The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)

6 BUFFALO EVENING NEWS: FRIDAY. OCTOBER 16. 1896. low, 5 cars; No. 4 yellow.

1 car; No. I SPECIAL OVER COAT SALE SPECIAL CLOAK SALE Small Doses A FRIEND BE WELL tobacco mm. This Stock the Special Feature This Horning and Rose 2 7-8 to 75. 1MPE0TEMEKT IS YALUES. ory cherry, Goodell.

Mulberry. Virginia, Maple, Burton and Michigan streets. Second distrlct-Houndea by Goodell, Main, Burton, Elm, Virginia. Maple, Burton and Michigan streets. Third district Bounded by Burton, Elm, Virginia.

Maple Carlton. Ellicott, Virginia ano Main streets. Fourth district-Bounded by Virginia, Ellicott, Carlton. Elm. North and Main Fifth rllstrict Bounded by North, Mulberry.

Virginia, Maple. Carlton and Elm streets. STXTEKNTH WARD. Flrt district Hounded by Ovnespe, Hickory V'herry, Goodell, Mulherry, Virginia, ora'nue, Cherry and Mortimer Htreeta. Second tBmind hy OpnMW, CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, Room No.

4. City and County Hall. Buffalo, Oct. 8, ISM. In accordance with Section 10 of Chapter J09 of the Laws of the State of New York, the Common Council of the City of Buffalo hereby defines and prescribes the boundaries of the several election districts In the several wards of said city.

And the following are also designated as the places. In each election district In Ihe City of Buffalo, at which the meetings for the registration of eleclors and the general election shall be held for the year ISM: BOUNDARIES OF ELECTION DISTRICTS. "FIRST First district Bounded by Exchange. Louisiana, Elk, N. Y.

C. R. R. tracks. Perry and Chicago streets.

Second district Hounded by Fulton street, N. Y. C. R. R.

tracks. Elk, Louisiana streets, Buffalo River and Michigan street. Third district Bounded by Perry, Michigan streets, Buffalo River, center line of Louisiana street extended. Lake Krle, Buffalo River, and Clark Skinner canal. Fourth district Hounded by Exchange, Chicago, Perry streets, N.

Y. C. R. It. tracks, Fulton, Mfchlgan, Perry streetfl, Clark Skinner canal, Buffalo river, and Main street SECOND WARD.

You can do it on weekly payments of I WEEK 1 WEEK 1 OTTR PT OAKS areWst right UUtf. LLUAiVO REGULAR Immense assortment to suit any taste and any pocketbook. SPECIAL CLCAX SALE Trading at the Opening Was Dull ana Featureless, Bat Later Prices Be-v came Better General Business Situation Better. OUR OVERCOATS SPECIAL CLOAK SALE Everything in the coat line from $3 up to the choicest goods manufactured. WE TRUST YOUR HONOR and take our pay as you can afford to lay it down.

ROCK BOTTOM PRICES For anything in the clothing line for Men, Women, and Children. IS A F1UEND INDEED. New Tork, Oct. 15 10:10 A. M.

Trading At the outset was dull and featureless; prices showed no Important changes aside Irom Sugar which improved per cent, to London quotations were mainly lower, but this tact was offset bv the i failure of the Bank of England to advance Its minimum rate of discount. Opening prices Sugar 107, Tobacco 72, Burlington 3, Rock Island 0H. St. Paul nSi, Northwest SIS. Louisville 4S-j, Wheeling A Lake Erie 5T.

Manhattan Missouri Pacific 19. 11 A. M. Continued improvement was notde In share values during the first hour, and although the volume of business showed a marked diminution from recent averages the bulls experienced but little opposition In improving prices. Tobacco was the especial feature and Jumped 27 per cent, to 75.

The aggressive support rendered this specialty by prominent Interest contributes to the rmness of the general market and Invites more liberal operations for the long account. The improvement In the general financial and business situation and less apprehension aa to the status of the foreign complications are also factors of note in maintaining lvalues. SPECIAL CLOAK SALE 45 SENECA ST. MAST 45 SENECA ST. A Much Money to Be Spent Abolishing East Side Grade' YIADUCTS AND SUBWAYS.

The Viaduct filch Will Cross Four Railways at Smith and Seneca Streets Will Cost Nearly Half a Million. The work of abolishing grade crossings In the center of the city is completed to all Intents and purposes, and the people are able, by the condition of things now-existing at Main street, and along the Terrace, to judge what a great Improvement be manifest all over the city when the entire work Is completed. The subway at Main street ha now been In full operation for several weeks, and there Is no more waiting for wagons, pedestrians and trolley cars while trains pass and repass on the Central tracks, as was the custom before the grade crossings Improvements were conceived. The Michigan stree.t viaduct, too, has been completed even longer than the Main street subway, to the delight of the men who are forced to use that thoroughfare, especially those who are connected with the various occupations which are carried on at the Elk street market. These two structures are.

In a way. of the most Importance, as being nearest the business center of the city they are open to more observation on the part or the public, and so serve to show better than all the rest of the work which remains to be done, the Importance of the grade crossings work In general. Much Work to t'nnie. But they are only the beg-innlng of what is 10 come, and If the plans of the Grade Crossings Commissioners are carried out as they have formulated them, the lion's share of the work Is ust about to begin. All through the summer months, the men In the office of the Grade Crossings Commission have been busy preparing plans for the work east of Michigan street, until now practically notning remains but the awarding of the contracts.

The first work to be done Is at Chicago street, where a huge viaduct Is to span the New York Central, the West Shore, the Erie and the Lehigh Valley tracks. The plans for this viaduct are completed, and contractors are prepar'ng their bids for the work there now. These bids will be opened on Thursday of this week, and It is not expected that many days will elapse before the work at Chicago street I wii If under a. The structure at Chicago street Is to I be practically a duplicate of that at Michigan street, with the addition of one in iiuioi ni'pn'acii mat is. tne 0 approach to the Chicago street viaduct will begin at Seneca street Instead of i Carroll, which Is the starting point of 1 the Michigan street viaduct.

Barring this addition, the Chlrago street structure will be like that at Michigan street; the width of the roadway, the width of sidewalks, being without variation. Clinton Street Subway. The viaduct will cross, all the tracks leading out of the city at this point, and will come again to the level of the street, Just south of the Lehigh Valley tracks at Scott street. Its estimated cost Is $115.000. This will be the last viaduct which will be constructed until the Intersection of Smith and Seneca streets is reached, but In the meantime, there Is to be a large number of sutneays con-, structed at an aggregate cost of something over a million and a half dollars.

The first work of the subway charac 0 FIRMER MOXEV MARKET. General Market Developed Heaviness A ter 11 O'eloek and 8harp Fractional JDOncesslOQS Were Scored. New York. Oct. 15.

Noon The market developed heaviness shortly after 11 and sharp fractional concessions were generul-ly aconed. The movement was Iniiuenced by Increasing firmness in the money market, call funds working up to 7 per cent. Tobacco was decidedly erratic and after a reaction of 1 per cent to 74, fluctuated be- tween 75 and 76. The last mentioned figure was current at midday. Noon Money on call firm at 6 per cent.

