The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)

Talent scouts look at upcoming NFL season It wont bo long Won th National Football Laagua campaign bagma, no Oon HaMricft'a Pro Praviaw S3" magazlna la ottaring a praaaaaon rating of aR taama baaad on TQ, or laiant quo Uant. Tha TO. It la aaid, "la baaad aoiaiy on tba ptiyaical abmtlaa and paal hlatortaa of aacb chib. It pracludaa factor auch aa amotion and momentum Emotion aside, then, bare is bow the NFL teams stack up, latent-wise: C3ar Raped GazSK Mon, Aug. 2M 983 Baseball SPORTS Minors MIDWEST LEAGUE till llll tB III! llll III 111 till till til im ttitfMi am Today; Mmorsxrs Jefferson Mount Vrnnoa VB; at Unn-Mar, 8 pwt ora apt 0k Ml i mmmt CP Si IE osrn.1 A txy.

CA. ni mm MAM UM4 1KI 1 3 I I A HI I I I I fcILMI 114 llll tATvmn uTt iimn mmohumi mm Tart 4 Smm 4 CMI worn actum ftUMM mi 1 linn tucwi 3I4HI 11(111 3 I I I I I 4-29 I (llll le 2 hwmre 4M I A-I7M9 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 mill I 4 flMMi 2 I fcmt cm I art 1, Cal rwa mm 4 0m MISarf 2 TODAY! GAMES LA Timet-BudwtiMr sot Rrvf RSlDt Ce (APt-KeeumeS 2i1 MI Itana Baste (Tr 4) (Ctancv J-ft, Nm MuwiMta a Ml) at (Berenau Ml. 4 II 9m. Tm Ml) at CMcaat (Do m-tk 1 ia attune a (McGrtgw IS4) Kanm Cm (Parry 4t. t.H am.

Cl an (Heatoa 4) at CaHtornia mm M), am (Sanaa M4) mm (Oort 44). JS am TUESDAY! GAMES Mmeiata at Detreft, 4 am Two a) CNcoat 7.38 am Battawara of Kenaaa Otv. 7 8 am Cleveland 1 Cel r-o. 7 8 am Nr Yort at Oakland, 7 8 am aa at Saottia, 7:8 am MarrH(l7 )tl I ftUeefcaaAtatoaatBei7ta MaurwMMt-Mtna 7 Harris T-3 A-JU8 Late Saturday CLEVELAND SEATTLE abrBW abrfett AB-ardb S2280ue 3I HerrabJB 38l8ftmft 4)11 Froncass 4 I 26 RRaackci 31)1 Ttarnlfe 31)2 PvtaaoilB 4113 Taatar 4808 RNetaaarf 4)14 GThemacf 4HICmmA 32) CCesNlrt JIM Shew 3411 Eauonc MM Mews MM Hosatvc 21)4 MNCiflJB Mil FacMwJB 2111 SraalC 411 4 Hararvab IBM Sa ra MM VakvcMB till Tama 8113 Tama 8181 mm tia-1 turn 8-1 Bawl WalMBH-MnCaMWaW. Thornton, Pvtnam.

DP Seem 1. I0t-Clevand 7, Saottia 4 IE SHta arm RRoaNcka. ABarstar, Franc Cream 36-RNatsan. SB Omm (7), Franca 2 (27L CCoshda U). SF-Thom-ta IP RSiBESO BaMM8 ObrBM abrb JackSMdb) 1 1 Oanitfi till 31B1 mm BmbBIIIMmB HaavBrt 4121 Laalfe Lamnl )BBBPataB Gmcf 1 1 Hritcf Ameeadic 1 1 1 Mantrerl NmciBMMImwc COaess I Rtevai Taws 8 119 Totals 8 18 1 Data 8118 Ml -3 Cli BtalM S8MI7U-I Gama Wtawln RBt Podia 8.

IDeox, RoMbul DP BOL CR. 1 LOB BaL 4 OR. 4 2B Jockaan, Dontata Rav. HozarA Podia. HR Pod (4).

Lae 01). SB -H 08. SF 327 1 111 4119 3117 BIB IBB BIB 4 1 1 HOW THE TEAMS SHOULD FINISH BY TALENT QUOTIENT 11 auu IT 3 Mm Pa Jr Pan K-lta CaawartalE 4. AiUna CanrM I Tom Sate Mart OC-Caowar A a-Tem Ktawatar. Sdwb-ScNkat OUOmnm, ta 7.

Pond Cartar. Mart BC-im warta tt Tony Birtataw ktarcB MC CawrartaBL 9. mm MaoHb Penaha PC-IBCaaP. aorta 14 8 Oonay Oeta Mordi OC-Cta arta H. 11.

At UataTe Patafce PC-12 Ceawarta njarry Kart Pawtae K-Kaawarta M. Hawy HaNata March DC-Caa- warta 4 Desire Wtaea, March MC-Ca worta 44 II Gre Nafh. EaMeChevreieL 43l 14 Mode Andreffl. Leta T-TMCa worta S7. 17.

