run in his last IS innings. Wilhelm is seeking his third ERA crown. He was the National League leader in 1952 while with the New York Giants and the American League kingpin In 1959 with the Orioles. He has worked 33 innings this year, all in relief, and allowed only six earned runs. The knuckleball pitcher has a 4-1 record.

Bill Monbouquette of Boston. who fanned 17 Washington pi ers in beating the Senators 2-1 last Friday, is the American League runner-up with a 2.38 mark. He is followed by Don Mos- si of Detroit 2.39, Bob Shaw, Chicago 2.45 and Tom Sturdivant of; Washington, 2.53. The leaders are basd on 30 or more innings pitched. Johnny Podres of the Los An geles Dodgers is in second place in the National League with a 1.94 ERA.

The left-hander dropped his first game Monday night after winning five in succession. He has yielded 11 earned runs in 51 innings. Art Mahaffey of Philadelphia rs third with 2.11. Then come War ren Spahn, Milwaukee 2.17, rookie Ken Hunt, Cincinnati 2.25, Bob Gibson, St. Louis 2.40 and Joey Jay, Cincinnati 2.65.

Frank Baurnann of the White Sox, last year's American League leader, has a 6.09 ERA this sea son. He has permitted 23 earned runs in 30 innings. Golf Leaders DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) If Gary Player keeps booming along professional golfs money trail the way he has in the past, he stands In round figures, Player's total Palmer's win- of $48,954 matches nmgs 'year. on the tour this time last However, Palmer isn't to be counted out in the race for king of the money winners.

Palmer's i total so far this tour is $40,085. Holding up third spot in the Professional Golfers Association official list is Doug with $26,703. Fourth is Tommy Bolt with $19,991. Jay Hebert is fifth with $18,725. The rest of the top 10 in order Bill Casper Paul Harney, Ken Venturi, Sam Snead, $14,940, and Don January, $14,167.

The University of Rochester gymnasium will have its first new basketball floor in 30 years when he 19S1-62 season rolls around. only error of the game gave the! the Southern Conference. atl a Birds three runs and a 3-2 lead representative of 'the Southeast, which they never lost. 'crn Conference. place with Asheville in the pul- sating South Atlantic League base ball race.

Two pitchers Dennis Midgette and Bill Kalmes combined to hurl Greenville to a doubleheader victory over Charlotte, and W. Tuesday night. A leadoff single by Maury Ler-ner in the fourth inning was the only Hornet hit surrendered by Kalmes, who pitched the second game. Midgette gave up oniy three hits and drove in the deciding run in the opening game. Jacksonville pitcher Butch Mix-on was Asheville's undoing as the Jets defeated the league-leaders, 3-2.

Charleston's rover Jones turned in a brilliant fielding performance and scored the winning run as the White Sox edged Knox-J ville 4-3 in a 10-inning affair. The; Portsmouth Columbia game was rained out. 'unfair inducements to come to to better Arnold Palmer's annual (School is the kind of boy who will winning record of more than Went money to throw a game," jOOO. The Ivy Model: For youthful men of all aggs Right oF, yoa spot it by the natural cot of the shoaluVrs and its overall simplicity. It has an nfailing stmartntfs "that always looks neat and trim.

It's further distingaishetl by: A single-breasted coat with three buttons; widdy spaced; Notch Iapel; CD Coat edges single stitched; lap seam and hooked center vent in back; Two lower flap pockets; One upper welt pocket; Unpleated trouser fronL Stevens said. "If the recruiting is 'done legitimately, th? I are better that the boy is 1 interested in the school and sport than in money. A boy who can be gotten by inducements is more inter-jested in money than in the school the great sport he represents," 'Stevens added. LIFETIME GUARANTEED MUFFLERS FREE INSTALLATION ECONOMY AUTO SUPPLY 120 N. Main Street RockV Motint.

N. C. i VMI Is Eliminated, Can SFi Saban's first loss after five vie tones. Mixon provided Jacksonville with all of its scoring when he hit a three-run double in the fifth. He effectively scattered nine Asheville hits and struck out five.

Charleston moved info the ninth inning against Knoxville with a 3-0 but the Smokies started a rally and knotted the score. Then Dan Briner smashed a hot grounder at Jones. The speedy first baseman knocked down the ball and made a neat recovery for the out that closed the inning. In the 10th. Jones led off with a single and eventually scored on a single by shortstop Al Weis.

Tonight's games: Charlotte at Greenville Asheville at Jacksonville Charleston at Knoxville Columbia at Portsmouth (2) Out Of Race awaits outcome of three games Saturday VMI at West vj inia bill and Fur- man at Virginia Tech. A Furman victory and a West Virginia-VMI split would leave the conference race in a three-way deadlock. West Virginia upped its overall mark to 13-8 with a 7-5 victory over Bethany in a non-league start Fight Results By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Houston, Tex. Cleveland Williams, 211, Houston, stopped Alex Miteff, 208, Argentina, 5. San Jose, Calif.

Frankie Ra- mwriz, 14814, Los Angeles, stopped Jerry Hunnicutt, l3ll2 San Mateo, 7. Odessa, Tex. Kenny Lane, 137. Muskegon, outpointed Daniel Gonzalez, .140, Odessa, 10. San Antonio, Tex.

Jorste if Baby) Salazar. Mexico City, ou- pointed Frankie Duran, Austin, iu. canuiiiinenid. Yonll find The Ivy Executive, a TJOTANT500 U'dored by Daroff model, in a number of fine fabrics and striking patterns. Why not drop by and try it on? 'BOTANY'500i tailored by DAROFF SICK OF NOT QUITE HEARING? Knock VPI By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Military Institute's Keydets, their own Southern Con-I ierence vueuau waut-yLvu- ship hopes shattered, can narrow tH circuit scrap to three teams today by beating Virginia Tech's Gobblers.

The Keydets were eliminated as title contenders in a 4-2 defeat Tuesday at the hands of Richmond's Spiders. By winning Richmond moved into undisputed possession of the runnerup spot with a 7-3 record. West Virginia is in front at 6-2, while Furman is third at 6-3. VMI now stands 5-4, while Virginia Tech is fourth at 7-4. But another defeat would knock the Gobblers out of any hopes at the crown.

Today's game at Blacksburg, is the first this season be-; tween the two arch-rivals. An ear- lier game at VMI was rained out: and will not be made up unless shot at the conference crown, Richnjond has completed it5i tuiuet cute cdiiidia mm -uvw i I Are yon hearing your boss? Missing appointments because you "didn't Missing out on family fun? Zenith has made it possible for you to do something to help you "understand what you A HEARING AID YOUR EAR WILL A PRICE YOUR POCKETBOOK WILL LOVEI THt V0P ONLY sggoo $etfct midilixm I 1 DRUG -1r-- Qualifying for the World 600ITech needs it for Call tr A race ftlay28 begins Wednesday-. I May 24, and continues throught joaiuruay, iviciy Mimana STORE.

Rocky Mount Telegram from Rocky Mount, North Carolina (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.