Prime Mercantile Paper nominally 7I-jfy4 per cent. Sterling Exchange easier with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.3;i4 for demand and $4.80 for 60 days. Posted Bates and J4.S444j4.s5. Com mercial Bills J4.794. Silver Certificates 644(56o; no sales.

Bar Sliver 64. Mexican Dollars 49'. Government bonds Arm. MANHATTAN' SPECIALLY WEAK. Pendency at 1 O'clock Was Downward.

Selling- Movement Abated Later In the Afternoon. New Tork, Oct. 15, 1 P. M. The tendency of prices continues downward, with Alanfiattan displaying especial, weakness.

2 P. M. The selling movement precipitated by the withdrawal of gold from the ub-treasury abated during the past hour njid general fractional recoveries- ensued. Bay State Gas was a notable exception, and receded per to on liquidation Inspired by unfavorable rumors aa to the financial status of the company. 8 P.

M. Bar silver, 64H. The stock market closed weak. 3 P. M.

Money on ca.ll firm at 47 per cent. Last loajt, 5. closed, 4'-t5 per cent. Prime mercantile paper nominally 8'a9 per cent. Sterling exchange steady, witn actual business in bankers' bills at J4.S3' for demand, and M.SoV)4.Sl.

for 60 days. Posted rates, M.14i4.m, and ti.MVu4.s5. Commercial bills, HWi- Government bonds firm. (SPECIAL LEASED MARKET WIRE.) New York, Oct. 15.

Following are the closing flcurei on active stocks fur today: Open. High. Low. Close. The same doctors who tell you that a little thing a microbe so small that the eye cannot see it, when taken into the human system, will cause a terrible disorder like cholera, small-pox, scarlet fever, diphtheria, or some other, also tell you that Homeopathic remedies cannot cure because the- dose is so small! If a particle of something so minute that it cannot be seen or telt can cause the most terrible of all diseases and death, why is it not very reasonable to sup pose that the small particles 01 medicines contained in Homeopathic remedies will combat and drive out disease? TRUE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES prepared by Dr.

Bnllentine's own hands the only True Homeopathic Remedies for sale bv drueeists are based on the only principle of medicine that has stood the test of time. The old school doctors have abandoned, one by one, nearly every remedy that they previously used, and every method of treatment as well. Doctor Ballentine is regarded throughout the country as the greatest living Homeopath because of his great skill, his long and varied experience and his immense practice larger than that of any other Homeopathic Physician who ever lived. He prepares a remedy for every disease. Sold by all druggists at 2 cents each.

A FEW OF THE REMEDIES. 'o. 30 Cures KhenmRtlsm In all Its forms. No. 4iO ures Dyspepsia and Stomach Troubles.

No. 3M Cures Catarrh. No. 14 t'ures nuglis nd Colli. No.

66 Cures Nerve and l.oat Vitality. No. 48 Cures General Debility. No. R4 Corel Kidney Troubles.

No. 22 Cures Kemmte Disorders. No. 7H Cures I Orippe. No.

IS Cures Headache No. 74 Cures Liver Troubles. Ask yeur dnurcist for Doctor Ballentlne-s Little hook on Hem. Cures, or write for it to the ballentine Heniedy Co. THE HAI.LENTINE HOMEOPATHIC REMEDY CO.

OFFICES. ROOM 4, MOONKV 111 il.UI.Vd, CUB, MAIN AND (LINTON STRFF.TS. BIFFAI.O. Office hours 9 to 12 A. 1 to 5 and 7 to P.

M. Sundays 1 0 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Erie, the W. Y. the Buffalo Creek and the Nickel Plate. This rlll be the most costly viaduct of all, costing J412.000. It is to be constructed In the shape known as cruciform, the main structure to be in Seneca street, extending from the formal signing of the documents.

Sensational Report Contradicted. Berlin. Oct. 16. A sensational and unfounded report has been sent out from here to the effect that persons were killed and many more injured iiy the df railing of a train bearing recruits on the Saar-Elffel line.

There was a slight be- a military train ami some empty UelT Hcport oiv the World's Fair. Was.htr-gton. Oct. 16. President Palmer of the World's Fair Commission and his associates on the committee on financial reports assembled here for a session of several days, during which the reports to the President and Congress will be perfected.

These reports will present a complete re- 01 accuinyiiMuueina vi uie i- sition. Whitney-Whitney at the Falls. Niagara Falls. Oct. Mr.

Drake Whitney and Mrs. Orare Virginia Whitney, widow of Solon Whitney, were quietly married here last night at the Whitney homestead on Buffalo avenue by Itev. George Kosenmuller. They have gone on an Eastern wedding trip. G.

SEE? IN NEED DRESSED Are World Beaters. 1hc Latest Stylos. SPECIAL OVER COAT SALE SPECUL OVER COAT SALE Third district-West side of Reed street, 400 feet fcouth of Sycamore street. Fourth district East side of Fillmore avenue. 200 teet north of Broadway.

Fifth district West side of Wolti avenue, 7u0 feel north of Sycamore street. Sixth district East side of Lathrop street, 300 feet south of Walden avenue. seventh district West side of Keystone street. feet south of Walden avenue. FIFTEENTH WARD.

First district Cherry street, north side, i25 feet east of Michigan street. Second district Elm street, east side. 103 feet north oi Hurton street. Third district In front of No. 553 Oak street.

Fourth district High street, north side, 120 feet west of Ellicott street. Fifth d-strict High street, north side, about 50 feet west of Michigan street. SIXTEENTH WARD. Fiist district On the south side of Cherry street. 50 feet west of Spring street.

Second district On the north side of Cherry street, luO feet east of Peach street. Third district-On the south side of Carlton street, 51 west of Lemon street. Fourth district On the north side of High street 75 feet west of Peach street SEVENTEENTH WARD. First district South side of Dodge street, about 300 feet east of Masten street. Second district Vacant lot, south side of Glenwood avenue, about 150 feet west of Purdy street.

Third district Vacant lot, west side of Waveriy street, about 3u0 feet south of Puffer street. Fourth district Vacant lot, northwest corner of Glenwood avenue and Masten street. Fifth district West side of Michigan street, opposite Laurel street. Sixth district Vacant lot, southwest corner of Ellicott and Dodge streets. Seventh district South side of Best reet, between Oak and Elm streetB, in front of Nos.

and S9 Best street. EIGHTEENTH WARD. First district Northwest corner of Grey and Cayuga streets. Second district North side of Best street, opposite No 453 Best street. Third district East side of Herman street, 350 feet north of East North Btreet (vacant lot) Fourth district Southwest corner Roeh-rer and Klngsley streets.

Fifth district North side of Ferry street, 6t0 feet west of Humboldt Parkway. Sixth district Northwest corner of Glenwood avenue and Kehr street. Seventh district Genesee street opposite Rohr street. Eighth district Southeast corner of Genesee and Zimmerman streets. NINETEENTH WARD.