Steve Chotsev, EogtaChevreieL S7. 8 Geett Brobnom. Mch MP-Ca worta 49. 8 Rich Mm Parafce PC-HOCeo-worta 41. a Renatas enetap aenoffv tar pwh start in pita IP RERBBSO CfMKLIIB) 7 7 7 1 4 I 3 1 1 SceNfWMI 5 5 3 2 3 3 Reynolds I Save 3) 4 I I I I 4 SceN eddied le one better Oe sixPs HBP by Crun (Darnell, Poatal.

04 Shombthi Vanover. Werner. 3:31 A AHA Pro Football NFL (Ftaat xMBittaa Seasea Standings) AMERICAN CONFERENCE infoGrephics 1963 SOURCE. Don Heinrich's Pro Review '63 CLSVCUNO aferfebl Horroh 3b SIM Horrv lb I Franco 4111 Thmtadh 4111 CCasHli MM Hoaatvc 3311 Tow 4 111 GThomsct 1131 Vukvchrl 41)2 FteNinfelMI Tama 8SM SEATTLE rife) Owanaa 4114 Bemzrdlb 4111 RRoackef 4111 Pvtnomlfe 3111 RNetoenN 4111 Cowans 4 12 2 DHndanrf 3111 MNCstlJb 3111 JMttianc 111! Sweet llll Tatata 11373 78 911- I MMMtt-3 Oame-WtatHne EB) OThemae (3). E-Owen DP Oevetond I Saottia 1 LOfe-Ct and 5.

Saottia 1 2G-To-War HR Cowans (4). SG-Vufcovlch (3) Ftschita. IP RERBBSO (8 1-7) 1 a(L4-5) 2:31 A 7,474. MILWAUKEE ofe Motltor 3b 1 Gorrtnfft 4 121 Yountss 4 121 Coop lb 4111 Simmons 4 121 Oglivialf sill RHowaldh 4 11 1 Monnngcf 3011 CMoorerf 4 0 11 7 7 2 3 3 1 7 7 4 3 I OAKLAND aferkM RHndsnlf 4121 Atman lb Haottirf Lopes 3b Burghsdh 2111 Honcck Pti MM Peterspb 1010 Murphy cf 3101 Keomevc 3 111 OHIII ss 3011 Phillips 2b 3111 Totals 82 SI 4 2 4111 3110 4111 TalalS 8 4 7 4 Milwaukee Ooklond Oama-WiMiitf Rli OMivia (7). E-Oalivie.

DP-Milwouk 1. Ook-lond I LOB Miltvoukaa i Ooklond 4. 2B Coo par, Simmons. Gonlntr. HR-RHandarson (7).

IP RERBBSO Caldwell (W10-7I 71-3 5 2 2 2 3 Slaton 1 0 0 0 1 1 2-3 0 1 0 0 7 Ooklond Worren(U-3) 3N 4 4 4 I 0 Altterton Sl-3 3 0 0 1 3 T-2 8. A 24,051 NEW YORK ab RndlpftTb 4 0 0 0 Griffey 1b 5 110 Winfield If 4 1 2 0 Nettles 3b 4 2 2 1 Cmpnrs3b 0 0 0 0 Gombltdh 3 12 2 Bovl ph 10 10 Molngly rf 3 111 Smollev ss 4 11 3 Moreno cf 3 0 0 0 Cerone 3 0 0 0 CALIFORNIA ObrBM Downing 5 0 0 0 Wiifone3b Benlquz cf OeCncsdh ReJksn rf Valentin rf Grichlb RJcksn 3b Sconirs 1b Lubrtchss Corow ph Boone Totals 5010 4120 4 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 20 10 1111 100 1 4 0 0 0 3010 0 0 0 0 4 12 1 Totals 8 7 II 7 Totals 8 1 10 3 New York MUM Ml-7 California MMM 111- 3 Gome-Winning RBI Gamble (4). DP-New York 1, Californio 1 LOB-New York 4, California I 2B-Gamble. Baylor 3B-Nettlei HR-Smallov (14), Grich (14), Boone (7). IP RERBBSO New York Montofusc (W 1-0) 4 4 2 2 1 5 Frazier (Save 5) 341112 Colifomifl Forsch (L 11-9) 51-3 I 4 4 1 Kison 2-311110 Hossler 3 10 0 14 Cowboys toughest foe may be the Cowboys taBoai.SJtt 7 tun 7 PeftySftMftaMUQ 3 AtarCtart.Lm I VwneSfcn Mill 7 Goartratakfiitl 7 iBJfl 1 k.878 7 S878 7 ackvPeom8i8 7 rfUlt 7 KUAn 7 IHAIUQ 7 aU.SMta.8kH2 7 I 8412 I r.tliM 7 tackBertacASl4M 7 Hearn CPmSUM 7 SerePetaw.8Ml 7 Katav 7 KatayHMSlJta 7 LMeHutaflM LawaHartBuLSTM Corny homm STM Lw Siraway, STM Beta Selamea, 1734 Catav Mata, 1441 Daw Haw Nancy fKtata MM Kotaryn Yaana.

16M Mnetas Ptavefl a PGA Anderson-Pacific AT RANCHO MURIHA. CALIF. (P 72) FINA TOTAU Mark PfeilAMJM Russ Cochran SZL5el ChiCHIRadriguaiMM GfHt Moody AS Mike smmmjoe MikcMerley vm Mark Lvt JAW MiklBrannonSe.SII John Homer Ikmoee Terry SaoderassMSI RoomoMonowALOS Charles Krankei34A2S Gramm Cowon AIM hermit Zorlev-ttM Joey RoseettiX ISO Loren RobertsALIM Lance Ten BroeckAXIM EdFierlA2A50 BabEestwoodAUSg OrvUie Moody A2A50 George Archer AIM Bob Bred FobtiAi A25 Curtis StftordA1A2S Andy BlessomAiA2S Grier JonesAIA2S 72.220000779 Te-Moeog 2M 71-72449214 44-717J7S 85 77-47-4473-84 74448-73-2M 74747473-217 7471-7475-28 74-747472-81 74747473-219 747471-71-89 74744474-28 7472-7474-28 7471-77-71-81 747477-49291 72-7471-75-291 71-747473-292 7474-74-72-292 747474-74-292 77-71-7472293 74747472-293 1447471291 74-744479-293 747471-74-293 74747471-293 77-7471-73293 Transactions Weekend Moves BASEBALL Notional League MONTREAL EXPOS-Purchosed the contract of Tom Oixan, pitch, from the Wichita of the Am icon Association. Recalled Chris Welsh, pitch, from Wichita, effective oft leogue piov. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES-Pur-chased the contract of Steve Com, pitch, from Portland of the Poclflc Caost Leogue.

Sent Steve Jeltz. utility play, to Portiond. American Leogue CLEVELAND INDIANS Troded right-handed pitch Len Bark to the Atlonto Braves for three to be named oft the end of the season. FOOTBALL National Football Leogue DALLAS COWBOYS-Troded Steve Wright, tackle-guard to the Baltimore Colts in exchange for an undisclosed draft pick. ST.

LOUIS CARDINALS-Named Curt Mash director of public relations ond Greg Gladvsiewski assistant director of public relations. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS-Troded Sherman Smith, running bock, to the San Diego Chorgersas part of the Roger Corr trode. Local Golf Jones Park Men LOW NET TOURNEY (Sundays Results) Medalist (tie)' Roger Wall, Bob Bensmiftor, 74. Championship flight -1. Dennis Svoboda, 48; 2.

Bill Bry, 49; 3. RogSchiolfeif. 72 First flight -1 Bill Biedermon, 69; 2 Bill Foches, 73; 3. Brum Schtolfelt, 74 Second flight Dennis Fitzgerald, 70; 2 Nick 2 Tom Wtiford, 72 Closest W- pin -Eldon Hensch (4); Rog Wall (7). Twin Pines Men BEST SHOT TOURNEY (Sundays Results) ClMmetensliip ftistrt -1.

Don Nouuti-ton-Todd Hingtgen, xM; 2. Don Celbv-Dwoyne Hensch, 1 Dr. Scott Carnes-Bob Ulrich, 51; 4. Drew Fairchild-Ed Van Hoene, 4-1 First fH9ht Tom Knutson-Joe Knutson, 67. Second BigM Paul Fislter-Bob Trocy.

70. Third flight Terry TltomosTete Larson, 72. Fourth flight Ralph Bond-Woyne Sell, 74. Fifth flight Don Shoffer-Ron Tuetel. 71.

Grond skins Denny Frory-Dove Edwards, eagle on Closest le Pitt Bob Techou (4I, Tim Shea (12). won ployoff Retired Men's Golf Association AT SQUAW CREEK Low groei Sandy Bachelor. 35; Lew eel Bachelor, 3); Closest to tbs gin: No, 4 Corl Lindsey; No. Gilo Dills: No. 13 Ed Smith; Ha.

17 -Lloyd Tyler. Hot the ere Bob Vovro, 37; 2 of 114 members attending beat 13 ATLANTA ObrBM llll 1 9111 Morearrf 4111 mwrtf IBM a lb tit) ArmBMIl Rftmrzw 4B2B Rjb-nJB 9MB Benatartc 4 I IB FWc a MM Faram IBBB Foleana 187-8 IM II I 4 I FaramiSovam 31-3 1 I 3 CondetorilLIM) 1 7 2 9 1 1 Guonte I 1 I I I 1 HBP BHerper by Fescene. WP-Fel-COM 2.39. A-2U93. IARFRANCIKO NIWYOIK MriM MrbM LeMstrss 5121 Wilson 399 9 Vsnobled 4111 CDtaip llll Clark rf 3 1 1 Broatreh till Evans 3b 4 133Hotmmn 444 1 Leonard II 114 4 Bohar 3b 4131 COavtsd 9111 KHnids lb 2111 Ynebtd2b 3lllFashrH 4111 Bergmnlb 2 1 1 4 Strwbryrt 4111 Nicosia ph toil Hadaatc till Pettm3b 34IIOr1lic Mil Brenlye 4 I 31 Giles 2b SI 2 1 Laskeyp IlllOautndse 3111 McGtanp I It 3 Swanp -llll Bor re 3IIIGemtanp llll Lasellep 1 4 44 ShM ph 1411 Ask till Haepd 3111 T4M 13 2 TeSah 31133 ien Freedioi IMWt-T New York III MM-3 Oome-wmntne Ell I YUM (13).