First district Corner Maryland street and Trenton avenue. Second district No. 227 Trenton avenue, vacant lot. Third district Vacant lot on Fourth street, between Carolina and Georgia streets. Fourth district Triangle of Front avenua and Court street, fifth district No.

2 Evans street. Sixth district No. 42 Commercial street TWENTIETH WARD. First district On Niagara street, In vacant lot opposite Police Station No. 10.

Second district in vacant lot on Niagara street, opposite No. 374. Third alstrlct Southwest corner Carolina and Niagara streets. Fourth district In triangle bounded by Niagara, Morgan and Mohawk streets. Fifth district In triangle bounded by Mohawk, Franklin and Genesee streets.

Sixth district In front of City Hall, on Franklin street. TWENTY-FIRST WARD. First district Southeast corner Franklin and Tupper streets. Second district Meech street, at the corner of Allen street. Third district Southeast corner North Morgan and Virginia streets.

Fourth district Northwest corner Caro-. Una street and West avenue. Fifth district Whitney Place, at Junction Chippewa street. Sixth district Southwest corner Maryland and Tenth streets. Seventh district East end Norrls Place.

TWENTY-SECOND WARD. First district Vacant lot, southwest corner Niagara and Vermont streets. Second district Triangle bounded' by Niagara and School streets, and Prospect avenue. Third district Thirteenth street, south side, 25 feet east of Hampshire street. Fourth district Vacant lot, southeast cor.

ner Herkimer and West Ferry streetB. Fifth district Vacant lot, east side of West avenue, about 100 feet north of Ferry street. Sixth district Vacant lot, south aide of Delavan avenue, about 150 feet west of Congress street Seventh district Vacant lot, northwest corner Lafayette and West avenues. TWENTY-THIRD WARD, First district Utica street, south side, 50 leet west of Richmond avenue. Second district Southwest corner of Vermont street and Richmond avenue.

Third dltrict-North side of Jersey street, midway between Fourteenth street and Normal avenue. Fourth district North side of Pennsyl-vanla street, 25 feet west of West avenue Fifth district Northwest corner Porter and Normal avenues. Sixth district Southwest corner Massachusetts and Normal avenues, TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. First district West side of Main street 150 feet south of Summer street, vacant lot Second district-Vacant lot, south side of Utica street in front of livery stable. No.

Third district Southeast corner Lerln. ton and Atlantic avenues. vexing. Fourth district-Northwest corner Delaware and Cleveland avenues, vacant lot Fifth side of Bid- Sixth district Northwest corner F- and Hoyt streets. jerry Seventh district-Vacant lot, southwest corner Tryon Place and Potomac avenu.

Eighth district-West side of Dewitt street, opposite Pooley Place, TWENTY-FIFTH WARD. First ditrlct-At a point on the south side of Amherst street, midway between Deal-born ai.d Niagara streets. Second district At a point on th. aide of Hamilton street about 100 feet west of Thompson street. Third dlstrlct-At a point on the north elds of Farmer street corner Guernsey sYreet Fourth district At a point on tiih side of Hertel avenue, about 200 feet Tjt Pf Tonawanda street ml Fifth district At a point on the et at.iA of Churchill street, midway between Am I Jtreet eDd Churchill 1 Sixth district At a Dolnt nn th rCr Ml'n Hunt'ngto Seventh distrlct-At a point on the northeast comer of Main atriet and Em For-cat avenue.

MARK 8. HUBBELTv orU-MMnt-nnovi-. CU Ci" wi ii, a tar; no. corn, car. OATS No.

I white cars: No. white 10 cars; No. 4 white, 12 cars; No. mixed, cars; no grade, car. RYE-No.

2 rye, 2 cars. Total track, 35 cars; out elevator, 4L fROMlCE MARK IT. Ruffalo. Oct. 1.

Commission dealers find it Impossible to ecu me nnest, choicest apples mat rsew York State orchards supply at this season above $1.25 a barrel, and oniy two or three varieties bring that figure. Snow apples. Kings and Twenty-ounce varieties will sell as high as that but the outside price for all winter fruit Is tl a barrel. The general crop of apples this season Is unusually large. In New York State the crop is the largest ever known.

There Is a large crop In Michigan and umo, ana Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire ail contribute the share to the atinle least Buffalo commission dealersclalm the rarmers are ruining the marketNby bringing In their windfalls and common fruit, which they do not even take the trouble to pick, and keep the. market full of poor Bluff which they sell for 10c and 2oc a nusnei. The fruit properly picked and sorted and piacea in tne nanus 01 commission ueui-ers, It Is claimed, would bring something, and dealers with fine fruit would not suffer on account of the large crop this year has produced. The grape market is a little firmer with Concords selling at Sfec for nine-pound baskets. Mushrooms are more plentiful than the demand calls for and sell from l-1 a pound to 25c.

according to quality. There Is a wide difference In them and they can be bought for most any price. Turkish figs were among the foreign goods shown by the commission dealers this morning. They come in boxes holding from four to five pounds and sell at 12c a pound. Chestnuts continue scarce and, were quoted at $3.50 a bushel.

Malaga grapes are gradually appearing at the various houses, and sell from $6 to $6.51) a keg. The season is early and the demand light as yet. FULL QUOTATIONS. BUTTER Elgin. 2122c; New Tork Btate Creamery, Western Creamery, ls19c; Taney Dairy, Rolls.

14c; Prims, 20c. ECins Michigan and Ohio, fresh gathered. New York State. ISc; Cold Storage, 14'l 15c per lioz. CHEKSK-Kull Cream, new Cheese Jtt 9Hc: Fresh Skim Cheese.

2fi3c. POULTRY Live Fowls. 7Vi1e per Live Chickens, S'Afj9c per lb; Dressed Fowls, per ni; Dressed Chicks, lO'a 11c per lb; Live Spring Ducks, ao-iM-'O apiece; Dressed Spring Ducks. lL'c per lb; Dressed Turkevs. Il'il3c pr tb.

GAME Partridges. 15.50-uV Squabs, $2.50 per dog. l'ralrie Chlck-V f6-iK50 per Quail, per Mallard Duck, $5 per doz. VEGETABLES Home-grown Potatoes. WaXc per Dushel; Jersey Sweet Potatoes, per hbl.

Virginia tiiveet Potatoes, per New Cabbage, $1 per l''; New York State Onions, $1.30 f2.0O per New Spanish Onions, $1.25 per crate; Lettuce, 2tVif25c per doz. heads; New Beets. 35c Hume-grown Tomatoes, 4('C Celerv, per doz. heads; Cauliflower. $l-iil 25 doz.

heads; Hubbard Squash. 101V- per lb; Green Peppers, ftc per Green Corn. 10c per Carrots. Turnips. per Cucumbers.

20i25c per doz. Spinach, 25c per Lima Beans. 12c per 25c ber bunch: Pumoklns. 8-filOc apiece; Parsnips. io per Mushrooms, 12'2''i25c per Pickling Onions, 75c per bu.

Dried Onions, 3iKe'o per bu. FRUIT-Jamalca Oranges. Pr Messina lemons, choice to fancy, t4.OOS4.50 per box; Palermo Lemons. $4. on 4.50 per box; Maoris, per box.