E-Oauende. OP New York I. LOB Son Frandsce f. New York 9. 3B Evens I McGofftgan, Slronbtrry.

3B Bergman. HR Evans (37). S-KHernandeL SF Younabiaod. IP RERBBSO Son Francises Laskey I I I I I I McGaflgn 11-3 2 I 1 3 I Barr I 4-31 42-3 2 1 1 I 2 LavellelSovtH) 3 1110 4 New York Swan(L2 IB3 3 3 3 I Gorman 1-341010 Sisk 21-3 3 I I 2 I CDxn 23-3 3 3 I 0 3 Holman 2 2 1111 HBP Leonard by Sisk. KHernondei by Borr BK McGaffiaan I A- 14.143 UN DIEGO abrBM Brown If 4 0 10 Wiggins lb 4 0 2 0 Gwvnn rf 4 010 TKenndy 4 0 0 0 cf 10 10 rib iooo Tmpltnss 3 0 0 0 LSotozrlb 3 0 00 Bonilla 2b 3 0 0 0 Showp 2 0 00 lucasp 0 0 0 0 Richrdsph 1000 Mongep 0 0 00 Totals 80 50 Son Diego Ml MMM-1 Montreal Ml Ml 7i-1 Gome-Winning RBI Rolnas (12).

DP Montreol 1. LOG Son Diego 4, Montreal 1 2B Wiggins. Rogers, Raines, Flynn. HR-Dliv (4). IP RERBBSO San Diego Show (L 13-9) 4 4 4 4 5 4 Lucas 1 4 4 4 2 3 Monge 1 10000 Montreol Rogers (W 14-8) 9 5 10 11 Show pitched to three batters in 7th, 2:26.

A 43,161 LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA ob bi abr SSax 2b 4 0 0 1 Somuel 2b 4 0 0 0 Londstv2b 0 0 0 0 Rose 1b 4 0 0 0 BRusselss 3 2 1 0 MotthwsH 4 0 2 0 JoMrisph 1011 Schmdt3b 4 120 Andesnss OOOOWHrntfzp 0 0 0 0 Monday If 3133BDiozc 400 0 Thom*oscf 1 0 0 0 Moddoxcf 4 0 2 1 Guerr 3b 4 1 1 0 Lefebvr rf 3110 Londrxcf 3 0 1 0 DeJewsss 4111 Mldndolf 1 0 0 0 Denny 1000 Marshal rf 5 2 2 3 Gordo Ph 1000 Brock 1b 4 0 11 Andersn 0 0 0 0 Fimple 4 10 0 TPez ph 10 0 0 Reussp JMOMcGrawp 000 0 JeltzSb 1010 Totals 8 1 111 Totals 839 2 Las Angeles 721 18 111-1 Philadelphia 1818 012-3 Game-Winning RBI Monday (8. BDioz, Schmidt, Samuel, Morshali. DP Los Angeles 1, Philadelphia 1. LOB-Los Angeles 7, Philadelphia 7. 2B Schmidt 2, Brock, Lefebvre.

HR Marshall (14). SB-B Russell 2 (10). S-Reuss. IP RERBBSO Los Angelas Reuss (W7-10) 7 7 3 2 2 5 Philadelphia Denny (L 13-6) 5 8 7 5 2 2 Andersen 2 0 0 0 2 2 McGrow 12 1111 WHemdez 1 0 10 11 BK Denny. PB Fimple 1 2:18.

A 34A42. TV Slate Today BasebaH Chicago Cubs-Atkmfa 4:8 P.m. on WGN (coble) and 4:35 p.m. on WTBS (cable). College FeetboH Nebrasko-Penn State.

I pm. on KGAN, KCCi and WQAD. Tuesday US. Open Tennis Championsiiin -Noon on HBO (coble). Spti Americe p.m, on ipt.

BoseboH Chicopo CubvAtlanta. 4:8 P.m. on WGN (cable) ond 6:35 pm. on WTBS (coble). US.

Open Tennis Highlights 10:8 pm. on WHBF ond WKBT; 11:15 pm. on KCCI. Pima aariN Lacvci )l)B 44 1 IMB IMB 4I1B lilt 111a 411 IMB 441 I Cawaa 3MB IMB MB 1MB 8111 at mm-1 mmm-i icaaard DP Alton I PittsBurg LOB A) tonta A fmibargB a 71 Benedict, Part MR-! (4). SB-Lacy (8).

S-HuObar RoJabnaan. IP 8 RCRIBSO Earl Campbell rushed 18 times for 119 yards and scored on runs of one yard and 40 yards for the Oilers, who finished their exhibition season winless in four games. "Were still not plugging the holes on defense, but Earl Campbell is just a great back, said Landry, whose Cowboys finished at '3-1. In other games Saturday, Chicago beat Kansas City 20-17 in overtime; Washington topped Buffalo 27-19; New Orleans downed the New York Jets 17-10; Green Bay defeated St. Louis 39-27; Detroit trounced Cincinnati 34-7; and Seattle beat San Francisco 20-7.

Pittsburgh beat Philadelphia 10-3 last Thursday night, while Friday night, Atlanta edged Baltimore 10-7; Cleveland nipped the Los Angeles Raiders 20-17; Miami mauled the New York Giants 24-3; Tampa Bay topped New England 41-21; Minnesota walloped Denver 34-3; and San Diego defeated Los Angeles 27-17. Associated Prass The Dallas Cowboys toughest opponent in the National Football League season that opens this weekend could be the Dallas Cowboys. "We may not win many games if we keep beating ourselves, said Coach Tom Landry, displeased about the numerous errors his club made Satuday night in its final exhibition game. The Cowboys didnt get beat. But it took Gary Hogebooms second touchdown pass of the game a 10-yard toss to Butch Johnson with 92 seconds left to pull out a 34-31 victory over the Houston Oilers at Irving, Texas.

The game-winner followed a 105-yard kickoff return by Houstons Carl Roaches. Hogeboom also connected on a 2-yard TD pass to Doug Cosbie with 3:05 left in the game to give Dallas a 27-24 lead, which was quickly erased by Roaches kickoff return. BRIEFS Quad City Downs Sunday Results TRACK: Ftst FIRST. Poet, I Milt, dm SIMS 4 -Sueur Valiev Dee MI4JtUt 1- Cheese And Pep XL4I4.4 4- Smooth Tinkv 14S Time: 2:433 Also ran: Plucky Girt 3, Abetter Genii. Orange Juk I Whato Tim 7, Chotul Frisco Palefoa Yonket 44utuel Poet 11.13S SECOND, Pecs, I Mile, NW S40I UStl 4 -ResoRik 430 3.40 309 1 Barney Amigo 444 344 3 -Hawthorne Chad 0 440 Time: 3 034 Also ran: Marvbor Chris 4.

Frosty! Wonder 3, Synergistic 7, Man Ot Music Crystal Shoun Feelln Jelly 5 Daily Double: (441 Paid S26.00 D. D. Pul 21474, Mutual Pool 14425 THIRD, Pace, I Milt, NW SUM Sts 740 3.20 1.00 1 -Curious Crystal 330 240 2 Pocky Reed 440 Time: 2:03.0 Also ran- Rufl Rick Fathers Dayk 7. Monte Bench 4, Just A Nibble A Shod-roch Smith 1, Fonzerelli Ouinetla: (A I) Pokl 514.20 Quinalla Pool 15423, Mutual Pool 11433 FOURTH, Fact, 1 Mile 03 TO Stake 10-Brian Beoch 1140 540 3.00 3-RacvTarBov 740 3.40 3- Little Gary 1.40 Time: 3:030 Also ran: Lassater 7, Nu Look 4, Taurus WEB5, Randy Rader 1, Donna Toudi4, My Tull Bret 1, Hard Corea 0. Scratched-1 Lindas Adventure (Sick).

Mutuel Pool 31354 FIFTH, Pact, I Mile, Clm S4M 4 Prairie Benner 440 340 Id 5-Butchum 7.00 440 7-Kinky Baroness 7.00 Time: 3:034 Also ran: Happy Joker 4, Seven Shei-J, Go Oi Go 9, Regal Law A Captain Brooks 2, idlewhiles Nick l.Oulnello: (5-4) Paid S2330 Oulnello Pool 10403, Mutuel Pool 13,770 SIXTH, Poet, I Mile, Clm SttN 2-MountoinBob 2530 1020 4.40 4-CrestaRovole 1440 730 1 Taros Tippy 120 Time: 2:034 Also ran: Choncey Nanette 9, Volo Bret 5, Grand Time Ouie 4, Semational Ledy Rambling Blue 7, Roman Goose A Perfeda: (241 Paid $21740 Pertecto Pool 2U6A Mutual Pool SEVENTH, Pace, 1 Mile, $2 YO Stake 4-SongOfOi 0,40 4.20 3.00 It Bid For Fame 1040 440 9'Papabvflve 540 7Time: 2:034 Also ran- Cor Skiepert Rush While A Jazz Line Misty Buzzln 1, Ricks Flying A Petes Bucks I Poco Devil A Scratched: 5 Never On (Sick). Mutuel Pool 23,906 EIGHTH, Puce, I Mile, NW 53IN Sts 7- Bashful Scott 1540 540 340 5 -Awesome Perry 240 240 I Rano Victoria 340 Time: 1:594 Also ran: Surprise chortle A Brents Bomber A River ClrdeRomeo 2, Latram River A Seville 9, Bret Barmin A Pertecto: (7-5) PoM 54340 Pertecto Pool 2I34A Mutuel Pool 14410 ninth. Pace, 1 Mile Opeo Handicap Pact, I MIN re 5-Jako 13 20 5.40 900- 4- Wanna Donee 340 240 2 -Birdies Ouster tea- Time: Also ran: Bleomlngfreg Senkey Avalon A Happy Matador 4. Mutuel Pool 244IA TENTH, Pact, I MIN, NW 33 PM Races LT 9-Spunky Adam 440 240 340 2-Vanderbill 340 240'- 8 -Jolly Be Quick cm Time: 2:024 Also ran: Yield To Speedy A JO Braden 1, Armed Robbery A Petes Pocer 7, Sodorus Lew Fello A Scratched: Prairie Essenger Mutuel Pool 7540 ELEVENTH, Pace, 1 Mill, am SNN 4 -Double Sotted 1348 548 AM 1 Lord Lobell A40A40 9- Perry Time jwr Time: 2:80.1 Also ran: Sir Arriba A Race Timt' 7, Edpewood Dirk A Den Ds. A Bakers Knight A Scottish, Trlfecto: (AM) Paid 3M.48 Trttecto Pool 5A307, Mutuel Pool 11,939, For- EtcMbr(LA11) 3 4 4 4 3 1 Jattcoot 4 2 1 4 4 1 Swim in 4 3 1 I Easterly 13 4 1111 MoYoung (8 812) 114 2 9 2 4 Stanton (Jove S) IM II II I Eichetaerg wifetwd 8 tttrtt Bottars the 3rd.