Grape Fruit. iJ.OO per lox; Malaga Grapes, per keg; Bananas. stock. yellow. 1.5o per hunch; Apples, Flemish Beauty, tl.25fjl.75 per duch*ess.

per Louts Bonne, $2.25 4l2.5t Per Klefer pears. per bbl. Grapes, per pony basket: Niagaras, 7ft1c per pony basket: Concords, 5yt6e per pony basket: large baskets Concords, Si9e; Catawbas 10il2c per ponv basket: Concords In bulk per ton; Naigaras $25'ii30 ptr ton; Cranberries. 5. on per citrons, isKifjOi; per gulnces.

2.25 per Cocoa.nuts. $33.50 per lw. APPLES Snow apples, $1.25 per Kings. $1.25 per Twenty-ounce. $1.25 per common varieties.

per bbl. CALIFORNIA FRUITS-P-aches, tl.lW $1.25 per box; Prunes, $1.50 per box; Tokay Grapes, per box; PearB, $1.50 per box. HONEY Bass wood and White Clover, 1251c per lb; Buckwheat, MtlOc per lb. per bu. Hickory Nuts.

per Butternuts, 50c per bu. DRIED FRUITS Persian Dates. per lb. MAPI.E SYRUP Cans. 75c per gal; Bottled, $2 50 per doz.

FLOUR Best Patent Spring. Bakers' Straight. Bilkers' clear. Spring, Low Grade. Soring.

$2.25 Patent Winter. $3 Best Fan-llv. Wintei. S3.Vk7$3.75: Amber, Family. Winter.

tj.5Vit3.75: Cracker Flour. Winter, $3.5041 Low Gr.Tle J2 40: Graham, best. $3.2541 Rye. No. 1 55; retail price 5oo fer bbl.

higher. MILLFEKD-Coarse Winter Hran. tb $11 Medium. tSTWi $11.75: Coarse, Spring. Medium.

line Spring, Middlings. 50: Fine Winter, $ii $11. Rye Food. r.75'-i$K'.5). Powdered.

$4.71: Standard Powdered. tl.SS: Cut Loaf. Cubes, Granulated Standard, $1.33: Granulated Fine. $4. 33: Mould A.

Buffalo $4.21: Confectioners' Columbia Phoenix A. Empire Prairie ex Crescent ex. $3 71: Steam Refined ex. Central, Traders' ex C. HAY Loose on the market.

per ton; Clover, balled, prime, Timothy, baled, prime, PROVISIONS Hams, Sugar Cured. "Vti 0c pet Tb; California Hams, 6e; Bacon, Sugar Cured. 7c; Shoulders, "iugar Cured, Long Cut, S.e; Smoked Beef. 10-rjl3c; Smoked Beef Tongues, 13c; Genesee Pork, II0.511 per Mess. $11 50; pig.

Short Cut, $11; ('hole. Roll, $12: Pork Lions, 8c; Leona Sausage, 6c: Liver Sausage, 4c; Blood Sausage. Head Cheese, 6c; Wiener Sausage. Ke; Bologna Sausage. 6c.

LA RI White Rose. 4V? In lierces and barrels In tubs; 60 In 20-tb wooden palls; Famllv Lard. 4c In tierces and bbls. 4', In tubs; 6o in 20-rb wooden pails; bakers' lard, tierces. special lard, 41-jc.

FISH-Whlte Flsn. 10c; Trout. Yellow Pike, 12c: Perch, 7c; Blue Pike, 8c; Herring. 5c; Sturgeon. 12c: Black Mass.

12c; Eels, 12c; Salmon. 12c; Fresh Blue Fish, 10c; Halibut. 15c: Cod. 10c; Haddock. 7c; Weak Fish, 6c: larire Mackerel.

30c: medium Mackerel. ISc; Spanish Mackerel. 15c. Funeral Pirecfors Convention. Boston.

Oct. 16. The 15th annual convention of the National Funeral Directors' Association came to a close here. At the business session the representatives of va rlous concerns were present, and lively discussion followed a recommer.natlon calling for the recognition of undertakers by State authorises and Intlrna'lng the ad-visahllity of licensing undertakers and embalmers for the protection of the public. No detlnlte action was taken on this matter, however.

The fallowing officers were elected: President, John H. Sharer of Alliance; first vice-president, F. H. Dickinson of Sprlngtleld: secretary. Charles W.

Mannety of Philadelphia; treasurer, Chas. A. Miller of Cincinnati. Produce Shippers Organize. Chlrago.

Oct. 16. The Butter. Egg and Poultry Association Is the name of a new organization formed here. The meeting was called by the officers of a number of local societies In Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Nebraska.

Clarence J. Chandler of Chelsea. In calling the convention of probablv 60 shippers together saitMhere was a need for an organization In order 10 protect the dealer from the commission men. He said there was no assurance that shippers would get market quoted prices because the commission men made no efforts to protect the shippers and left them practically at the mercy of the buyers. Seven Trained Nurses.

Seven young women, recently graduated as trained nurses from the Homeopathic Hospital, received their diplomas in the chapel of the First Presbyterian Church last evening. They were Ida C. Mltchel, Katherlne Reynolds, Margaret W. Martin, Martha Stoney, Alice Torrey, Jeanetle T. Hollywood and Roslna M.

Seaman. After the exercises in the chapel, the young women went to the hospital, at Cottage and Maryland streets, where a colla tion was served. Seventy guests were present. British Steamer Goes to Pieces. Bt.

Johns. N. Oct 16. The British steamer Paleatrlna ran ashore In a thick fog on the southern side of the Bay of Bulls 10 miles south of this bort. She will probably become a total wreck.

Several wrecking steamers have gone to the scene. I jiter reports sav that half the ship's bot tom Is out. She Is straining badly, and It Is anticipated that she will break amidships if the sea increases. All the crew were savea. For Indigestion tTt norfurV Acid Phosphate, Dr.

W. W. Ginn-lia. SnrinrfUld. Mass.

ays: "1 it aaan exnslltat preventive of tnilcastioa. and a pleasant acidulated anna wnao properly aliatM wita wanr, aad iw tayisd." Atchison 1-W 12T. 13 Canada Southern 43 4j 43 B. s14 C. A St.

25' 25' Chesapeake A Ohio US Hi 14 14 Chicago Gas 51 Delaware A- Hudson Lnuilui 5H 6S 5S 5 Erie 1 lo Ut General Electric T. 27 w-, 2o Jersey Central, ex-dlv. 99-j Lackawanna Lake Shore 144 144 144 144 Lead 3) 1'4 ILi Leather pref ST4 Louisville A Nashville 42 Manhattan 9u' SI1 9." Missouri Pacific 19 1S New Tork Central (W 'i Northern Pacific pref 2u 23- 21 Northwestern SS 98 Pacific Mail 1S 1 IS 19 BewJInit 22''4 SZ-t, Kock Island 60 fi't Bt. Paul 7-1', 6SH Sugar 10fT, 1W, 107', Tobacco 72', 76 72' 75 Vnlon Pacific 7, 7S 7 7 Vabah prsf MS 14S 144 144 Western I'nlon 8o, s3 Wheeling A Lake Erie 6 64 64 Mortimer, nerry, urange. caruon ami Jefferson streets.

Third diatrlct-Hounded by VlrRlnla, Mulberry. Nor'h, Locust, High and Orange streets. Fourth district Bounded by Carlton, Oranjre, High. Locust, North and Jefferson streets. SEVENTEENTH WARD.

district Bounded by North, MaB-tpn Eaton and streets. Hecond district Bounded by Eaton, Mas-ten streets, Woodlawn avenue and Jefferson street. Third district Bounded by Woodlawn avenue. Waveriy, Kerry, Chester, Puffer, Main streets, Delavan avenue and Jefferson strept. Fourth district Bounded by Utlea, Mieh-ipan streets, Glenwood averuie.

Main, Chester. Ferry, Waveriy streets, Woodlawn avenue and Masten street. Fifth district Bounded by Northampton, Ellicott streets. Coe Place, Main street, Glenwood avenue, Michigan, Utica and Masteri streets. Sixth district Bounded by Edna Place, Ellicott, Bst, Main- streets, Coe Place, Ellicott.

Northampton and Masten streets. Seventh district Bounded by North, Main. Klllcott streets, Edna Place and Masten street. EIGHTEENTH WARD. First district Bounded by Jefferson, High, Johnson, North, Fox and Genesee Btreets.

Second district Bounded by JefTerson. Northampton, Wohlers, Best, Johnson and High streets. Third district Bounded by Genesee street Fillmore avenue, Northampton, Wohlers, Best, Johnson. North and Fox strews. Fourth district Bounded by Jefferson, Ferrv, Wohlers and Northampton streets.

Fifth district Bounded by Jefferson street, Ielavan avenue. Fillmore, Northampton, Wohlers and Ferry streets. Sixth district Bounded by Delavan avenue, Wyoming. Ferry. Moselle, Urban streets.

Belt Line. Northampton streets, and Fillmore avenue. Seventh district Bounded by Genesee street, Walden avenue, Moselle, Urban streets. Blt Line, Northampton streets, and Fillmore avenue. Eighth district Bounded by Walden avenue.

City lint1, Delavan avenue, Wyoming, Ferry and Moselle streets. NINETEENTH WARD. First district Bounded by Lake Erie, Porter avenue, Front avenue. Maryland. Trenton avenue and Hudsbn street.

district Bounded by Lake Erie Hudson street, Trenton avenue, Maryland street. Front avenue, Carolina street Trenton avenue. Virginia, Fourth and Carolina streets. Third district Bounded by Lake Erie, Carolina. Fourth, Virginia strews, Trenton avenue, Carolina street.

Front avenue, Georgia street, Trenton avenue. Wtlke-son strew, Eric canal and Niagara slip. Fourth district Bounded by Luke Erie, Niagara slip. Erie canal. WHkeson street, 1 rwiton avenue.

Georgia street. Front ave nut, Court street. Terrace. Franklin, Lock and Erie streets. Fifth district-Bounded by Buffalo creek, Erie, Lock, Evans streets, Erie canal.

Maiden Lane, Water and Dock trets. Sixth district Bounded by Buffalo creek, Do( k. Water strepts. Maiden Lane, Erie cinal, Evans street. T'-rrace and Main street.

TWENTIETH WARD. First district Bounded by Porter and Prospect avenues, Hudson, Seventh, Pennsylvania streets and Front avenue. Second district Bounded by Hudson street. Prospect avenue, Virginia street, Front avenue, Pennsylvania and Seven tli streets. Third district Bounded by Virginia street avenue, Georgia street and Front avenue.

Fourth district Boundled by Georgia street, Prospect avenue, Huron and Morgan streets, Terrace, Court street and Front avenue. Fifth district Bounded by Morgan, Huron. Main. Eagle. Pearl and Court streets.

Sixth district Bounded by Morgan. Court, Pearl. Eagle. Main street. Terrace, Franklin street and Terrace.

TWENTY-FIRST WARD. First district Bounded by Main, Huron, hrankiin and Edward streets. Second district Bounded by Main and Edward streets, Delaware avenue anil Vlr- flnla ttreet, Park and Allen streets. Irving 'lace, and Nnrih street. Third di Urict B-mnded by Irving Place, Allen.

Park and Virjrlnla streets. Delaware avenue, Trinity and Virginia streets. Kefp AWey. Twemh. Cottage.

iMar-in-T and North streets. Fourth lc: by Delaware avenue. Johnson's Park (formerly Park Place), Carolina, T.nth and VlrgtnUstreets, West avenue. -Malta Place. Twelfth Keep Alley.

Virginia and Trinity streets. Kittn district bv Franklin ana Huron streets. Prospect avenue. Carolina street. Johnson's Park (formerly Park 1'iacp), avenue and jawaru street.

Sixth district Bounded by Carolina street. Prospect avenue. Hudson street, West ivenue, Virginia and Tenth streets. Seventh district Bounded by Mariner, Cottage, Maryland streets, Malta Place, West avenue, Hudson and Wadsworth streets, the Circle, and North street. TWENTY-SECOND WARD.

First district Bounded by Fargo and Porter avenues. Lake Erie, and Massachusetts avenue. Second district Bounded by Massachu setts avenue. Lake Erie, Albany strett, Fargo avenue. Hampshire street and West avenue.

Third district Bounded bv Massachu setts and West avenues, Hampshire street, Fargo avenue, Albany and iiatnpBntre reets. and Lawrence 1'lace. Fourth district Bounded by Albany. Barton. Breckenridee.

Herkimer streets, Lafayette avenue and Grant street. Fifth district Bounded by Albany street, Lake Erie, Auburn, avenue, Niagara, Hreckenrldge and Barton streets. Sixth district Hounded by Lafayette avenue, Herkimer. Breckenridge and De- wltt streets. Delavan.

West and Bird ave nues, and Grant street. Seventh district Bounded by Brecken ridge and Niagara streets. Auhurn avenue, Niagara river. Bird. est and Delavan avenues, and Dewitt street.

TWENTY-THIRD WARD. First district Bounded by Massachusetts avenue. Circle. Richmond avenue, Vermont street, Hodge. Rhode Island and Fifteenth streets, and Massachusetts avenue.

Second district Bounded bv Richmond avenue, Connecticut, Fourteenth, Rhode island streets, avenue, avenue. Fifteenth, Rhode Island, Hodge and Vermont streets. Third district Bounded by Richmond avenue, the Circle, Wadsworth and Hud-eon streets, Onon Place, Pennsylvania street, Normal avenue, York, Fourteenth and Connecticut streets. Fourth district Hounded by Normal avenue, Pennsylvania street, Orton Place, Hudson street, prospect and Porter avenues. Fifth district Bounded by Fourteenth and York streets.