PB Itoaaav. T-2 41. CALIp*rnIA aferfeb) OownMaN 4222 Corawlb 4 111 Baniouicf 1 2 2 DaCncsdh Sill Grich2b Sill RJcksn 4111 Volant In ft 1117 RtJkanrf llll Lubrfdtsa 3131 ScoNrsah Till Boonac 4 3 3 3 Tafols 8 7 I IM in IM- 4 M2 Ml MI-7 nw scared Game-Winni RBI Mona. RoJocksoa Nettles, Smoliay 1 DP- New York 1. CoWornio 1.

LOB New York 13, Californio I. 26 Randolph, Nettles, Smalley. HR Griffov (7), OownfnR (U), Boon (41 Coraw. IP RERBBSO New Tort Fontenot 5 12 2 11 Froit 22-3 3 2 2 1 I Gossooedll-S) 13 3 112 Californio SlOlr 5 7 5 3 3 3 Curtis 12-3 4 1 1 2 1 SBrownlW 1-1) 21-3 1 0 0 1 2 Stoir pitched lo two botts in 4th WP-Curtls. 3.01 A 45,747 NEW YORK OferBBi Rndlph2b 4 12 1 GrtHav IB 3 2 3 1 Winfield If Sill Nettles 3b 1 2 1 BovMrdh 4111 Wvnegorc 412 2 Motneiv H41I1 Smoliay ss 1 1 1 Mwenocf 1 2 1 TEXAS ob Somple If 4 0 0 0 Bell 3b 30 10 Stem 2b 4 0 0 0 Hosttlrdh 3 0 0 0 Prishrf 4 010 Wright cf 4 0 0 0 OBrienlb 3 0 2 0 JAdrsnss 3 0 00 BJohnsnc 3 0 10 Tolots 31 1 KANSAS CITY BrkM BOovlsIf 4 0 0 1 Wshgtnss 3 0 0 0 Brett dh White 2b Roberts rf 3 110 Sloughtc 2 0 1 1 Wothonlb 3 00 0 Pry 3b 3 0 0 0 SherWncf 3 0 0 0 Totals 27 2 3 1 Teios MMM IM-1 Kansos City IIMIIMii-2 Gome-Witming RBI Whitt (I).

OBrien OP Texas 1, Kansas City 1 LOB Toxos 4, Kansas City 3. HR-White (9). IP RERBBSO Texas Tanono(L7-5) I 3 2 1 4 Kansas City Spllttorff (W10-4) 5 4 0 0 1 0 Armstrong 1 0 0 0 0 0 Quisonberry (Sivo 34)3 1 1 0 0 0 HBP Hostetler by Armstrong, UWoshington by Tonona. 2:08. A 35,259.

NATIONAL LEAGUE Atlonto I Pittsburgh 1 Los Angelos 0, Philadelphia 3 San Francisco 7, New York 2 Montreal A San DUgo 0 Cincinnati A St. Louis 4 111) Houston A Chicago 2 TODAY'S GAMES (All hum Timn) Son Diego (Lollor 7-10 and Sosa 1-2) at Philadelphia (Carlton IM3 and Bvs-trom 5-9) 1 4:35 pjti. Las Angelos (Welch tt-tl and Hooton 0-7) at New York (Seover 7-12 ond Terrell 5-5), 1 4-35 p.m. Son Francisco (Krukow 9-7) at Montreal (B Smith 3-7), 4:35 e.m. Pittsburgh (Rhoden 9-111 ot Cincinnati I Soto 14-tO), p.m.

Chicago (Jenkins 4-9) ot Atlonto (Niekro 10-7), 4:40 p.m. St Louis (Stupor GO) ot Houston (Madden 4-2), 7 35 pm TUESDAY GAMES San Dltgo at Philadelphia, 2,4 35 pm. Los Angeles ot New York, A p.m. San Francisco at Montreal, 4:35 pm. Pittsburgh ot Cincinnati, 4:35 pm.

Chicago at Atlanta, 4:40 pm St. Louis at Houston, 7:35 p.m. CHICAGO abrhbl Sndbrg2b 4 111 Bowoss 4 011 Durtom If 4 1 1 0 CeyJb 4 0 2 3 Veryzer9bMM Morelndrf 3 0 0 1 MHollcf 4110 JDovisc 3111 Martini 1b 4 0 2 0 Holes a iooo Jotmstnph 10 01 Bordip 0111 Lokeph 1100 Brusstorp 0 0 60 Woods ph llll Totals 8 7 7 2 HOUSTON dferkbl Doron2B Puhlrf Thonss Cruz If Knight 1b Gom3b Mmphvcf Ashby MScottp OiPinop 4 111 3 2 3 1 4122 411 1 4111 4010 3 0 0 1 3110 3011 0 0 0 1 31494 IN IN 111- 11) IN MX-4 Gome-Wleninf RBI Then (16). Notes, Knight. DP-Chicaao Houston 1.