Normal, Porter and Fargo avenues, and Vermont street. Sixth district Bounded by Normal avenue, Rhode Island, Fourteenth and Vermont streets, Fargo and Massachusetts avenues. TWENTY-FOURTH WARD. First district Bounded by North street, the Circle, Riclimond avenue, Bryant street, Delaware ftvenue, Barker and Main streets. Second district Bounded by Richmond avenue, Anderson Place, Elrnwood avenue, Utica, Main and Barker streets, Delaware Avenue, and Bryant street.

Third district Bounded by Richmond avenue, Breckenridge street, Elrnwood, Highland and Delaware avenues, Ferry, Main and Uttca streets, Elrnwood avenue and Anderson Place. Fourth district Bounded by Elrnwood avenue, Scajaquada creek. Main and Ferry Btreets, Delaware and Highland avenues. Fifth district Bounded by Hoyt street. Forest avenue, Rees street, Scajaquada creek, Elrnwood avenue and Breckenridge street.

Sixth district Bounded by Lawrence Place, Hampshire and Grant streets. Auburn avenue. Hoyt and Breckenridge streets, Richmond and Massachusetts avenues. Seventh district Bounded by Grant street, Forest avenue, Hawley, Bradley and Dart streets, Scajaquada creek, Rees street, Forest avenue, Hoyt street and Auburn avenue. Eighth district Bounded by Black Rock harbor, Scajaquada creek, Dart, Bradley and Hawley streets, Forest avenue, Grant street.

Bird stvenue. including Squaw Island. TWENTY-FIFTH WARD. First district Bounded by Black Rock harbor, Hamilton, East, Amherst and Grant streets and Scajaquada creek. Second district Bounded by Black Rock IIAIUUI, naUlatlLUIl, uaaaa, nuiucin, XUltaV- wanda and Austin streets' and Niagara nver.

Third district Bounded by Niagara river, Hertel avenue, Tona wanda and Austin streets. 1 Fourth diitrlct Bounded by Niagara ter will be done at the Clinton street crossing of the Erie. This subway will nearly completed for this work, and the cost about $115,000. and means a vast Commissioners expect to advertise for amount of work. The Erie tracks will bids for the work very soon, be raised one foot higher than they are i Another set of plans which the which will make them' four feet ployes of the commission are very busy higher than the natural grade of the with, and which will be completed very street and the street will be depressed soon.

Is that for the viaduct- at Smith to allow a clearance of 13 feet In the and Seneca streets, which will cross the First district Bounded by Tec*mseh. Alabama, Sandusky, Hamburg, Mackinaw, Katharine streets, Indian Reservation line, Buffalo r'ver, Ohio and Ivouislana streets. Second district Bounded by Mackinaw, Alabama, Miami, Hamburg, Sandusky, Alabama, Tec*mseh and Louisiana streets. Third district Hounded by Exchange, Alabama, Perry, Hayward, Elk, Alabama, Mackinaw and Louisiana streets. Fourth district Bounded by Red Jacket, Fulton, Hamburg streets, Coatsworth Alley, Alabama, Elk.

Hay-ward, Perry and Alabama streets. Fifth district Hounded by Coatsworth Alley, Hamburg, Fulton. Red Jarket, Elk streets. Indian Reservation line, Katharine, Mackinaw, Hamburg. Miami and Alaliama streets.

THIRD WARD. First district Hounded by Main, Eagle, Oak, Swan. Center. Seneca. Wells and Exchange streets.

Second district Bounded by Oak, Eagle, Michigan, North Division, Chestnut, Souih Division. Michigan streets and Booth Alley. Third district Hounded by Michigan. Eagle, Cedar, South Division. Chestnut and North Division streets.

Fourth district Hounded by Oak street, Booth Alley, Michigan, Myrtle, Chicago, Seneca. Michigan. Exchange. Wells, Seneca. Center and Swan streets.

Fifth district Bounded by Chicago, Swan, Spring and Seneca streets. Sixth district Hounded by Michigan, Seneca, Spring, Myrtle, Jefferson and Exchange streets. Seventh district Bounded by Michigan, South Division. Cedar, Swan, Chicago and Myrtle streets. FOFRTH WARD.

First district Bounded by Red Jacket. Exchange streets, Indian Reservation line, and Elk street. Second district Bounded by Jefferson, Seneca streets, Indian Reservation line, and Exchange street. Third district Bounded by Emslle, Eagle streets, Fillmore avenue and Seneca street. Fourth district lto.und'd bv Jefferson.

'Eagle, Emslle and Seneca streets. Filth district Bounded by Spring, Eagle, Jefferson and Myrtle streets. Sixth district Hounded by Eagle. Spring and Swan streets. FIFTH WARD.

First district Hounded by Lake Erie, Louisiana street extended, Ruffalo river. Indian Reservation. Fulton street. Smith street, extended to Lake Erie. Second district Hounded by the Indian Reservation line, Seneca street, Buffalo Creek Railroad.

F.Ik street. Lee street. Abbott Road, Buffalo creek, Smith and Fulton streets. -7 Third district Bounded by Fillmore Parkway. Clinton, Babcoek, Seneca, Orlando streets, Buffalo river.

Abbott Road, Lee street. Elk street, Buffalo elreek Railroad, Seneca street. Fourth district Bounded by Clinton street, City line, Buffalo rtver. Orlando, Seneca and Babcoek streets. Fifth district Rounded by City line.

Smith street, extended to Lake Erie, and Buffalo SIXTH WARD. First district Bounded by Eagle, Michigan streets, Broadway, and Main street. Second district Bounded by Mntn. Huron, Sycamore. Michigan streets and Broadway.

Third district Bounded by Sycamore, Michigan, Tupper and Oak streets. Fourth district Hounded by Huron, Oak, Tupper and Main streets. Fifth district Bounded by Tupper, Michigan, Goodell and Main streets. SEVENTH WARD. First district Hounded by Eagle.

Pine. Clinton, West Bennett, William and Michigan stree'h. Second district Bounded by William. streets, Broadway, and Michigan street. Third district Bounded by E.igle.

Hick ory. William. West Bennett, Clinton and Pine streets Fourth district Bounded by William, Lutheran streets, Broadway, and- Bennett streets. Fifth district Bounded by Eagle. Pratt streets.

Broadway. Lutheran, William and Hickory streets. EIGHTH WARD. First district Bounded by William, Jefferson, Eagle and Pratt streets. Second dislrlct Bounded by Howard, Monroe.

William, Adams, Eagle and Jefferson streets. Thlnl district Bounded by Jefferson, Peekham. Adams, William, Monroe and Howard streets. Fourth district Bounded by Mortimer street. Broadway, Adams and Peekham streets.

Fifth district Bounded by Pratt street. Broadway, Mortimer. Peekham, Jefferson and William streets. NINTH WARD. First dlstrlr-t Bounded by Adams street.

Broadway. Sherman and Peekham streets. Second district Bounded by Adams. Peekham, Sherman and WUliam streets. Third district Bounded by Sherman street, Broadway, Smith, Lovejoy, Colt and Peekham streets.

Fcurth district Bounded by Sherman, Peekham, Detroit and William streets. Fifth district-Bounded by Smith street, Broadway, Klllmore avenue and Lovejoy street. Sixth district- Bounded by Detroit, Peck-ham. Colt and Lovejnv streets, Fillmore avenue and William street. TENTH WARD.

First district Bounded by Krettner. How ard, Emsile, Eagle, Adams and William rtreels. Second district Bounded by Stanton, Howard. Iird, Eagle, Emslle, Howard, Krettner and W'illlam streets. Thbd district Bounded bv Smith.

How ard. Montgomery. Eagle. Lord, Howard, Stanton and William streets. Fourth district Bounded by Fillmore avenue.

Eagle. Montgomery, Howard. Smith and William streets. ELEVENTH WARD. First district Bounded by City line.

Clinton, Lewis, Howard, Babcoek and Wil liam streets. Second district Bounded by Metcalfe, William, Babcoek, Howard. Lewis and Clinton streets. Third district Bounded by Clinton street, Fillmore Parkway, Peekham, Play-ter, Curtiss, Clark, William and Metcalfe streets. Fourth district Bounded by Fillmore Parkway.

Broadway. Playter and Peck-ham streets. Fifth district Bounded by William. Clark, Curtiss, Playter Broadway and Erie R. R.

Belt Line. Sixth district Bounded by William, Erie R. R. Belt Line, Broadway, King, Ben-ringer, Ludlngton and Gold streets. Seventh district Bounded by William, Gold, Ludlngton.

Benzlnger and King streets, Broadway and City line. TWELFTH WARD. First district Bounded by Broadway. Michigan, Sycamore and Ash streets. Second district Bounded by Broadway, Ash, Sycamore, Michigan, Genesee, Walnut, Sycamore and Spruce streets.

Spruce, Sycamore. Walnut. Qeneses and" HlCKory sireeis. Fourth district Bounded by Broadway, HlcKory. sycamore ana Mortimer streets.

Fifth district Bounded by Sycamore, HicKory, uenesee ana Mortimer streets. THIRTEENTH WARD. First district Bounded by Broadway, Jefferson, Davis, Genesee and Mortimer streets. Second district Bounded by Broadway. Monroe, 'Brown, Adams, Davis and jenerson streets.

Third district Bounded by Broadway, Grey, Genesee, Adams, Brown and Monroe streets. Fourth district Bounded by Broadway, Sherman, Genesee and Grey streets. FOURTEENTH WARD. First district Bounded by Sherman, Genesee. Strauss and Sycamore streets.

Second district Bounded by Strauss, Genesee. Mills ana sycamore streets. Third district Bounded by Sherman, Hvcamnre. Keea streets, ana Broadway. Fourth district Bounded by Reed, Syca more streets, waits avenue ana Broadway.

Firth district Bounded bv Wolta av nue. Sycamore, Mills, Genesee streets, Wal- aen ana sweet avenues, ana nroaaway. Sixth district Bounded by Sweet, Wal an mnA Ulller avenue Rroariwav. 8eventh district Bounded by Miller and Walden avenues, city line ana uroaaway. -FIFTEENTH WARD.

First dUU let Bounded by Ganasst, Hick subway. The subway will be a long one, for It will be spanned by 14 tracks. Over a Million to Spend. The plans for this work are also practically completed, and all that Is neces sary before advertising for' bids Is the 1 river City line. Military Road.

Austin and Tonawancla streets, ana nenei avenue, Including Strawberry Island. Fifth district Hounded liy Tonawanda and Austin streets, Military Road, City line Delaware avenue, Scajaquada creek. Grant and Amherst streets. Sixth district Hounded by Delaware avenue Amherst street, Parkslde. Jewett.

Fillmore. I.e Roy and Kensington avenues, and City line. Seventh distrlct-Qounded by Delaware avenue, Amherst street. Parkslde. Jewett.

Fillmore. Leroy and KenslnRton avenues. City line. Delavan avenue. Main street, and Scajaquada creek.

Polling Places. FIRST WARD. First district On the north side of Fulton street. feet east of Chicago street. Second district-On vacant lot, 360 feet east of Chicago street, on the south side of Elk street.

Third district Vacant lot. southeast corner of Elk and Columbia streets. Fourth district On the east side of Illinois street, ISO feet north of Perry street. SECOND WARD. First district East side of Hamburg street between South street and N.

L. E. W. H. U.

tracks. Second district South side of Mackinaw street feet east of Kentucky street. Third district South side of Perry street, 10O feet east of Louisiana street. Fourth district-South side of Perry street 100 feet west of Hamburg street. Fifth district-East side of Hamburg street, 100 feet north of Elk street.

THIRD WARD. First district Southeast corner of Ellicott and Swan streets. Second district-No. 112 North Division "Third district-East side of Chestnut street. 60 feet south of North Division street.

Fourth district Myrtle avenue, wi icci east of Michigan street. Fifth district iortn pan ui io. mi Swan srreet. BlYth district North side of Exchange. street, feet east of Louisiana street.

Seventn district w.nci cago street and Myrtle avenue. FOURTH WARD. First district Vacant lot opposite 715 Perry street Secona otsinci uinci roll streets. Third district Vacant lot, Seymour street, opposite Bond street. uvmrth district North Division street and West Shore Railroad.

Fifth district soutn sine douir iivioiun street. 1W feet east of Spring street. Sixth district Hickory street, east siue, 100 feet north of North Division street. FIFTH WARD. First district Abbott Road, south side, 400 feet west of Harvey Place.

Second district boumwesi corner and Selkirk streets. Third district-South side of Perry street. 100 feet west of Orlando street. Fourth district corner irvupc and Wescott streets. Fifth district houtneast corner auuuii Road and South Park avenue.

SIXTH WARD. First district Northwest corner Clinton and Ellicott streets. Second district Nortnwest corner uruaa-way and oak street. Third district-Elm street. In front of No.

314. Fourth district Northwest corner Elli cott and Chippewa streets, Market grounds. blrtn aismci in iruni ut nu. ljusi Tupper street. SEVENTH WARD.

First district Clinton street, north side, 150 feet east of Michigan street. Second district Potter street, east side, 160 feet north of William street. Third district Cedar street, east side, 150 feet north of Clinton street. Fourth district Walnut street, east side, 150 feet north of William street. Fifth district Hickory street, east side, 150 feet south of William street.

EIGHTH WARD. First district South side of Bristol street, 100 feet west of Jefferson street. Second district East side of Monro. Jtreet, 25 feel south of Clinton street. Third district West side of Madison street, 135 feet north of William street.

Fourth district West side of Monroe street (center), between Peekham street and Broadway. Fifth district Northeast corner Spring and Holllster streets. NINTH WARD. First district West side of Emslle street, 500 feet north of Peekham street. Second district East side of Emslle street, 6')0 feet south of Peekham street.

Third district West side of Shumway street, 200 feei south of Lovejoy street. Fourth district East side of Shumway street. 200 feet south of Peekham street. Fifth district East side of Detroit street, 200 feet south of Broadway. Sixth district West elde of Townsend street, 400 feet south of Peekham street.