LOB-Chtcnad 7, Houston A 2B Sandberg, Cey. 36-Puht, Tltoa, Doran SB Bowo (4), Puhl 2 (21). IP RERBBSO Totals s(LS4) 3 4 4-4 1 4 3 1 8 I 2 18 8 18 MScott(WM) 711 7 I 3 DiPinoiSoveU) 121 8 I I I I A 12,774 ST. LOUIS CINCINNATI abrbM abrbbl OSmlthse illSEMIlwrcf SITS Oberkfl2b 1 2 1'ReduiH Sill McGee cl 1 1I CncpcnM 3111 Hadrcfclb 59SI Hetttldrrf Sill Eraunll BOSS Drtessn 1b llll Regular Season Schedule SATURDAY (Sept. 3) GAME (All tawo Times) Philodelphio ot Son Francisco, 5 p.m.

SUNDAYS (Sept. 4) GAMES St. Louis of New Or leans, II om. Green Bov ot Houston, Noon Atlonto ot Chicago, Noon Baltimore ot New England, Noon Denver ot Pittsburgh, Noon Detroit ot Tompo Bov, Noon LA Roiders ot Cincinnati, Noon LA Rams at NY Gtonts, Noon Miami ot Buffalo, Noon Minnesota at Cleveland. Noon Seattle at Konsas City, 3 P.m, NY Jets at Son Diego, 3 pm.

MONDAY! (Sept. 5) GAME Dallas of Washington, I p.m. Pro Golf PGA World Series AT AKRON, OHIO (Par 71) FINAL TOTALS Nick Price, S10M0O 646469-47-270 Jock Nickleus, $604)00 67-7449-65-274 Johnny Mill, S40AQ0 71-494447-275 Tom 747471-45-276 Mark McCumber, 519,125 71-446449-276 Ray Floyd, 519,125 4947469-274 Hale Irwin, $19,18 447447-71-274 Isoo Aoki, S12JXK3 744447-74-277 Hal Sutton, SUMO 7471-7447-271 David 7449-71-49-279 Wayne Levi, 59,250 71-7471-48-2M Gil Morgon, 59450 71-71-7444-280 Curtis Strange, 8125 744471-74-8) Grahom Marsh, 818 744471-72-81 Tommy Nokaiim, 818 4472-7471-8) Fuzzy Zoeitor, 51.18 754549-72-81 Lorry Mize, S7S0D 49-774744-282 Domy Edwards, 57 J00 7473-7144-282 Craig Stodtor, 57,000 71-747149-283 Morris Hatolsky, S7A30O 71-71-7471-283 Bobby 47-72-7474-263 Colvin Peeta, 5480 7472-7447-284 Ben Crenshaw, 54 80 74746949-284 Lanny Wodkins.5480 72-71-71-74-284 Fred Couples, 5480 4471-7475-284 Mike Nicoiette, 55900 4471-75-71-285 JOY Haas, 55450 72-73-7249-284 Lorry Gilbert, 848 72-744949-284 Gary Koch, 55450 72-71-72-71-284 Lorry Nelson, 55450 7749492-287 Tom Kite, 55,100 7475-72-71-288 David Frost, 54,950 7947-72-71-289 John Cook, 54,950 74-744474-289 Bob Gild, $4400 49-74-74-73-290 Jim Colbert, 54,700 73-73-7475-291 Klkuo Aral, $4450 H-7473-72-292 Bob Sheor, 54450 75-7249-74-292 Hsieh Yu-Shu, 54400 77-72-71-73-293 O-Fhilip Parkin 74-74-74-72-294 Keith Fergus. 54400 77-741-74-298 Gory Hailberg, 54400 73-74-75-75-299 denotes amotsu, LPGA Columbia Classic AT DENVER (Pern) FINAL TOTAU x-Pat Bradley, S3M00 714F7D47-I77 Betti Daniel, SUM tt.7B7H7-T77 SPLIT snow cm LEGS 363-9627 as hot as practicing on the stadium's articifical turf, nor is grass as damaging to the legs. Iowa State completed a 50-minute workout in shorts and helmets Sunday.

Stargell helps PITTSBURGH (AP) The Pittsburgh Pirates will have a father figure on a long road trip that begins today former slugger Willie Stargell, known to the players as Pops." Stargell, at the request of Manager Chuck Tanner, will travel with the Pirates on the four-city, 1 1-game trip, mainly to work with some of the team's younger players. World record COLOGNE, West Germany (AP) -South African-born Sydney Maree, who now lives in the United States, set a world record of 3 minutes, 31 .24 seconds for the 1 run Sunday, beating the mark of 3:31 .36 set by Steve Ovett in 1980. Edwin Moses of the United States won a 400-meter hurdles race for the 85th straight time. Barker traded SEATTLE (AP) Right-hander Len Barker of the Cleveland Indians was sent to the Atlanta Braves Sunday, the Indians said. According to Cleveland Manager Pat Corrales, the Indians will receive three players to be named after the end of the season.