TENTH WARD. First district East side of- Watson street, 150 feet south of Howard street Second district North side of Bristol street, midway between Bond and Emslle streets. Third district East side of Shumway street, 150 feet north of Howard street. Fourth district Vacant lot northeast corner Oneida street and Fillmore avenue. ELEVENTH WARD.

First dlstrlct-rBalta avenue, In front of No. 146. Second district On commons, west side of Jones street, south of Fleming street. Third district Vacant lot, William street Fillmore avenue and Curtiss street. Fourth district On commons, east side of Clark street, between Lovejoy street and Broadway.

Fifth dlstrlct-Houghton street, 800 feet south of Broadway. Sixth district South side of Lovejoy street, 100 feet west of Greer, street. Seventh district South corner Lovejoy and Gold streets. TWELFTH WARD. First district North side of Cypress street, 150 feet west of Pine street.

Second district East side of Ash street, 100 feet south of Genesee street. Third district West side of Hickory street 100 feet south of Oenese street. Fourth district East side of Pratt street, 100 feet south of Sycamore street. Fifth dletrlot East side of Pratt street, 100 feet north of Sycamore street THIRTEENTH WARD. First district East side of Camp street, 0 feet north of 8ycamore street Second district Triangle, boynded by Madison.

Becawtth and Sycamore streets. Third district West side of Adams street 160 feet north of Broadway. Fourth district East aid. of Johnson street. M0 feet south of Sycamore street 1 FOURTEENTH WARD.

First district West aide of Reed stmt, 100 feet north or Sycamore street Second district West side of Fillmore avenue, 400 feet north of Sycamore street settlement of the c*nton-Babco*ck point west of Fillmore avenue a distance streets land matter, which was laid be- of 1S00 feet, to a point Just east of the fore the Commissioners Monday. Tn Buffalo Creek railroad. The other arm order that this matter may he expedlt- of the structure will be located In Smith ed, Commissioners Sandrock and Weber street, spanning the tracks of the Erie have been appointed a committee to Just south of Seneca street and extend-act with the Erie in the negotiations Ing north Into Fillmore avenue, toward obtaining the desired strip of The plans for thlS viaduct are all land. ready and the commission will adver- Next In order comes a long list of 12 1 tise for bids as soon as the contract with subways, which will complete the Cen- the W. X.

Y. P. Is executed. This Is tral grade crossings work as far out as practically done, and all that remains Is LOCAL GKA17I MARKET. Buffalo, Oct.

15. SPRING WHEAT The demand was fair, but nothing over car lots was taken. Limits were anything but tlrm, and on several grades showed weakness. Limits, old No. 1 hard, spot, lc under New York December, old No.

1 Northern, spot, a2c under, new No. 1 hard, spot, l'c under, new No. 1 Northern, spot. SVa gc under, new No. 1 hard.

c. 1. 3Vc under, new No. 1 Northern, c. 1.

oc under. At noon old No. 1 hard, siot, was held at 75vc, old No. 1 Northern, spot, 76Vkc, new No. 1 hard, spot, 75c, new No.

1 Northern, spot. new No. 1 c. I. Tic, new No.

1 Northern, c. 1 71Tc. New York December wheat opened at TCc, and sold at noon at W1NTKK WHEAT The market ruled qulei, demand and offerings being moderate. A tlrm tone still prevails, Michigan No. 1 white and No.

2 red In store being heid at 7c over Chicago December, and No. 3 at 3c over. At noon Michigan No. 1 white and No. 2 red In store were held at 77c, No.

3 red 73c. No 2 red on track extra No. 3 red 76c. CORN The Inquiry was light and the offerings on track were confined to small quantities. No.

2 yellow SOVtc, No. 3 yellow 3oc. No. 2 corn No. 3 corn on track.

No. 2 yellow In store No. 3 yellow No. 2 corn 2V. OATS The demand was quite good.

No. 1 white 23V. No. 3 white No. 4 white lSi-c.

No. 2 mixed Is V. No. 3 mixed on track. No.

2 white In store. 24c. CLOSING GRAIN QUOTATIONS. SPRING WHK AT Limits, old No. 1 hard, spot, lc under New York December, old No.

1 Northern, spot, 2c under; new No. 1 hard, spot. I'it under, new 1 Northern, spot, 3c under, new No. 2 Northern, spot, 4lc under, new No. 1 hard, c.

3c under, new No. 1 Northern, 1. 6c under. Closing prices, old No. 1 hard, spot, 76c, old No.

1 Northern, spot, 75c. new No. 1 hard, spot, 75Wc, new No. 1 Northern, spot, 74c, new No. 2 Northern, spot, 72Vjc, new No.

1 hard, c. 1. 7c, new No. 1 Northern, c. 72c.

WINTER WHEAT No. 2 red In store TTHc. No. 3 red 734c, No. 1 white 77'ic, No.

red oirtrack 7Sc, extra No. 3 red 76c. CORN No. 3 yeliow on- track 31c asked. No.

2 yellow In store 29c, No. 3 yellow 29'4c, No. 2 com OATS-No. 2 white 234fT24c, No. 3 white 20Vt21c, No.

4 white No. 2 mixed lSVc No. 3 mixed on track. No. 2 white In store 24c.

RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Buffalo, Oct. 15. The following are the receipts and ahip-ments of grain at various points for the past 24 hours: RECEIPTS. Wheat.

Corn. Oats. Chicago 196,000 609,0110 S71.000 lio.OTO 22.000 Milwaukee 56.000 10,000 34.000 86.000 13.000 37.000 12,000 1.000 Detroit 16.000 ft. Louis 78,000 44,000 mluth .1.000 Minntapolls.tts.OOO Wheat. Corn.

Oats. BajTy.Rye. fln U0 371.000 218,000 1 11. 908 I' 107,030 I urnrrcTioH, Oct. 16.

Tria Conway w. owing can of train hours taalnt P. Oct. I hud, can; Ho. 1 William street.

Ihese subways will be located and cost as roiinws: Swan and Seymour. South Division. North Division. Eagle. Clinton.

Emslle. Fillmore avenue, Howard. $170.00 William, Ixird. Smith, Oneida, $120,000. Thes foot up altogether the sum of $1,345,000, which figure gives some idea Ul INC HIIU'inu ui imii in spent in grade crossings work, considering that this'sum is for the subways under the Central road alone.

This work will necessitate the raising of the Central tracks 7 feet, all the way from Swan street to William. The work will not be begun until next spring, as It would be useless to try to raise the tracks and at the same me carry on business in the winter. At William Street. In the' meantime the crossing of the Erie at William street Is tn be done away with by a subway, which will cost $54,000. This will not take so much time as some of the others, as there are only three tracks The plans are very BLACKWELL'S aa4 twa pasta tatslaU each saw auasa kaf sUaak-wall'a Darkaaa.

my a kaa; as this celafcsate UtaNK aa rasd tka uaap wfcluk gtrat a list valsakU pras ajata mmM kaw a gat tkaaa. will mi mmm ata sack tm kas, If 3 ijNlSk I 'KT.

The Buffalo News from Buffalo, New York (2024)


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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.