Barker, who pitched a perfect game against Toronto in 1981 was 8-13 this season with a 5.11 era. Tennis upset MAHWAH, N.J. (AP) Jo Durie of England, upset Hana Mandlikova 2-6, 7-5, 6-4 Sunday for her first major tournament title, the $125,000 Virginia Slims of New Jersey tennis Championships. Durie, 23, who was told by doctors to quit tennis after suffering a prolapsed disc in her back three years ago, was forced to rally for the $22,000 top prize. Mandlikova of Czechoslovakia, the No.

2 seed who won here in 1980 arid 1981 and is ranked ninth worldwide, earned $11,000. The 6-foot-1 Durie, who was seeded sixth here and is ranked No. 16 in the world, had rallied Saturday night for a 4-6, 6-1 6-0 victory over fourth-seeded Barbara Potter in the semifinals. ISU move AMES (AP) Iowa State's football team moved into the stadium Sunday for the first time since pre- season drills began Aug. 16.

The Cyclones, under new Head Coach Jim Criner, have been practicing on four newly-constructed grass fields because the grass is not I Total! MOM Total! It IS It MMMMS-4 too iso m-11 Gomo-wmolno Rtl Font (It). Costino, Brunorakv. OP-MImw-ta I. Baltimore 1 LOB-Mlmouta 7, Baltimore 9. JB-Owyor.

3B-Bomliry. HR-Hrtmk im.Lowomteln (101. Got HI (TUI- Oauor, TCruz, Shelby. IP RERBBSO BCastlllollS-!) 3 7 5 OCoanor IM 1 3 3 3 2 Wallers 22-3 5 3 3 2 1 Baltimore FkmogonlWBG) 0 5 4 4 3 0 SStewartlSavo5l 3 4 0 0 1 2 PB-ltolan. 2:44.

A 30,922: TEXAS KANSAS CITY ob ob ToHo2b 3000 UWshtnso 4000 OBrienlb 4 1 1 0 Shorklncf 4030 BBoll3b 3 0 0 0 BroH 3b 4010 Hoittlrdb 0 1 0 Aikensoh 1010 LAPrihrf 4 0 1 I Slmpanpr 0000 rl 0 00 0 White 2b 100 0 ltd 4 0 0 0 StauoMr 4010 alt 4 010 Wothan 1b 4010 3 010 BDovIsll 3 0 0 0 oc 2 00 0 Goronmrl 3 00 0 Total! 30 I I Total! SI 0 7 0 Total OM 100 MO 1 Kama! City OM MO-1 Oame-Wlnmno RBI PorrM (13). OP-Toxo! 1 LOB Texas A Konsoo City 7. 2B Brett, OBrien, Rivero. S-Tolleson, White. IP RERBBSO Tom Hough (W7-10) 9 7 0 0 3 3 Koalas City RenkolLO-lll 5 4 1110 Armstrong 4 1 0 0 2 2 WP-Rmko.

BK Hough. PB-Sund-boro. 2:07. A 29,133. BOSTON CHICAGO abrbbi obrhM Barrett 2b 4 00 0 RLowd 4110 JurokSb 4 12 0 Fletchr ss 4011b Pice It 30 0 0 Bolnesrf 423 1 Armasd 4 0 00 LuilnskOh 4 2 4 4 Stapltnlb 4 0 2 1 Walkirlb 3 0 0 0 Nowmndh 3 0 0 0 Squires lb 1000 Vshmkdh 00 0 KIHloH '4 120 Miller rf 4 1 1 0 VLow3b 9000 Allensonc 2011 MHillc 300 1 GIHfma si 3 0 1 0 JCrur 2b 3 00 0 Tutatl 12 3 2 1 Totals MONO Boston 0M 110 NO- 3 CMcogo 111 000 02x I GamoMtlmihi RBI Bathes (IS).

DP Boston Chicago I LOB-Boo-ton A Chlcogo 1 28 RLam, Altomon, Stoolelon, Botnet HR Botnet (12). Lu-linskl 3 (24). SB-KWIt (7). S-MHIII. IF RERBBSO BavdILH) 22-3 5 4 4 8 2 Bird 42-1 5 I 2 0 1 II III 3SPECIM THIS WMMKl When, you choose ANDREWS AUTO, it shows youve been Picky, Picky SEA LEGS tost lilea crab COMPLETE AUTO RESTORATION Late model collision repair clean up $j)95 (CLOSED SAT.

BOSTON FISHERIES VAN CONVERSIONS Floyds team wins Floyds Barber Sliop downed C.J. Southside, 9-6, to win the 14-inch Co-ed softball tournament Sunday at Kirkwood Complex. Both Cedar Rapids teams, along with third-place finisher Time Out Lounge of Iowa City, qualified for the state tournament, Sept. 9-10-11 at Marshalltown. 1, AUlOw tlSTOSATION Ccr ISS-C2T 804 5th St.

815 1st St $2.

The Gazette from Cedar Rapids, Iowa (2024)


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Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

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Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.